Cecil Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!! 'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
Cecil Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!! 'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
I'll be there on Friday afternoon. I think the Grapevine shows are pretty nice actually. It's always a pleasure to get to spend some time with Dick Osburn at those shows. So, I know how to find JBSteven and the Numish...but how will I know how to find GSAGUY?
I'll use the secret password "Joe Dirt." Anyone bringing any nice seated dimes they're wanting to unload?
I look forward to meeting some other forum members!!
Sorry....my kids are five and nine....so since the movie wasn't animated...I didn't get to see it. Oh well, I'll find you and I look forward to meeting you.
The hours for the show listed in Coin World are Fri....2-6, Sat.....9-6, and Sunday......9-3. They let Carlos and me in early on a Friday once, but I suspect that was because they knew they could at least catch Carlos if we did anything bad.
Too much to do at work on Friday to make it, but I should be there for a lot of Saturday afternoon. Will be bringing some toned commems to see if I can unload.
I've shaved the goatee since the last show and managed to lose a little weight. Attached pic was taken about two weeks ago. If you see me and I don't recognize you, please say hi.
Do not fall into the error of the artisan who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft while in fact he has had only one year of experience... twenty times.
I just got back from the show. Talked to numerous dealers, and met a few board members while I was there. I also picked up some nice coins. There were quite a number of people there. Well, now i'm off to work (to pay for the days expenses).
toned coins, classics and some moderns for sale.
please stop by and give the secret password/handshake for special deals!
<<please stop by and give the secret password/handshake for special deals! >>
pssssttt.....the password is 'Joe Dirt'.....for the handshake....you're on your own.
Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
-Jarrett Roberts
Total Copper Nutcase - African, British Ships, Channel Islands!!!
'Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup'
You can laugh at me but please don't laugh at my coins. Thank you very much. They are very sensitive.
<< <i>pssssttt.....the password is 'Joe Dirt'..... >>
this is the kind of humor I enjoy
that is the password.
I'll use the secret password "Joe Dirt." Anyone bringing any nice seated dimes they're wanting to unload?
I look forward to meeting some other forum members!!
Early Bird Dealers pay $25 and get in at 10:00
I think the public is 1:00
Just listen and follow all the "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhssss" and "Ahhhhsssssss." That's GSA guy showing off all of his beautifully toned Morgans.
the secret password is when you find me. Have you seen the movie? if so you will understand the password when you see me.
i will be arriving around 10-11 am as I am driving from Houston Friday morning.
Sorry....my kids are five and nine....so since the movie wasn't animated...I didn't get to see it. Oh well, I'll find you and I look forward to meeting you.
Take care.
They let Carlos and me in early on a Friday once, but I suspect that was because they knew they could at least catch Carlos if we did anything bad.
-Jarrett Roberts
I've shaved the goatee since the last show and managed to lose a little weight. Attached pic was taken about two weeks ago. If you see me and I don't recognize you, please say hi.
-Jarrett Roberts
I've heard that line before.
I'll be there this afternoon.
who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft
while in fact he has had only one year of experience...
twenty times.
<< <i>I will be setup there. Affordable Coins of Houston, short guy with long hair, that's me. >>
I'll shill for ol' jb here....if you go to the show, find his table. I've bought some good stuff from him...and he's dealin'
Plus...us 5'6" guys have to stick together...
-Jarrett Roberts
You clean up pretty good!
-Jarrett Roberts
Friday 2PM-6PM
Saturday 9AM-6PM
Sunday 9AM-3PM
-Jarrett Roberts
-Jarrett Roberts