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Dave Bowers writes: "I am writing to state that I am
overwhelmed and amazed by the calls and e-mails I have
received regarding the sudden termination of my employment
by the new CEO (Michael Haynes) of Collectors Universe,
who arrived on the job on January 1. I have had offers of
money, assistance, help with moving, loans of books, and even
lodging—you name it! I never expected to have such an
outpouring from many of the largest “names” in numismatics,
including quite a few competitors! Indeed, my e-mail file from
well-wishers could well form a nucleus for a book, “Who’s
Who in American Numismatics.” All of this is inspiring and
wonderful to me, and I am extremely grateful. Please pass
my appreciation along to the many NBS members who have
been a part.

As mentioned in my earlier note to you, my research and
writing should be okay in the future — except that my library
of thousands of items is packed in two hastily rented premises,
and it will be some time until I can sort everything out and
determine my legal options. All of this happened unexpectedly
and, as you might expect, has caused many sleepless nights.
Ditto for my other top staffers, Christine Karstedt and John

My spirit and my enthusiasm for numismatics and the people
in it are as bright as ever. I do not yet have a business identity
or telephone, but my contact information is:

Q. David Bowers
P.O. Box 539
Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0539
e-mail: qdbarchive@metrocast.net

PCGS sets under The Thomas Collections. Modern Commemoratives @ NGC under "One Coin at a Time". USMC Active 1966 thru 1970" The real War.


  • Well, that sucks. Maybe we should all boycott CU until they bring him back.

    For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever.
    -Laura Swenson

    In memory of BL, SM, and KG. 16 and forever young, rest in peace.
  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You want him? You can have him...as far as I'm concerned he's just another overinflated ego in the coin industry. Why in the hell is everyone fawning all over him? His ego is bruised so now his little world is shattered. He'll just take his ball and go play elsewhere. Just an opinion from this humble collector.


  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    wow bob!!!image to quote June Cleaver, "Ward, don't you think you were a little rough on the Beaver last night?"

    i don't think anybody is really fawning over QDB. just offering support to the recipient of what appears on the surface as a sudden and senseless corporate decision. i tend toward cynicysm myself, but having been caught with no safety net in a layoff i relate to what's transpired at CU.

    Mr. Bowers has obviously influenced our hobby. if you're a part of that, he's affected you whether you're
    aware of it or not. i feel certain his contributions to numismatics are securely entrenched for generations and he'll surface again somewhere soon. to that end, i wish him and his well.

    al h.image
  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi Al,

    I am totally aware of the impact QDB has had on the hobby. I also think that this may play out in a legal battle. QDB was the one who influenced my decision to get into collecting years ago. However, you get to the point in this and any other industry where it becomes a battle of the titans. I do, however, feel a modicum of compassion for him, and ANYONE, who is suddenly and unjustifiably terminated from their job. But, at the risk of getting totally flamed here, I really don't think QDB is hurtin' for dough...at least I don't think I'll be seeing him banging his tin cup outside of Quincy Market anytime soon image

    Maybe I'm wrong, or just out of step, but I detest looking at this as an industry. And I can't help but hold in even the tiniest bit of contempt those who were influential in that move. Coins should simply be a hobby. Coin supplies and literature are the industry. Or am I just waxing nostalgic?


  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Or am I just waxing nostalgic?

    i don't think so. i was going to comment on that point from you first post because i have a bit of difficulty with that phrase, also. i'm glad to know you were being facetious!!!! i think the hobby has just gotten to the point where it generates so much cash flow that someone coined the phrase and it stuck. as you said, an industry would be supplies or the actual minting process and all involved with that, because the word relates to manufacturing. maybe some collectors really think they are "making" a coin when they get it in a holder. i sure hope they don't, but.........image

    al h.image
  • originalisbestoriginalisbest Posts: 5,965 ✭✭✭✭
    If anyone ever WAS worth "fawning over" it's QDB. And of all the "famous" coin personalities out there, he has above all of them MANY times disagreed with the idea of coins as an "industry". Your criticisms in this regard are far off base. As far as QDB's personal financial situation, must a person be penniless and utterly wiped out before they're worthy of your pity? Something's messed up there. For my part I view it as a sign that karma's working if QDB is well off. Hasn't he done an awful lot of positive things for the hobby over the past fifty years? I'd rather appreciate the good things accomplished by people than tear them down for the financial success they may or may not have been blessed by.
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    strange how philanthropy is often extended to those who need it least. maybe we could all pitch in to help QDB make his yacht payments? i'd hate to see the poor guy go without at least 6 summer homes.

    outhaul - as far as the "industry" goes, i saw it happen with baseball cards years ago. in about 1984 no one gave 2 craps about baseball cards - except for little kids who loved baseball. they were cheap and fun to collect. 2 years later the companies realized that if they controlled the supply of cards they could create an artificial shortage of their product. dealers realized the huge profit potential. baseball cards were no longer traded by little kids but by speculators buying 1,000 sets a time and never opening the boxes (so not to hurt the value). now there's 100 different companies making 100 different subsets each and the price of a pack of cards has gone from 25¢ in my day to $5.

    so now, baseball cards are "collected" by people who likely know nothing about baseball and most likely have never even looked at the cards they have, holding them only for future financial gain. it is officially an "industry" now.

    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • I agree with Outhaul, though Bowers didn't influence my collecting. Way to have the guts to say something that might not be popular.

    BTW, there is WAY to much fawning over certain individuals in this forum.
  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hey Baccaruda!

    Thanks for weighing in! I know exactly what you mean about baseall cards. Leave it to the adults to totally screw up a nice productive hobby for kids. They did the same with Beanies.

    Kaleidoscopic: I know it probably cuts a few people to the quick, but hey...that's the way it goes. Sorta like when I found out my favorite baseball hero (Mickey Manlte) was a fall-down drunk. Boy did that hurt...but it was reality.


  • Well...my favorite bet on baseball, and is having IRS problems again.
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    amen brother. Card collecting heading straight into the toilet has left a bad taste in my mouth. i hate seeing adults get their greedy fingers into things they shouldn't be touching.
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • I stopped buying cards 9 years ago. There once was only Topps.......
    now a bunch of b*stardized sublets of the same new companies putting out cards. Chase cards are problems also.

    edited for spelling
  • ZerbeZerbe Posts: 587 ✭✭
    Card collecting and coin collecting are BIG BUSINESS, that is why there is fraud, lies, deception, and everything else that goes with making big bucks. Too many greedy people. Good luck to Dave Bowers and I am sure he will make his presence known to all of us in some way or fashion, in the near future, and I welcome it !!!
  • leothelyonleothelyon Posts: 8,473 ✭✭✭✭✭
    'to misquote June Cleaver, "Ward, don't you think you were rough on the little beaver last night?" lol

    Leo imageimage

    The more qualities observed in a coin, the more desirable that coin becomes!

    My Jefferson Nickel Collection

  • originalisbestoriginalisbest Posts: 5,965 ✭✭✭✭
    Way to have the guts to bash someone who's been more successful than you? How small-minded.
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    kaleidoscope -

    the thing about baseball cards is that it's no longer "collecting", it's "scratch and win" - the perfect hobby for the instant profit ADD modern collector.

    no longer is it about putting together an entire set. now it's about opening a pack and getting the "gold-foil-leaf autographed game-worn-jockstrap card with super hologram photo" and flip it for an instant $100 profit. toss the rest of the cards in the trash.
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    And just exactly how do you know how successful or unsuccessful I am? Rather resumptuous on your part. Talk about small minded.
  • originalisbestoriginalisbest Posts: 5,965 ✭✭✭✭
    I don't recall "resuming" anything having to do with you.

    Meanwhile, continue to rip on successful people you probably know nothing of personally. Sure it hasn't really ever worked for anyone yet, but perhaps you'll prove the exception to the rule and somehow feel better about yourself because of it. Not to mention the great karma you're building up; so by all means - continue.
  • TrimeTrime Posts: 1,863 ✭✭✭
    Hey guys and gals,
    Read the posts on this forum and you will see that to many this former hobby is about trying to make bucks. When we are not flaming each other we are talking about upgrading, sniping, and out foxing someone else.
    It is unfair to blame the entrepreneurs for giving you (we?) what we want. If you are serious about keeping this a hobby and "collecting the coin not the slab" stop all this cracking and resubmitting stuff buy a few more books and enjoy your collection.
    Bye the way,
    As far as I can tell DH is not doing so well recently in his industry. He has fiduciary responsibilities to his stockholders. He must make business decisions. Based on the past track record they may not always be perfect.
    Somehow , I wish both he and Dave Bowers luck.

  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    Way to have the guts to bash someone who's been more successful than you? How small-minded.

    who's bashing anybody? successful? please.

    the ones who support and further the hobby are those who would collect the common coins, put together sets, enjoy the history with their kids, and pass the hobby to them - those are the "heroes" who will never get recognition here. i don't see that the multimillionaire rare coin brokers are doing a service to the hobby.

    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • gemtone65gemtone65 Posts: 901 ✭✭✭
    Bowers is a contemporary numismatic scholar -- almost an oxymoron these days. I mean who would we put in second place, Anaconda? (No offense Adrian, I love your essays, but how many books have you written rercently?) At the same time, he voluntarily took the money (well, by now perhaps mostly useless stock options) to join this group of vultures. And, have any of you had the experience (notice that I didn't say "pleasure") of trying to SELL him a coin? Also, I found his coin descriptions and prices overblown.

    Don't get me wrong, I always have compassion for people who lose etheir jobs. But, there probably were 50,000 people last month who also were let go, and I venture to say that QDB will be able to hold up better than most -- perhaps better than all.

    So, don't feel too sad for David -- hold your grief for those who fired him. He'll be around long after they are fortgotten for anything of significance except for firing him.
  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Small collectors are what drive the hobby and the associated industry. The multimillionaire industry leaders and investors "fix" prices on high-end stuff which, in turn, drives up the prices of the coins we, the small collector, are chasing.


  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    i'm sure there are those who know as much or more about coins who don't have big bucks to spend on them.

    i agree gemtone. the poor guy who lost his job making 1/1000th of what QDB made - who's sending him money for lodging?

    equate this to the shuttle disaster. flags at half-mast, the prez making speeches, moments of silence, flowery remembrances. that's all fine, but no one acknowledges the guy who died in a factory building steel for the shuttle - working the unglamorous, low-paid job.
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You got that right brother...I'm watching people getting forced out the door in wholesale lots. Some are losing their homes, and their families are falling apart over it. Those are the people I worry about...QDB will do just fine.


  • originalisbestoriginalisbest Posts: 5,965 ✭✭✭✭
    Where's the whining, crying-face-I'm-a-baby icon when I need one? Put your money where your mouth is and HELP someone if you see they need help. But quit talking about it.
  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I do, on a routine basis...do you?
  • It would be interesting to hear why Dave Bowers was canned.
    As an employer, though, I can understand that sometimes hard decisions have to be made. Getting rid of someone that is high profile, but not doing his job is something that just has to be done sometime, and the boss has to do it.
    This is not to say that Dave wasn't doing his job. I have no way of knowing.
    CU must have thought that though or why else dump him?
    I really doubt we'll ever find out the why of his termination, though.

  • PlacidPlacid Posts: 11,299 ✭✭✭
    Here is another one.

    Thank you for the kind words.
    If you wish to donate money to my legal fund or just because you love me you can at the address below.

    Q. David Bowers
    P.O. Box 539
    Wolfeboro Falls, NH 03896-0539
    e-mail: qdbarchive@metrocast.net

    Seriously there is a post in the q&a section here.
  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ..........and barracuda you beat me to that one about the average citizen who perishes daily. not to be misunderstood, though i'm sure i will be, but i have a hard time envisioning the astronauts as some type of heroes.

    but back to Mr. Bowers-----is he really sending out these e-mails or are you guys busting our collective chops???

    al h.image
  • originalisbestoriginalisbest Posts: 5,965 ✭✭✭✭
    Maybe I do... maybe I don't. Why should you believe me either way? More to the point, why should I believe you? Stick your wannabe class envy elsewhere.
  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    Anyone else find it interesting that the folks who posted blaming all of PCGS's problems on Rick Montgomery based on the fact that he was President of PCGS are silent about CLCT and its President David Hall? PCGS has been carrying CLCT yet no criticism of the steward of CLCT?

    Whether Bowers was or was not earning his keep or will miss his salary from B&M is not the point. Someone of his stature in the world we all collect in deserved better treatment. There are ways to keep individuals associated with a firm short of terminating them.
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    people can give their money to whomever they want. who cares?

    but when the sob stories come about about a mutli-millionaire receiving money for his lodging and legal expenses, it's hard for average joe citizen to shed a tear for the guy.

    i wish him the best of luck, regardless.

    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Class envy? It is to laugh.
  • greghansengreghansen Posts: 4,301 ✭✭✭
    I've never met Mr. Bowers, or the posters who have commented before on this thread so I have nothing personal to offer, just a brief general observation. IMO it is very unfortunate Mr. Bowers was released in this manner. Again, it just my opinion, but I think his literary accomplishments alone have done MUCH to advance our hobby. Plus he is a tireless advocate for the hobby from what I can see. I don't feel sorry for him financially...I'll gladly trade places with him on that account...but I think his reputation has been sullied a bit by this uncerimonious discharge.

    With our hobby currently facing credibility challanges from the CoinDocs and RentASlab third party grading services, I think it harms us all when one of the beacons of our hobby is chucked out this shabbily. Regardless of how ruthless or difficult he may be as an individual or dealer (and I have no knowledge one way or another) his lifetime contributions have improved our hobby a great deal. I wonder how many of the rest of us will be able to say the same thing at the end of our careers?

    Greg Hansen, Melbourne, FL Click here for any current EBAY auctions Multiple "Circle of Trust" transactions over 14 years on forum

  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭

    QDB has indeed been treated shabbily. However, numismatics at their level is an industry and big business. This is the real world...Who has the signature line, "It's a dog-eat-dog world out there, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." I think that would be appropriate in this case.


  • Bob,
    You are out to lunch. Your insults are disgusting, and it is obvious you are an idiot who is new to the coin business. You should go
    back to collecting cards.
  • WhitewashqtrWhitewashqtr Posts: 736 ✭✭✭
    I do, however, feel a modicum of compassion for him, and ANYONE, who is suddenly and unjustifiably terminated from their job.

    Do you think they would really let go someone who is such a great asset to the Company? Unless a top executive is adding to the bottom line, there generally is no reason to have them around. Pretty presumptuous to say that he unjustifyably lost his job. I dont know the reason why he was let go, but I am sure there was a good one!



  • Just my 2 cents, but I agree with Whitewashqtr when saying do you actually think they would let someone go that is that big of an asset. To most of the people on this board that do their home work such as....Outhaul.....They know that CU is not in the best of financial situations. It hasn't been that long since they had to do a reverse split 4 to 1 I believe just to stay listed.

    I also believe that Mr Bowers as great as he may be just didn't provide enough to this company to support his salary! That's why IMO he is no longer an employee!

    Don't Cry for him because he is smart enough to move on to bigger and better things just like CU will move on to bigger and better things!

    So origionalbests you can keep sucking up to the Wigs if you like but once againg IMO it's falling on deaf ears.

    There I said it


    "The last thing we want to see is a smoking gun. A gun smokes after it's been fired…. If someone waits for a smoking gun, it's certain we will have waited too long."
  • Haul/Cuda, interesting takes on many opinions here. It amazes me to see the level of ass-kissing that goes on here.
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭

    i'm not putting anyone down, but there's a sentiment that it takes a superior human being to buy an expensive coin. i disagree, it takes a rich one.

    the poor man with no coins can be just as well studied and knowledgable as the man with $50 mil in rare coins. coin collecting is rather an elitist club.

    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!
  • Cuda........I was siding with you and Haul
  • baccarudabaccaruda Posts: 2,588 ✭✭
    i know.
    1 Tassa-slap
    2 Cam-Slams!
    1 Russ POTD!

  • << <i>people can give their money to whomever they want. who cares?

    but when the sob stories come about about a mutli-millionaire receiving money for his lodging and legal expenses, it's hard for average joe citizen to shed a tear for the guy.

    i wish him the best of luck, regardless. >>

    Thought you was talking about Clinton for a minute there!image
    A dealer once asked me if I noticed any three-legged buffalos on the bourse,to which I replied,"...no,but I saw alot of two-legged jackasses..."
  • OuthaulOuthaul Posts: 7,440 ✭✭✭✭✭

    << <i>Do you think they would really let go someone who is such a great asset to the Company? Unless a top executive is adding to the bottom line, there generally is no reason to have them around. Pretty presumptuous to say that he unjustifyably lost his job. I dont know the reason why he was let go, but I am sure there was a good one! >>

    You are absolutely correct. There may well indeed be a good reason for terminating QDB's employment. We may find out, we may not. Bottom line is everything at their level. I just won't be holding my breath for the answer...I'm just going to keep putting my set together.


  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,701 ✭✭✭✭✭
    There is no reason to believe that all the principals in this are not honorable men
    and women. There are many possible reasons for the firing which could be justi-
    fiable and I have little doubt that QDB and company's actions were equally justifiable.
    Even if there were a great deal of animosity precipitated by these changes it would
    not necessarily follow that either party was in error.

    Mr Bowers has published articles recently which could be considered highly critical of
    the grading companies, the registries, the grading system employed, and the custo-
    mers of the grading companies. This is not to say he may have been fired for what
    he believes and writes, merely that peoples actions are based on what they believe
    and that the fit between QDB and CU apparently disintegrated.
    Tempus fugit.
  • PushkinPushkin Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭
  • tradedollarnuttradedollarnut Posts: 20,162 ✭✭✭✭✭
    You honestly believe Q. David Bowers requested donations for a legal fund? image
  • EVillageProwlerEVillageProwler Posts: 5,856 ✭✭✭✭✭

    You don't have to feel that QDB is worthy of the kind of affection normally reserved for gods and demigogues, but you should at least question the veracity of an unverified post claiming that QDB is soliciting money for a legal defense fund.

    And, frankly, I'm surprised that Placid would even post that without any attribution whatsoever.

    Suppose I posted an unverified, unattributed snippet of an email message claiming that you and Placid are really members of the Patriots Movement, would you hope that people question that before jumping on the bandwagon?


    How does one get a hater to stop hating?

    I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com

  • PushkinPushkin Posts: 2,029 ✭✭✭
  • No such requests have ever been made.
    -Andrew Bowers

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