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My comments on the new policy.

fcloudfcloud Posts: 12,133 ✭✭✭✭
In life, things aren't fair. It is their message board and they get to make the rules. I'd like to think that constructive criticism would still be allowed.

As for the members booted off, I think they should have been given a warning or two first, and after being informed of the new rules, and if they did not follow after the warning/notification, than at least I would feel it was more justified.

I am sure many here are listed on both PCGS and NGC message boards. And for some reason things seemed out of control over here (on some topics), while over there more civilized discussions.

Freedom of speech lost? I don't think so. You can speak your mind, but we are guests here, and should act with respect when here.

I think many of us have made some comments here that, maybe, shouldn't have been written, and should have known better (myself included). Just because something is legal, it doesn't mean it is right.

Now, PCGS does continue to have some issues, and it is obvious David Hall is making changes. We may not agree with everything he does, but he has to set the direction of the company, that's his job to make tough decisions. I feel honored to be a member of a message board in which the President of the company who supports this message board, joins in discussions on a weekly basis.


President, Racine Numismatic Society 2013-2014; Variety Resource Dimes; See 6/8/12 CDN for my article on Winged Liberty Dimes; Ebay


  • FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977

    Well thought out comments. I agree with all but one point.

    Virtually all of the critical posts on this board are not constructive criticism. They are nothing more than dirty laundry lists of situational dissatisfaction. If people want to provide constructive criticism, I suggest they pick up the phone, write a letter, or send off an e-mail. The party they are "trying to help" will then see this private criticism as constructive. Constructive criticism is not posted in a message forum for the world to see. Let's stop using this smokescreen of calling blatant criticism "constructive"

    Now if you would indulge me in allowing me to edit your opening line to read *In life, things aren't fair. It is their message board and they get to make the rules. I like to think that criticism would still be allowed.*

    Now I agree 100%

    edited to change from 2nd person to 3rd person
  • littlewicherlittlewicher Posts: 1,822 ✭✭
    Everyone says that PCGS owns the boards and everything else. So let me ask you this, where does PCGS get the money to run these boards? Us of course! We should be able to speak freely about problems, and PCGS should fix the problems. Don't get me wrong, I still like PCGS and still submit coins to them. All problems can be worked out in a peaceful manner.

    For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever.
    -Laura Swenson

    In memory of BL, SM, and KG. 16 and forever young, rest in peace.
  • MadMartyMadMarty Posts: 16,697 ✭✭✭
    IMHO, this is what I feel the pecking order of customers is to PCGS.

    #1 High price submissions (the 1 and 3 day, high buck submissions)
    #2 High volume dealers
    #3 Regular dealers
    #4 Bulk submissions
    #5 Us, we are at the bottom of the totum pole, everybody elses stuff gets done before ours.

    But we are the ones who hang out here, buy the slabs submitted but the top of the PCGS food chain. I agree, PCGS owns the board, and we are a very small part of the money PCGS brings in. But we are the collecting community, we come up with the new ideas. I don't think anyone shouild be banned without warning. If it wasn't for us bottom of the totum pole collectors buying the PCGS slabs. The board would not be here, because PCGS would not be here.

    Whew, I feel better. Only ranting because I have a over 50 day submission sitting at PCGS.
    It is not exactly cheating, I prefer to consider it creative problem solving!!!

  • FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977

    << <i>So let me ask you this, where does PCGS get the money to run these boards? Us of course! We should be able to speak freely about problems, and PCGS should fix the problems. >>

    Another lame smokescreen. I can assure you that PCGS makes their money off of their dealers. Not its forum members. Anyway, regardless of where the money comes from, once they have it, it is theirs to do with as they see fit. Not how you see fit. PCGS did not create this forum for customer's to air dirty laundry. They created it as a place for people with similiar interests to congregate and share knowlegde, experiences, and develop relationships. If you can not accept this reality, and play by their rules, then exercise your only true right you have on this forum, the right to not visit or use PCGS services.

    Reality Check for One and All - This is a business!
  • RKKayRKKay Posts: 3,017 ✭✭✭
    I agree that we are guests of PCGS on the boards, and also agree that PCGS should make every effort to limit the use of their boards to constructive threads and statements. However, it seems there has been a mass exodus as a result of the "No PCGS bashing" position. Perhaps there can be some sort of forum that can permit board members to submit complaints for straight answers. I know the Q&A board is intended to do so, but there is no guarantee the complaint will ever see the light of day once submitted. Perhaps a new board could permit a private discourse which can ultimately be summarized for the rest of the board members in a way that helps educate us all while at the same time guaranteeing it does not turn into a "Bag on PCGS-fest." Maybe this is a naive suggestion, but it is just MHO.
  • If the intent was to remove criticism of PCGS, then the action was a dis-service to the company and to the board. A company's reputation rests on it's actions, not on what other people, and in this case, a small minority have to say about them. I'm the first to say that I hate trolls who are just out here to insult and act like morons. Greg was not and has never been one of these people to my knowledge. To remove his access from the board I feel was a wrong move. If anything, David could've offered to speak to any of the members via telephone or in person at a show to patch up any differences.

    One collector's humble opinion.

  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,424 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This is my first and last comment on the situation. I just plain do not see how a person believes they are above a company like PCGS. To constantly be harping on the same subjects for ever and ever just plain makes no sense to myself. That is exactly what has happened with this situation in the period from August 2001 since I have been on these boards. If I was so upset and pissed off at a company for the things they do a for sure seperation from that company would occure. Why sit around and think you as a person are going to be the savior for all. Get a grip it just will not happen.

    I do not know what went on behind the scenes, and personally do not really care. Maybe both parties are the blame and maybe not. Put yourself in the same position and see if you really think you could stand someone or multiple people constantly attacking your integrity for a sustained period of time. Could you put up with that ? Some how I just believe you would not especially in your own back yard.

    Some people on this forum, and other forums, just plain do not know how to treat other fellow human beings with any respect. This is something that is also painfully obvious. Hell if you do not care for a person or that persons ideas just plain do not respond to the person at all. Whats gained by Flaming or belittling the person ? In my opinion just a little bit more of your own Luster Rubs off when this is done. Hate to really say this but if you do not have anything good to say just plain say nothing. Thats the bottom line period. I guess in the long run what "Goes around Comes Around" this could and just may happen with the parties involved in this whole damn mess. We will see I believe.

    This is suppose to be a Hobby, well for some. Obviously it is not for others. If you want to make it a business take your problems to whomever but keep the business problems off this board. I do really believe this board was set up for collectors and thier coins. If it was set up for business problems I think instead of saying the "US Coin Forumn" it would have been named the "PCGS Business Forum"

    Rant Over.

  • DIMEMANDIMEMAN Posts: 22,403 ✭✭✭✭✭


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