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gotta ask this question. everybody please read, concerns all

who backs war with iraq? who doesnt? personally i think we should bomb the piss outta them. we should drop a few nice bombs on their nuclear plants and let their own weapons destroy themselves. huessain and bin laden should both be lynched mafia style image. i joined the marines about 6 months ago and can not wait to get sent out to kill the idiots. i also think countries like france and russia who we've helped over and over again are pussies, we've backed them every time and they have yet to help us. just my opinions, i have more, but i just wanna hear what you all think. oh and protesters in the US are idiots, they'd rather die than go kill the terrorists, its freaking pathetic, i wish those morons were the ppl that died in 9-11.


  • good luck to ya and thanks for protecting us!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • cardnyoucardnyou Posts: 7,339 ✭✭✭
    bomb ?.......thats so sad man.... erase is more like it image.....i am for it 100%...cuz if we back down now...we will get ran over from now on.....if and when we go to war...the economy will go back up like it always does....we need to go to war in order to fuel the economy....go U.S.A.....and be careful jbugs image

    Tha Finger ... Tha Stunner ... Tha Legend.
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>who backs war with iraq? >>

    I don't.. Bush is one of the most incompetent 'leaders' (if you can call him that, he's just a toy of the oil industry) I've ever seen + he's a dirty hypocrite, and I just can't understand the fact that a lot of you americans still support this guy.

    'War for peace' , 'War against terrorism' ?! Gimme a break..

    1) isn't there ANYONE who realises that once Bush attacks Iraq, Iraq and 3/4th of the Muslim world will strike back? And I don't think they'll attack 2 towers this time, they'll go for something even bigger..

    2) The reasons he gives for a war aren't correct.. he says he wants to 'protect the US civilian', but at the same time he sends 500 000 of those civilians to Iraq, searching for their own death..

    I can really go on for hours and hours about this topic, but I won't because
    A) I can't express myself in English the way I can express myself in Dutch (which is normal since I only use English on the inet)
    B) It's midnight over here and I'm tired image
  • i doubt if there is a war, why in the f*** would America go to war? it would be pointless. Jbugs....would you like it if they threw a couple of bombs on you? Now that would be cool. image

    jbugs, you are a S.O.B., take this post out.

    Dumbass... image

    jeter auto greensboro minor league baseball on EBAY




    70+ refs...just ask!!!

  • thx for all your opinions, now for undertaker. we've been set out to kill them for a long time. they attacked us, they have nuclear weapons that could kill anybody anywhere at anytime. your damn countries are idiots and would rather see a nuke dropped on them than fight to get rid of the morons. they have nothing once hussein and bin laden are dead. and about 3/4 the muslims attacking us? half of them are fleeing the damn country if we attack because they dont back hussein. and by the time they know what hits them they arent gonna have a chance to fight back, ask afghanistan. as for sending civilians? no he sends trained military ppl, like me. there has been very few of us that have died, more of us died helping your weak ass countries. we are the strongest power in the world, and will continue to be. our death toll from this is in the hundreds, theres are in the hundreds of thousands, so you tell me, who's gonna die? the bad guys or us? as for attacking something bigger? they are the idiots that attacked us on a holiday image) they coulda killed so many more damn ppl its not funny. all we gotta do is drop bombs on their biggest towns and they are screwed. as for N. Korea, they are all talk, we would enilate them. just more of my thoughts image
  • chillin, spoken like a true moron!
  • chillinb- you right, i mean i completley agree with war, but right now, we( the U.S.) isn't even sure who or where the enemy is, so what good would bombs do? i mean are we going to bomb every moutain and jungle we think bin laden is in? I mean we should have prevented things like this not have to fix them. I agree with war, but with who? bin laden? hasn't he shown he has no regard for human life already, we have some of the best trained soldiers and military groups in the world, i think a couple of snipers would do the job, not a whole nuclear war. just my opinion.
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>they have nuclear weapons that could kill anybody anywhere at anytime. >>

    and America doesn't?

    << <i>and about 3/4 the muslims attacking us? half of them are fleeing the damn country if we attack because they dont back hussein >>

    heh, so you think 100% of the Muslim population lives in Iraq? ROFL

    << <i>and by the time they know what hits them they arent gonna have a chance to fight back, ask afghanistan. >>

    Afganistan's army wasn't prepared, and weak as hell

    << <i>no he sends trained military ppl, like me. >>

    right, and they don't have families, relatives etc., so it's ok for them to die

    << <i>we are the strongest power in the world, and will continue to be. >>

    Ok there Clarence, how 'powerful' were you in Vietnam? huh?

    << <i>all we gotta do is drop bombs on their biggest towns and they are screwed >>

    let's see what happens if they DO strike back..
  • jbugs, don't post this kind of threads. you know what, why don't you just go there, fight a war, and never come back (if you know what i mean image).

    Did you hear that?
    Boom, boom, boom......
    S***, jbugs' in doom!
    WTF are we gonna do?
    I'll just scribble another line or two...
    Don't be scared cause i just said BOO!
    Boo, Hoo, jbugs gone
    he was the one
    HA HA HA!!!
    Isn't this so FUN! image

    Rhymes in 5 minutes by chillinbij
    jeter auto greensboro minor league baseball on EBAY




    70+ refs...just ask!!!

  • this post will fuel alot of fire:

    1) As a Desert Storm Combat Vet, i personally was there the 1st time, and the reason we went then because Iraq invaded a neighboring peacful country..they wanted Kuwaits oil.. plain and simple, no need to point out history regarding invasions period.
    2) I personally processed MANY Iraqi pows, who were more than eager to surrender because Sadam left them high n dry in the desert to die for his cause of supremecy in the mid east. All of these soldiers HAD to follow orders or face death for them or their families.
    3) Sadam himself has paid families of suicide bombers/terrorists cash bounties for their "loss", the bounties are still available for those who wanna die for "allah' ..lol
    4) The torture, death, and rapes of his own people who are a threat to his DICTATORSHIP. You dont hear any plans to remove Castro or bomb Cuba do you? No.
    5) If we didnt go the 1st time..what weapons do u think can be produced in the 12years with unlimited cash at hand?

    peaceniks need to forget the" i hate Bush syndrom".. and realize its now or never

    *its not about destroying and bombing Iraq, its about removing Sadam, and giving those people their life back*
  • I support the war. I just wish europeans like undertaker would admit that the reason they dont support the war is they dont like bush, not that they care about civilians. When we bombed Iraq several times during the 90's, there were almost no protests. This is because we had a president whos politics are closer to the average europeans. Now that a republican is in office, europeans act like the US suddenly wants to take over the world. Its all about politics. Bush doesnt toe the line for the europeans so he is an incompetant. Undertaker, you know why many american still like Bush. It is beacause, like it or not, most americans dont share the same world view that europeans have.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • i think its pathetic bush cant find hussein but dan rather can image. as for not knowing where they are at? we know where their nuclear plants are, we have pictures of lots of them, all we gotta do is drop a couple bombs on the plants, and they wont have anything nucs to use on us. we would need a hell of a lotta snipers, we'd need one for bin laden, hussein, all the head ppl behind the two of them, we'd have to locate them all at the same damn time, otherwise the others would go into hiding more than they already are, so that plan would not work. peace isnt just for the USA. its for all the damn ppl them 2 are messing with. how many suicide bombers have killed how many ppl in how many different countries?? think about it/
  • jbugs... you show the typical US male opinion. Its one of the funniest things... everywhere else in the world shares the same opinion.. which isnt the same one as the US. US like always is sticking their noses where it doesnt belong. They havent learnt in the past, and will just end up learning when the get attacked again. And when te US gets attacked again.. they will continue to ask the question "Why would anyone attack us"
  • Heres what I dont get....we attack their supposed "nuclear plants" and expect nothing to happen world wide???...I think that Nukes in general have a thing called "fall out" if im not mistaken...so yeah lets just blow up some shyt that becomes air born....and then ends up messing up the whole world...thats verrry rational...I dont opposes taking Saadam out of power but is blowing up a whole country necessary???...We as tax payers spend millions on trying to find thes damn people and when our "experts" know where they are at and go to get them they find nothing....then we have to spend millions more to blow everything up to try to solve it...only to let the situation come up again....lets not forget what started the Gulf war: Iraq invading Iran...(sound familiar???...terrorism???)

    As or the whole kill Saadam and Osama thing: You can kill them but heres the thing, they are bigger than just 1 person now...they are an idea....a mind set...they essentially are the equilavent of Hitler.......and if I'm wrong then tell me but are there still Aryan groups still around to this day???...The idea is bigger than anything you could ever battle...because its not physical..its mental..its passed right by your gun/bomb and all your training...you can never kill an idea...you can only hope to change peoples minds about it....and do you think that by starting/raising more terrorism by war is any way to prove that they are wrong???....I see both sides but it makes me mad when people get all high and mighty and think that they will end it on their own...there is no way at all and by stepping on other countries toes we are only creating our own future...it doesnt look so good in my eyes by trying to push to the top and create all the "stereotypes" that america had/still has about "our pride getting in the way"...im not saying that it's true but thats what the world has an image of us by doing things like this....but hope you come home safe and DON'T have to use that gun...

    take care,

  • SlipKnot515SlipKnot515 Posts: 1,354 ✭✭
    I believe that the US should act now and cut out Saddam from power before something terrible happens. This is one of those cases where the US should say "screw the UN" and go for it. Let's see, I believe it is France and Germany that both have very nice deals with Saddam for cheap oil. What would happen with those deals if he was removed from power? I also believe that France and Germany are in the UN. Do you really think both would be so adament about stopping the war if they did not have these very lucrative deals...? Screw the French. Screw the Germans. Screw the UN. Until Saddam is out of Iraq, we are not safe.
  • spacktrackspacktrack Posts: 1,084 ✭✭

    Way to post a non-sports related thread on the board. If you can't find the Open Forum to post this political banter, are you sure you can find Iraq to go attack them?

    Take this somewhere else.

  • Euphoria, you talk about american not learning from the past. It seems like eurpeans have forgotten the appeasment of the 1930's.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>Euphoria, you talk about american not learning from the past. It seems like eurpeans have forgotten the appeasment of the 1930's >>

    like it's our fault that some sick psycho wanted to take over the world..
    besides, after WW2, Europe never was involved in a big war, at least we learned from the past (you guys should take a look at what happened in Vietnam.. it's not the same type of war.. but the results might be the same.. think about THAT)
  • epag, great way to put everything. undertaker, how powerful has your country ever been? have they won a war without the US?

    << <i>Afganistan's army wasn't prepared, and weak as hell >>

    and iraqs is image)

    << <i>and America doesn't? >>

    does america attack countries/ppl for the hell of it?

    << <i>right, and they don't have families, relatives etc., so it's ok for them to die >>

    oh so its ok for ppl that die in terrorist attacks and their families? we should just sit back and watch the next attack after the next after the next?

    euphoria, sticking our nose in everyone else's business?? ya we protect the damn weak countries like france, germany, spain etc. they ask for our help and we help them. we've spent more money in rebuilding those damn countries and the countries like japan who deserve a few more nucs still from WWII. if we didnt help out the other countries, they would all be under hussein and bin laden right about now, because they are all weak(aside from china, but they all have aids so what the hell image)

    bbtt- what are you talking about? with mountains surrounding all them nothing would reach most other countries for one. for 2, look what happened in japan? did that affect all the other countries? it didnt even affect all of their country. if they are the same as hitler, then you agree with hitler? and read epag's post, they are brainwashed like crazy, most will leave their country, many will nark their country out when captured, and when this is all over and the select few leading them die, they wont have any consequences to face if they dont do what they are told. they either fight or die under hussein. if we were worried about money, we wouldnt of sent money to rebuild germany, france, japan, afghan and all that, so you as a taxpayer having nothing to say. id rather pay to kill them then to rebuild them.
  • Yes.. i talk about the US not learning... and as far as European countries not learning... they arent the ones trying to get involved and asking for a violent end to something. US and Britan are the only ones in the UN who are pushing for war... nowhere else.
  • EUROPE NEVER IN A BIG WAR LMAO, what do you call WWI and WWII, and who saved europes azz?? uhhh can you say USA USA USA!!
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>does america attack countries/ppl for the hell of it? >>

    erm.. yes.. you're about to.. I'm NOT saying that Saddam doesn't have nuclear weapons, or that he doesn't pose a serious threat to mankind, but for the love of God, Bush DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THAT! can't you ppl realise that? He's a little sock puppet controllerd by the oil industry, he's incompetent and stupid, the only ones who don't realise that are you patriots

    << <i>undertaker, how powerful has your country ever been? have they won a war without the US? >>

    what does my country have to do with this? My country is small, VERY small, we've never even declared war against another country (well.. yes we did against Germany in WW2, and if we hadn't stopped the German army those 14 days, they would have gotten to Brittain and France very easily and YOUR country would have been in danger as well)
  • Correct. The US is sticking their nose in other places business. Why do you think that the only people that think the US is the greatest thing is... Americans. Nowhere else cares about the US. The US stuck their nose places where it didnt belong... and it got smacked Sept 11. Now... the US is out for blood and they dont care whose it is. Once again... nowhere.. other than the British PM Tony Blair supports the US and their actions.
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭

    << <i>EUROPE NEVER IN A BIG WAR LMAO, what do you call WWI and WWII, and who saved europes azz?? uhhh can you say USA USA USA!! >>

    learn how to read smartass.. I said AFTER WW2
  • ok so we are going to kill every person who thinks the same way that saadam/osama thinks??...hmmm..lets try erasing the aryans first..we still havent done that....all im saying is that what we are going for cant be killed....its bigger than anything you can throw their way....might as well be constructive and make sand castles over there....cuz you sure as hell aint gonna kill the idea.
  • UndertakerUndertaker Posts: 5,200 ✭✭
    BTW Jbugs, how are you going to kill Osama if your great american army can't even find his ass?
  • The europeans leaders dont want war because they have economic ties to iraqi oil. Did you complain when europeans needed us help bomb serbia and help get milosovich(sp) out of power? I guess for europeans it is ok to get a mass murderer out of power if he is realtively close to their countries, but it is ok to be a maniac and kill your own people as long as it is far away. I mean, even if saddam has chemical weapons, they probably cant reach europe anyway and in the case that he does use them or invade another country again, it will be the US and Britain who have to shoulder the burden and stop him again so france, germany and russia dont need to worry. They will just be there to complain about why the US didnt stop it before it happened. As far as vietman goes, we have learned that lesson which is if you go to war, go full out.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • LMAO... rooks... its a lot more countries than just europe who dont agree with the US and what they are doing.
  • I know, but the europeans are the most vOcal and the most hypocritical for the reasons I stated above. This war is about oil, but not on the american side. The US does not need iraqi oil. We havent gotten any for 12 years and we are just fine. It is the Europeans and some asian countires who need the oil and want to make sure their nice deals with saddam dont expire. Like I said, this is all about politics and pushing for more power. France and Germany want the EU to eventually rival the US and they hide their agenda by pretending they have some humanitarian opposition to war. There is nothing wrong with what they are doing. Every country attempts to position itself favorably.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • One thing i would like to point out... Isnt it funny that in the past 10 yrs... there is only conflict when a "Bush" was in power. When Clinton was... there was nothing :-) I say... bring back H*rny Bubba Clinton...lmao
  • i say kill them all you..if you don`t or won`t support the country you live in then you should die 2..these picecs oF sh** don`t know anything else but to kill ppl Americans ..anyone that doesn`t think this should be done then try losing a loved one in the towers or a friend or just your average joe or baby ..i love my country and would die for it anytime called too do so..or to protect my family from these feinds.i was brought up beliveing that family,freinds and or beautiful country is the greatest things in the USA.all you sh** heads that think different , go to hell and go over there so i can kill you too with the other pieces of shi* scum that when given the opportunity will kill you and your family and freinds ..hopefully you will realize that you are never safe....

  • I just a couple questions to you guys opposing what Bush does... he may not be the greatest but

    what should we do? if you guys know everything then why arent you president?

    if any of you guys had family in the military or ever was in the military and died you may understand or if you all had anyone in the trade centers,or pentagon,or even on the airplanes that hit the buildings.

    why are all of you so opposed,we live in a democracy did any of you guys whining vote? if we lived as they do in Iraq just think you would all probably be killed just because of the statements that you made!
    think hard about every freedom that you punks have to even sit on these computers and type
    why not try a little patriotism yourselves and be grateful for these people that are fighting for your freedoms

    I collect all! mostly football- My main collectable wants are Jamal Lewis,Ray Lewis, and cool ass auto's

    refs:jeffo81,baird,Romeo,co1lector,Euphoria18,Cardnyou and many more just ask

  • Euphoria, You are joking right? Did you forget about the whole incident in the balkans? The several strikes on iraq? The strikes in afghanistan and Africa? Somalia? During the 8 years Clinton was in office, the US used military force on mare occasions that any time since vietnam. I guess that is ok because he is a democrat though.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy

  • i say kill them all you..if you don`t or won`t support the country you live in then you should die 2..these picecs oF sh** don`t know anything else but to kill ppl Americans ..anyone that doesn`t think this should be done then try losing a loved one in the towers or a friend or just your average joe or baby ..i love my country and would die for it anytime called too do so..or to protect my family from these feinds.i was brought up beliveing that family,freinds and or beautiful country is the greatest things in the USA.all you sh** heads that think different , go to hell and go over there so i can kill you too with the other pieces of shi* scum that when given the opportunity will kill you and your family and freinds ..hopefully you will realize that you are never safe....


  • No offense Chris ..but Canada? Their armed forces are mirrored by our technology and training ..almost as large as the US but only known for hockey and Molsen beer, who would be crying to their big brother if cold war russia slipped in their back door? the US is the enemy because of its support to Israel (that tiny country who would be eliminated by now) the US has nothing to gain by its support of countries in need.. Vietnam had nothin to offer us did they? Does Isreal? No..Now lets go to Grenada, another country in the back door that got overthrown forcibly by the Russians/Cuba..we stepped in again..to gain what? Peace in the region..

  • #1 if you are not an American Citizen you can not possibly relate to the freedoms that we as Americans enjoy, so don't speak for us or our country...

    #2 finish Boot Camp, get sent to the Gulf, and when you return, I am certain your opinoin will mature...

    #3 this is not a BUY, SELL, & TRADE - SPORTS tread, take it to chat or open forum.....
  • ted, ur confusing me. is #2 directed towards me? ill mature a bit, im more mature than half this board will ever be.
  • Read slower, YOUR OPINION, if you finish USMC Boot, you'll understand....
  • I believe that I, and probably everyone else on this board, does not know all of the facts.

    I feel that everyone should educate themselves and then make a decision. I don't believe all of the facts are out there to be read. Hopefully the government knows enough to lead in this situation.

    Everyone should state their opinion, but when it gets time to get down and dirty, one should back the US 100%.

    I have total respect for our armed forces and pray that they all remain safe, and a resolution that improves the world is accepted by all.

    I do not want to kill and I don't want anybody killed, but sometimes you have to swing your stick (or you will strike out).

    Nowitzki & mavs stuff

    References: cpdhenry, clearandvalid, lafrentz06,
    woodson24kg, burress80, chayne2, BigE187211, kr580, bjork73, BUD, DUNCANGAL,
    pacmanssportscards, KOBEcollector, Speedmaster
  • Actually Ed, guess who is building the US equipment and arms?

  • << <i>Everyone should state their opinion, but when it gets time to get down and dirty, one should back the US 100% >>

    If your opinion is that the US is acting against everyone elses wishes... then why would you support them in any way.
  • The thing that still amazes me about this issue is how uneducated both sides are about current and past world events. A number of points made in this thread in incorrect. As an American, it is truly my shame that we take anything from TV and accept it as reality without ever giving it thought. However, as an American I take great pride in the fact that we are willing to act when it is required of us. I have seen a number of references to how the U.S. is constantly seeking to be in everyone elses business. This is inaccurate. If you actually took time to read and understand history, you would know that our presence has been requested in every conflict that we have ever undertaken. A popular reference is Vietnam. We faught in Vietnam because the FRENCH made a mess of things and then abandoned the country. The Europeans begged us to intervene in Bosnia because they were not willing to deal with a conflict in THEIR OWN BACK YARDS. Kuwait and the world begged us to intervene in the First Gulf War. Europe literally BEGGED us to oppose Germany in the First and Second World war. The current state of the Middle East is a result of poor management and rule by the British when they created these countries after the fall of the Ottoman empire at the beginning of this century. None of this was the result of U.S. intervention, but the U.S. is always expected to police the world. I have lived in the Middle East for the past four years and am in a unique position in this argument. I understand both sides of it. However, I am consistantly amazed at the attitudes of my European friends. They openly acknowledge that they are willing to wait for the outcome of this conflict to pick sides. If we succeed, they will express open support. If we fail, they will thumb their noses at us and let the world know that they were right. They have nothing to lose. To them, this is a diplomatic game for favor. To Americans, it has become a personnal threat with very real dangers. I personnally believe that Bush's biggest blunder, is not one of policy, but of PR (Public Relations). Hussein is a threat. He has held the whole Middle East hostage to his whims for too long. He disobeys laws that everyone helped to write (including the "peaceful" Europeans). We have two options at this point. We can take preventive action against a mad-man, or we can wait and deal with whatever HE chooses. I would think that the people of Europe would remember the last time we left a mad man to his own ends. I am not a believer in war for the sake of war, nor for improving a sluggish economy. However, I do believe in doing what is necessary, and that is why I am here now.

    P.S. For those Europeans who express a concern for the peoples of the Middle East in their protestations of war, please spare me the babble. I have traveled throughout Europe. I have seen how you treat these people. You are no more concerned for them than you are the weather. A passing thought maybe. Or maybe you support them, as long as they do not come to YOUR countries.
    Interested in ALL things Raiders
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  • All i have to say is that i am quite impressed with some of the replies in this thread. I may not agree with many of you... however.. there were some intelligent replies.

    that brings me to greatdayne... what you said is mind boggling. The amount of stupidity in your response. Just a wannabe tough guy. If you cant give an actual intelligent response... rather idle and very sad threats... well... have fun...lol. Cant wait till ya grow up and step into the real world
  • dirtmonkeydirtmonkey Posts: 3,048 ✭✭
    I'm not a man of religeon, so I cannot pray but I can say this. My thoughts are with both sides as they enter into this conflict. The most unfortunate thing about these events is that the people that make the decisions that send people to die usually find out this info from their snug little beds... I think it all comes down to puttin these two fools in a ring. I know, I know... never happen. But there's too much of this "my dad's bigger than your dad" $hit and it annoys me.
  • Just remember, history repeats itself:

    Adolf Hitler could've & should've been stopped in 1937, he wasn't, he gained power, and we know what happened after that.

    I feel we eliminate this threat now. People are protesting now, but what will they be saying in 12 months when Iraq drops a suitcase nuke in downtown New York City?

    People say we will provoke an attack on ourselves by engaging in this war...what was 9/11? What is next? Do you people realize that they HATE us and want to kill us and our freedom/beliefs? Not stopping Saddam now will ony let him gain strength, power, and allies.
  • I agree Dirtmonkey. High stakes poker or indian leg wrestling or break dance like the 80's. Your insight is, I think, the most valuable to this arguement. The people making the decisions will not be the ones that suffer. It is a sad state of affairs and one that will not end whether or not we choose to make war on Iraq. The people of the Middle East have a belief structure that is alien to the average American. But I promise you this, we do not have the resolve of these people. Where we have bravado, Muslims have faith. American values are not what they used to be, and that, of all things about this conflict, is what concerns me the most. In the end, this will not be a test of our military, but of our character and beliefs. Eventually we will come to understand this.
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  • Iraq will make one great lookimg parking lot when we are done!!
  • now im not saying i dont like americans its just that why the F*** they have to go start trouble they are like in every single war and have to be peace keepers. now if it will change the news or cnn im all for it. it seems like they are going to do it anyways
  • DisrealTVDisrealTV Posts: 1,153 ✭✭
    I personally don't back the war... you would be just like bush, The world is saying to wait and nobody wants war. But Bush just keeps on pushing, and I also am against the war because I have a Brother in law and a Brother in the war, my in law is a paratrooper ( tell me who is going in first and will be first to die???? ) Bush's little drunks arent the ones fighting.
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