Should our new coinage express the new more militant spirit of the American people

During WW 1 we had the liberty standing quarter with shield. Perhaps it is time to
return to such representative devices and move away from the dead presidents. Certainly
for one of our regular circulating coins. We could use coinage that is more uplifting and popular with
the general public.
return to such representative devices and move away from the dead presidents. Certainly
for one of our regular circulating coins. We could use coinage that is more uplifting and popular with
the general public.
There once was a place called
Camelot

Semper Fi
W.C. Fields
I think of steak, then I get hungry, then I have to go eat something. Thanks a lot.
<< <i>That might be just a we tad over the top. When someone mentions mushroom,
I think of steak, then I get hungry, then I have to go eat something. Thanks a lot.
........bear, the wife just put on a fresh pot of coffee, care to join us ? i have some fresh donuts too
May have something to do with being a bear.
War and a militant nature will take us back to the dark ages, not the age of enlightment that America has the ability to accomplish, but seems to be miserably failing!
what I was really thinking. Thank you. Bear
<< <i>I would love new coin designs that had designs of beauty and symbols of the great American export to the world of Hope and freedom!
War and a militant nature will take us back to the dark ages, not the age of enlightment that America has the ability to accomplish, but seems to be miserably failing!
Tyler >>
.....................war is hell, but sometimes a militant nature is required so we dont end up back in the dark ages.
define us as a people and was among the most beautiful of American Coins.
My appology to S. America, Central America and Canada who are also known as Americans.
The eagle must be fierce, Liberty must be proud.
My first YOU SUCK on May 6 2005
<< <i>I would love to see Liberty return to one or more of our coins.
The eagle must be fierce, Liberty must be proud. >>
Ursa Bear, Very well said and poetic. Next think you will be writing stories for the Forum.
Actually not a bad idea, we have Tuesdays open.
Bed time for me, got another long day tomorrow...
Big Bear
<< <i>The Standing Liberty is one of our best designs but i do disagree to assosciate her on a coin honering war. That ain't what Liberty is all about.
Semper Fi >>
Liberty IS about freedom, and freedom ISN'T free. Sometimes (often) it has to be fought over to be gained.
<< <i>how about a coin with a mushroom cloud on it, and engulfed in fire. we could send them all over seas, you know like iraq, etc. etc. and to people who want to fly airplanes into buildings, and kill people like children.........or who might be thinking about droping nerve gas on us....... and everytime they spend one, it would be just a friendly reminder as to what will befall them..just incase they get any more ideas............. and on the about a picture of big snake that says.....dont mess with me >>
...or how a coin with a bullet hole thru it? it's a simple thought. simple enuff that those morons might get the meaning. plus, a new area of collecting would take off as 'holed' coins - especially the classics - would become all the rage in collecting.
Barber Liberty's face with Peace Liberty's hair and headdress, with perhaps a more modern shape of nose.
Along the lines of the eagle:
Something between the Peace eagle and the Washington's eagle, but with arrows (only) clutched in its talons (13 of them).
Big bear
Ever seen the state motto. "Live Free or Die"? How about "Don't Tread on Me"? Or Nevada's 'Battle Born"?
Where do you think Liberty is walking/striding TO? The local Food Stamp office?
And why does Liberty hold a shield on some coins, or appear with a shield reverse on others?
Perhaps we all get so hung up on PCGS numbers and cross-overs, that we forget to appreciate that which we are collecting...
As for Marty: With, or without the trademark cigarette? I see an accidental rarety in the works...
In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
Millions on WELFARE depend on you!
How about a coin with:
American soldier bayoneting an Iraqi baby or
American tank running over some Iraqi children or
American bomb blowing up Iraqis to bits or
American general standing atop a heap of Iraqi bodies or
American mothers crying over their American wardead.
Let's show the truth of war on a US coin.
Liberty and a nice shield will do nicely thank you.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the
moments that take our breath away.
">Franklin Halves
">Kennedy Halves
Just the bad ones.
"France said this week they need more evidence to convince them Saddam is a threat. Yeah, last time France asked for more evidence it came rollin thru Paris with a German Flag on it." -Dave Letterman
Hmmm? Stop and made you think? Good, tell your superiors your a true American and do not want a war.
It was to send a message to the world ,thru our coinage , that we are a land of
freedom and of hope, and we stand ready to defend those values against all comers.
I will agree with you. However, if we go to war, an unprovoked war, unsupport by the world, this country will shatter those freedoms and hopes and virtues. We will not be defending democracy, merely stomping on it. Let's show the truth through our coinage?
He did not argue with the threat of SH to this country or the world, but did express the view
that we had not done a good enough job of telling the American people of the true reasons and the
risks in post war Iraq. The problem with the world community, is that with the demise of the
Soviet Union, the balance of power between two super powers has desintergrated into each nation
for itself. While France, Germany, Russia helped build Saddams war machine and chemical
warefare ability and France has certainly benefited from rich oil contracts, there is no true moral
imperative by most nations to do anythingbut enrich commerce and expand geopolitical power.
The security council is the last vestige of that old imperial status that France enjoyed so many years ago.
To impede and embarass the USA hase become an international sport at the worlds greatest
debating society. Freed of the threat of Soviet invasion, NATO is slowly crumbling as different sub
coalitions of nations seek to exert power and influence over the ECU and all of Europe. They remain
dependent on the American condumer to buy their products, the USA armed forces to protect their
borders and USA money to solve their problems. We are surrounded with uncertain allies in a fractured
world. America is in a world wide war that involves terrorists of assorted flavors, and rogue states
with the money and technology to furnish the terror groups with the weapons they need to do us
greavious harm. The UN has wasted 6 months of precious time in a vain effort to find a solution. Time
to allow Saddam to prepare his troops, weapons and suicide squads. Time to cause many more
American casualties in the event war comes. The truth of the matter is that France, Germany , Belgium
do not wish a solutuion, they wish to delay so that the heat of the desert will delay a war for another
year. A year in which they can continue to do bussiness with Saddam. Germany has been active in
helping Libya, N. Korea, Iraq and other despotic regimes build poisen gas facilities. Perhaps because
our moralistic ,quasi allie has had such a long experience with poisen gas and its mass use. There is
little moral authority left in the world, but what there is I hope resides in this nation. Even our staunch
ally England will remain only as long as Tony Blair is able to hold on to his position. According to some
reports , that is becoming more questionable with each passing day. Make no mistake, our nation stands
alone because other nations resent and fear the very land that defended their freedoms, rebuilt their
nations with the Marshall Plan, and nurished their soil with the blood of our nations sons. We will stand
alone if we must, but we will stand tall and proud , beside our beautiful flag of liberty.
First Mr. Richard N. Perle, the chairman of the Defense Policy Board, who is one of the most outspoken and influential American advocates of war with Iraq. The man most credited with convincing the Bush administration to abandon the Joint Chiefs of Staff preference to continue a policy of containment against Iraq, in favor of an immediate war. Perle is also a managing partner in a venture-capital company called Trireme Partners L.P., which was registered in November, 2001, in Delaware. Trireme’s main business, according to a two-page letter that one of its representatives sent to last November, is to invest in companies dealing in technology, goods, and services that are of value to homeland security and defense according to Saudi-born businessman Adnan Khashoggi, who brokered billions of dollars in arms and aircraft sales for the Saudi royal family, earning hundreds of millions in commissions and fees. The letter argued that the fear of terrorism would increase the demand for such products in Europe and in countries like Saudi Arabia and Singapore. Perle’s company stands to make tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars if there is a war with Iraq. Yes folks, good old No. 1 chicken hawk Richard Perle, I’m sure he really cares about who gets killed, and not about the potential millions he stands to make from a war.
And for our brave men and women in uniform, how about an award for Rep.Bill Thomas, the Republican Chairman of the House and Means Committee. The Senate wanted to put measures into the military tax bill that would increase benefits for National guard and reserve soldiers who moved or to help them more with greater deductions for travel expense. Good old boy and flag waving chicken hawk Rep. Thomas balked at more direct tax relief for our soldiers, instead he capped the measures and took up some nice additional tax breaks for rich investors – and no dollar limit! Wave that flag Rep. Thomas, while you take money of the pockets of our men and women in uniform and increase the welfare for the rich and for the corporate interests that are the folks you truly care for.
I suggest some Chicken Hawk commemorative coins – the Richard Perle Profiteering Commemorative and the Rep. Bill Thomas Stick to the Uniformed Services Commemorative. After all, many who oppose the war are doing it on moral and ethical grounds, but some of the main proponents can’t wait to cash in – but they wave flags and shout “War, war!”, so they must be true patriots, right?
From a true conservative in the tradition of Dwight Eisenhower and Barry Goldwater; not the neo-conservative, money-grubbing, amoral chicken hawks. Thank you.
I understand your ignorance, linking 9/11 to the Iraqis. Sometimes it can't be helped, your hate for others than yourself. But try to understand something, my freedoms to point the wrongs of this society are very cherished by me. Unfortunately, you go along with the herd: "Iraqis must die, they are murders, they should be killed, the bricks and bombs should be thrown, they killed Jesus, burn the books, burn the Synagogues, burn in Auschwitz, kill, kill, kill". You see, you just might turn out to be a Nazi without knowing it.
Even your handle is a lie. FReegards!
edited: I can't go misspelling the good lunatic's name now can I.
!Nein, aber ich kann ein Nazi sehen, und es ist dir!
Is that really the best you can do? Next time you'll be drawing pictures instead of using words. So sad.
Slander and Ad Hominem is all you've got.
There ya have it folks. George Bush is the equivalent of Hitler, Mussolini, Mao, Bin Laden, Castro, Saddam, and Kim Jong Il.
How can anyone who believes such bunk even be taken seriously? Obviously, they can't.
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