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gotta ask this question. everybody please read, concerns all



  • The Draft was suspended in 1969

  • << <i>

    << <i>Everyone should state their opinion, but when it gets time to get down and dirty, one should back the US 100% >>

    If your opinion is that the US is acting against everyone elses wishes... then why would you support them in any way. >>

    Everyone's elses wishes? By all means, US should only consider doing what everyone else wants us to do. I guess, if an airplane landed on your school (or your child's school), you would ask another country what you should do. LOL Possibly, the government knows a few more things than you do.
    Nowitzki & mavs stuff

    References: cpdhenry, clearandvalid, lafrentz06,
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  • you all want to cry till you will need help from the good old USA and then we will be the next best thing since sliced bread..... cracks me up how everyone is against us untill they need our help. my hats off to anyone that serves in the armed forces, they keep me and you safe from every dictator that has his own ideas. really gets under my skin
  • Last time I checked.. we didnt ask for good ole US for help... in fact.. they asked us for help..lmao
  • Ummmm nowitzki... I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about in the last response...lol. US and Tony Blair... those are the only ones in the UN that is for a war.
  • and you are from?
  • I am from Canada
  • The UK, Spain, Italy, denmark, poland, croatia, hungary and many eastern european countries have pledged support for the US. France and Germany arent the only european un members in case you havent noticed. Here is a post on the open forum that shows how Europe stands on the war. good post about how Europe stands
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • Some various thoughts:

    1) Trust me, I'm about as suspicious about U.S. military policies as anybody, but not only is Saddam an almost-certain threat to the U.S., but he routinely terrorizes Iraqi citizens. He needs to be ousted, if not killed, and unless somebody convinces me otherwise, that's a key motivation of my cautiously hawkish attitude in this very particular situation.

    2) The first Gulf War led to thousands of Iraqi civilian deaths, many of them caused by weapon malfunctions and sheer carelessness on the part of the U.S. military, all while we were force-fed this "surgical strike" and "Nintendo War" propaganda (just calling it what it is) by mainstream U.S. media. U.S. military policy had better keep minimizing civilian casualities a priority just about if not just as high as dealing with (arresting/killing) Saddam and higher-ups in the Iraqi government. Also, after the current Iraqi government is dissembled, the U.S. had better be prepared for the long haul with regards to establishing a peaceful, hopefully-democratic government while respecting their culture and beliefs.

    3) Yes, the positions that countries like France and Germany are taking do look bad, and I don't think they are handling the situation too well, but the populations of these countries are typically anti-war in the first place, so what was the U.S. expecting? Secondly, even though it's not wonderful, it's a fact of life that if they don't get Iraqi oil, their economies are likely to be royally screwed for awhile, and if Iraq decides to do what they did to Kuwait the last time around, it could be a full-fledged economic crisis for many European countries. Sure, it'd be nice if they were a little bit more accomodating, but is the U.S. ready to fork over many billions of dollars to help Europe weather the almost-imminent economic storm this war is likely to lead to? I doubt it......

    4) Honestly, I think many protestors are a bit misguided in their views regarding the potential for war, but to be honest in their beliefs at a time like this is courageous, not wimpy, and I think they do raise issues that do need to be addressed.

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  • bjork:

    1. The "POLICIES" of the MILITARY are public, the policies of the Administration were put in place by the people, you know, by one of those rights that these policies try to uphold, the right to vote... you may not like them but as an american you should support the will of the majority until you have the next opportunity to change the majority by vote.

    2. Until you have stared down the barrel of an AK47 pointed at you by a 12 year old or watched your buddies blown up by a baby in a stroller wrapped in explosives, don't address the combatant issue.

    3. The position that the French are taking is one for a Financial Client not a enemy of humanity, their attitude would be different if we had to visit the Eifel Tower of Germany......

    4. 'Oh Canada, lest you forget, the French don't want to be part of your country anyway...Mon-Real'

    If you aren't old enough to vote, you should sit down with your parents or voting aged friends and relatives and discuss these subject with them and find out how they stand and why... you may be very suprised............

  • << <i>

    If you aren't old enough to vote, you should sit down with your parents or voting aged friends and relatives and discuss these subject with them and find out how they stand and why... you may be very suprised............ >>

    I happened to vote in the 2000 and 2002 elections, thank you very much image and saying I should "support the will of the majority"...!? I guess I have to accept the fact that many people do support the President's stance but saying I should SUPPORT it... how far do you want to carry that proposition? I'm sure I don't have to point out to you past "wills of the majority" that have been extremely harmful...

    As far as the "combatant issue" is concerned, trust me, I had several friends in high school that are likely (to be) getting their first in-action experiences quite soon, and I will ALWAYS appreciate what soldiers do, but my concern is with people on the higher rungs of the ladder and their decisions and the effects of those decisions on civilians. Saying I should have experience on the front lines to have a say about human rights... now that is surreal...

    Kobe Who? image At least Dwyane pays proper respect to Da Big Aristotle image

    Yes, I collect shiny modern crap image

    All your Shaq are belong to me image
  • I wish everyone could have seen the story that I saw the other morning about the Iraqi born US Marine that was over there on the front lines in Kuwait. He could tell you the real story of what is going on in his country. He went through desert storm in his country, then was able to come to America. All he wanted to do was join our US Marines so he could go back and help his people be free of the "horrible dictator" that has terrorized his own people for so long. They have no way of standing up to Saddam, it is do what he says or be killed. It's hard for us to understand the suppression these people have been under. No one wants war, but if steps aren't taken to end this madman and his friends evil deeds, the whole Middle East will soon be under his power and it won't stop there....It is just a shame that our so-called friends are taking the "if it doesn't effect us, why get involved" way out. You can't be isolationists. If you had to choose between the US and Iraq, who would you really trust? Is making money off of selling Iraq goods, chemicals, and buying their oil really worth decades of friendship with the US? You actually think Saddam wouldn't turn on those countries in a New York minute if it suits his needs? He turned on his own people for gods sake.....Believe me, he is loving every minute of all these protests, and the media is playing right into his hands....
    I still collect Tim Duncan! Love all high end auto's, and game used basketball of Tony Parker, and Ginobili too! image This means more to me than any card...You can catch me on my site: Highlight Reel Trading

  • I happened to vote in the 2000 and 2002 elections, thank you very much image and saying I should "support the will of the majority"...!? I guess I have to accept the fact that many people do support the President's stance but saying I should SUPPORT it... how far do you want to carry that proposition? I'm sure I don't have to point out to you past "wills of the majority" that have been extremely harmful...

    Please do point them out.....
  • I say: Make announcement and tell all people there to leave country within a week, otherwise they will all die. Bomb the hell out of them. Wipe them off map. Then suggest torture the laden and hussain, then put them in a hole for next 50 years with just enough supplies to keep them barley alive.
    LET"S GO CUBS!!!
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  • I am for war because now is the time to kill Huessain and bin Laden. Now is also the time to disarm Iraq before a huge disaster happens. Although Osama and Huessain will soon be dead, the terrorism will never stop, its impossible to get all the terrorists out there. The US does have the strongest military in the world, so soon Iraq will be one of the weakest countries in the world.

    Lets Go Buffalo!


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  • ronha13ronha13 Posts: 252 ✭✭
    Let's just say I beleive that the 7 year tribulation has begun. And if you really want to know what is about to happen, read the Book of Revelation. And remember, if your not a Spirit filled born again christian, it's gonna get a lot hotter come judgement day image
    2001 Playoff Honors, Honor Roll Buy Back (1996 Playoff Leather Bound, Eddie George) PSA 10 =1/1 **2001 Press Pass OS2 Drew Brees Psa 10 =1/1**
  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    Let's just say I beleive that the 7 year tribulation has begun. And if you really want to know what is about to happen, read the Book of Revelation. And remember, if your not a Spirit filled born again christian, it's gonna get a lot hotter come judgement day

    ? Well, I'll stick to Green Eggs and Ham... A lot better read and not as long-winded image

    To say "you support war" is absurd. War is never beneficial to any of the sides involved. There's always casualties and innocents that die as well as years of destruction. I'm not saying that war is never necessary because history has proven it is, but it just seems to be an option to our government anymore and not simply a last resort. But if they deem it necessary to go in to Iraq, they need to finish what they start this time. If Sadam is the "madman" that Little Bush claims he is, let's not just go in and wreck the place and pi$$ the guy off. We better get him this time.
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