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how do you foucus when you take coin pictures?

Do you put a macro lens on your camera? that is what i use and it seems to work ok but i'm wondering if anyone else has any good ideas. also how far away is the coin from the camera? with a macro lens i've found that it focuses best when the coin is about 6-8 inches away from the lens.


  • GTOsterGTOster Posts: 865 ✭✭✭
    I have been trying for weeks now to get some realy good pics and they are always fuzzy, to much light ,not enought light, too close too far away,wrong angle and it goes on so today I am going to go out and getting a scanner I hear its alot eaiser
    not a pro but hope this helps
  • darktonedarktone Posts: 8,437 ✭✭✭
    I use a Sony mavica and for close-ups or for small coins I use my tape the loupe to the lens trick and I use the zoom from there to focus. mike image
    1. I use the macro feature on my Nikon 885 with the camera about 6" above the coin. I get good clear pics...still playing with the lighting. I found that pics without using the macro feature were not clear. Hope this helps.
    2. BillJonesBillJones Posts: 34,298 ✭✭✭✭✭
      With my 35mm I've used a macro and I have used the close-up lens kits. My digital camera, which is a Sony with a Zeiss lens, gets close enough with it built-in auto focus to take great coin pictures. It can thingsI never knew were there until I flash the picture up on my computer screen.
      Retired dealer and avid collector of U.S. type coins, 19th century presidential campaign medalets and selected medals. In recent years I have been working on a set of British coins - at least one coin from each king or queen who issued pieces that are collectible. I am also collecting at least one coin for each Roman emperor from Julius Caesar to ... ?

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