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Who has been BANNED under the new policy?

I don't see any more posts from Legend since the new policy was announced ... Laura, are you still out there? Or have you been exiled? Who else do we think has been banished?

Members ... please post the user names of anyone who appears to have disappeared ...


  • LakesammmanLakesammman Posts: 17,416 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's always quiet when a major show is happening - I'm sure there will be more action when folks get back from the Baltimore show.
    "My friends who see my collection sometimes ask what something costs. I tell them and they are in awe at my stupidity." (Baccaruda, 12/03).I find it hard to believe that he (Trump) rushed to some hotel to meet girls of loose morals, although ours are undoubtedly the best in the world. (Putin 1/17) Gone but not forgotten. IGWT, Speedy, Bear, BigE, HokieFore, John Burns, Russ, TahoeDale, Dahlonega, Astrorat, Stewart Blay, Oldhoopster, Broadstruck, Ricko, Big Moose.

  • Anyone seen GregM (Mean and Evil) lately?


    Always buying music cards of artists I like! PSA or raw! Esp want PSA 10s 1991 Musicards Marx, Elton, Bryan Adams, etc. And 92/93 Country Gold AJ, Clint Black, Tim McGraw PSA 10s
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    I seriously doubt that anybody has been banned at this early stage. I also doubt that more than a very small handful of non-contributors ever will be.

    Russ, NCNE
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Laura is at the show in Baltimore. She will never be banned from this Forum. For she speaks

    from the heart, straight and true. She has no secret game plan, other than reason and equity.
    There once was a place called
  • danglendanglen Posts: 1,674 ✭✭✭
    I have left the forum to go find myself. If I wander in here before I get back, please ask me to wait...image

    My Website

    "Everything I have is for sale except for my wife and my dog....and I'm not sure about one of them."
  • jbstevenjbsteven Posts: 6,178
    I can think of about 3 people that I believe the policy was directed at. Draw your own conclusions or we can make a thread of possible castaways
  • airplanenutairplanenut Posts: 22,243 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>I have left the forum to go find myself. If I wander in here before I get back, please ask me to wait...image >>

    Wait, Dan... WAIT!!!
    JK Coin Photography - eBay Consignments | High Quality Photos | LOW Prices | 20% of Consignment Proceeds Go to Pancreatic Cancer Research
  • RonyahskiRonyahski Posts: 3,117 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Saw Laura in Baltimore today, I'm sure she has not seen this yet. More importantly, how come you didn't give me shot at your 1877 twenty cent piece that is in the ANA auction? Bwwaaahh!

    Good luck with all your coins in auction.
    Some refer to overgraded slabs as Coffins. I like to think of them as Happy Coins.
  • <<<or we can make a thread of possible castaways>>>

    Hello !! That's exactly what this thread was supposed to be !!!
    EVP and Greg (slightly evil) are two possible castaways ...
    if either of you is out there, please post !!

    ((( Daryl,

    As far as the 1877 proofs, it was actually a complete set !! The 1c, 3CN, 5c and 20c are in the Charlotte Sale, you got the 10c, 25c and 50c, and the set once contained the Eliasberg T$1, which is now in the Bowers Sale (consigned by the collector who bought it from me through a dealer). I didn't want to see the 10c, 25c and 50c split up, as they were all from a matched original proof set, as you know. So I wanted those sold privately as a group, but I put the rest up at auction. The 1c, 3CN, and 5c are in matched consecutively numbered holders as a complete "minor proof set." I hope someone buys all three and keeps them together. )))

  • DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭
    Greg's account was pulled this morning without notification. I haven't heard from EVP or Dakra, but I suspect the same.
    Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
    and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    Are you serious? If that's true, I'm sorry, but that blows.

    Russ, NCNE
  • TheNumishTheNumish Posts: 1,628 ✭✭
    That really blows about Greg. Underneath his rough, sarcastic exterior is the heart of a good guy. When all is said and done he just wants to help people see the truth even if it isn't pretty.
  • OK, then so far here is the list of probably BANNED members:

    1) EVillageProwler
    2) GMarguli
    3) dakra

    Please add any others ...
  • I know that Greg was axed. He PM'd me from NGC's boards. If PCGS thinks that banning him here will stop him from offering an opinion, than they are sadly mistaken.

    Although he had a mean and evil persona, there was a ton of truth in what he said. And to be fair, when he needed to gripe about other services' actions, he didn't pull punches there either.
    Keith ™

  • Time sure flies when you don't know what you are doing...

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  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Every action under the sun has ramifications.

    What we sow, we will eventually reap.
    There once was a place called
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Every action under the sun has ramifications.

    What we sow, we will eventually reap. >>


    That's true, but reading Greg's posts it was clear, (at least to me), that most of his criticisms were not without foundation. While he was frequently harsh and brutal, he always took the time to go in to detail and provide real examples of what he was talking about.

    If one were willing to read past the attitude, there was extraordinary value in what he had to say, unlike some around here who trash talk just for trash's sake.

    Russ, NCNE
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    truth without compassion is a form of cruelty.

    I can not condone truth used in such a manner.

    To accept cruelty and yet say a person is a good person

    is something I have never been able to accept.
    There once was a place called
    Testing, one, two, three.

    Well, not me.


  • CLASSICSCLASSICS Posts: 1,164 ✭✭

    << <i>truth without compassion is a form of cruelty.

    I can not condone truth used in such a manner.

    To accept cruelty and yet say a person is a good person

    is something I have never been able to accept. >>

    ...............very well said bear.....words of wisdom once again...........image
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Adrian, I do not understand your last reply.
    There once was a place called
  • CLASSICSCLASSICS Posts: 1,164 ✭✭

    << <i>Testing, one, two, three.

    Well, not me.

    adrian >>

    ...............hey, wheres all the pictures of the toned monsters?image
  • truth without compassion is a form of cruelty.
    I can not condone truth used in such a manner.

    Sometimes you have to be blunt to get a point across. How long has Tad been waiting for PCGS to acknowledge his Ike variety that he was promised, or at least return the coins he sent them?
    Keith ™

  • << OK, then so far here is the list of probably BANNED members >>

    Well, I'm not officially banned, but you can add me to the list.

    I think PCGS' move was childish. Every company has their critics. But even the harshest of all the users here could not deny that PCGS does some good for the hobby; many of them would even say it, even if they were bagging on something. Rather than trying to ignore the problem by banning users, perhaps PCGS should see if their complaints are somewhat justified. I'm not talking about childish stuff like a certain somebody complaining about AU58s. I'm talking about stuff like fingerprint problems (which Greg brought up several times). We hear a lot of talk about it being fixed, but it's all talk. Have you seen any action taken?

    I may pop in from time to time, but I won't be back. You can catch me across the street or at the new NumisAddict board that somebody posted.

  • MastaHanky,

    I agree. I think the move was basically very childish. Many on this forum (especially IrishMikeimage) accuse me of drinking "PCGS Koolaid", and we all know GregM liked NGC more, but I always respected Gregs posts and his views.

    I am asking PCGS to let GregM post here again!

    Always buying music cards of artists I like! PSA or raw! Esp want PSA 10s 1991 Musicards Marx, Elton, Bryan Adams, etc. And 92/93 Country Gold AJ, Clint Black, Tim McGraw PSA 10s
  • dbldie55dbldie55 Posts: 7,736 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sounds like some ostrich remedies to me. At least we can all watch how this unfolds in the markets, something you cannot do with a private company.

    All I want is for them to give variety designations like the rest of the services. (I could care a less if they do it for Ikes though)
    Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
  • DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭

    Surely it does. This forum has been an educational journey for me, and Greg, EVP and many others have been there to provide me a healthy dose of scepticism. Their dissenting opinions provided a reality check whenever someone wanted to blow smoke up my shorts. I could always count on them for REAL opinions, not sugar-coated nonsense. A private warning, and a removal of the thread was appropriate. Pulling a customer's account? Well, it is PCGS's board, and PCGS's choice. Posting here is a priviledge, but so is having customers. I would think pulling accounts couldn't be a good thing. Without dissent, this will certainly be a blander landscape. JMO

    Edited to add - Bear, please don't read my post re nonsense and believe I mean you. I mean the folks who cannot criticize any action PCGS takes.
    Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
    and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
  • If true, too bad about EVillageProwler, he knows the Seated series inside and out. Learned alot from the guy.

    Homerunhall, has to realize just because someone says something negative about PCGS doesn't mean we all buy into it. I will still buy/trade/sell my PCGS slabs but my days on CU will fewer and fewer and.....poof! Just a memory. I refuse to allow others to determine what is fit for my viewing. There are other avenues and I am sure more will pop up and they will be neither NGC nor PCGS sponsored.

  • I don't post here very often, but I do quite a bit of lurking, and as a result of the new policy, let's just say that I'll be lurking across the street a lot more often.
  • EVP is in Baltimore with little to no e-mail access, so in his case, it may just be not having had a chance to log on yet. I sent him a PM through NGC (which e-mails the recipient) to see if he is able to post. No response yet.
    Keith ™

  • dakra is a friend of mine, and he emailed me saying he has been unable to log in - getting a "login denied" error message.

    that pretty much shocked me, unless he had a full fledged meltdown one day when I wasn't looking
    "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did, as opposed to screaming in terror like his passengers."
  • FatManFatMan Posts: 8,977
    As much as I respect CU's right to do as they please regarding the forum, I am very disappointed if these reports of banned members are true. The people mentioned in this thread, although somewhat loud, usually presented their arguments with validation. There are so many others that slam for the sake of slamming. Never any sustantiation. I agree with DHeath that removal of the post and a private warning would have been appropriate.

    Free Greg!, Free EVP!, Free Dakra!
  • Helloooooooo. Not me...yet
  • jomjom Posts: 3,459 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm sorry, but this is a load of crap.

    If you want to talk to Greg (or EVP for that matter), just go on over to the NGC forum (where they are not in the practice of banning people for speaking their mind).

  • Well, if it is true that Greg, EVP and dakra are banned here, I am very disappointed. They have been among the tops to educate me. I haven't yet had a chance to submit too many coins. I haven't submitted to PCGS, but I've learned a lot from their site and from this forum. I am really surprised at today's announcement and if indeed they have already yanked members, that is, in a word, disgraceful. If there will be more activity over at the NGC board, then I'll follow.

    This whole thing soured me, for sure, on PCGS. (I wonder if that will get me banned!)
  • Catch22Catch22 Posts: 1,086 ✭✭
    Jefferson, Thomas Notes on the State of Virginia, Query 17
    Topic: Truth

    It is error alone which needs the support of government. Truth can stand by itself. Subject opinion to coercion: whom will you make your inquisitors?

    When we are planning for posterity, we ought to remember that virtue is not hereditary.

    Thomas Paine
  • mbbikermbbiker Posts: 2,873
    gmarguli just posted this on the NGC fourm...
    "There are two confirmed bans (me & Darka). Still no word on EVP. There could also be others that haven't figured it out yet.

    Too bad for PCGS. I answered 100X the number of questions that David Hall ever answered and my answers were 100% truthful. Wonder if he can put down his fiddle long enough to answer the burning questions?

    I guess it doesn't matter if you've spent over $100,000 in submissions with them - like I have. You can't complain over there because they do no wrong."
  • HadleydogHadleydog Posts: 1,586 ✭✭✭
    I am having a hard time believing this. These people were straight shooters.......you may not have always liked what you heard, but it was straight up. Shame on you, pcgs!imageimage
  • truthtellertruthteller Posts: 1,240 ✭✭
    Gulp!!!!! Is TRUTH next?

  • It is a shame that it had to come to banning members. But I for one have ALWAYS had concerns with HOW Greg posted his opinions. Sure he had many significant issues, I'll grant him that. But hitting PCGS over the head was never the way to gain respect, much less make progress towards a resolution. My biggest complaint about his style if you could call it that, was his lack of respect towards new members and members he thought knew less than he did. There is something wrong with someone who trademarks MEAN AND EVIL to start with! At 29 he has a lot of growing up to do with his people management skills. He WAS mean and evil and deserved to get the boot. Goodbye Greg, I will not miss you.

    Regarding EVP, I for one do not see him getting the boot. He knows how to make his point, and his brand of truth was rarely viewed as a personal attack. He shared his knowledge base freely with experienced collectors, and newbies. This forum needs members like him.
  • DCAMFranklinDCAMFranklin Posts: 2,862 ✭✭
    I sure hope the suspension for EVP & GMarguli are only temporary. I have always found their posts to be quite helpful in this great hobby of ours. image
  • relayerrelayer Posts: 10,570

    Funny that people are checking in to see if it's them.

    GMarguli was one poster who's opinion I respected and I think his only intention was to give his honest opinion.

    Hopefully he can petition for a Presidental Review later.

    Anyway, they've probably done him a favor. Give him a chance to get out and see the what's going on in the real world.
    My posts viewed image times
    since 8/1/6
  • cosmicdebriscosmicdebris Posts: 12,332 ✭✭✭
    Gereg gone? image

    Sure he was a little ruff around the edges but his heart was in the right place.


  • Censorship of anybody or anything is WRONG !!...........Ken
  • ccexccex Posts: 1,188 ✭✭✭
    If this shows up, Mark Twain was right. "The reports of my demise have been greatly exaggerated."
    "Never attribute to malice what can be adequately explained by stupidity" - Hanlon's Razor
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    i liked most of gmarguli's posts.

    K S
  • RYKRYK Posts: 35,798 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I find it somewhat ironic that GMarguli would be banned despite that he by his own admission from previous posts has sent numerous coins to PCGS for grading, while I have never sent a coin for grading (and quite possibly never will) and can post freely.
  • krankykranky Posts: 8,709 ✭✭✭
    If dakra is banned, it was probably for the "Announcements" post he made the other night. The night DH made the Announcements posts he created a new one that was extremely unflattering to PCGS and wrote it as if he was DH, and signed it "HRH".

    New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.

  • Vee haf vays of making you not talk!
    Go well.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I find it somewhat ironic that GMarguli (who) has sent numerous coins to PCGS for grading, while I have never sent a coin for grading ... can post freely >>

    bear in mind that the money comes in to pcgs by way of submissions, but the critical aspect to their success is how freely their slabs trade on the market. 1 might say that the greater contribution to their bottom line comes from you buying a slabed coin, rather than making a submission.

    still, $350 MILLION in slabing fees is a lot of dough.

    dough that could be made into jelly doughnuts for bear.

    K S

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