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Impact Radio Network presents Little Treasures

Well this will be new, here and across the country.
I have been dealing, grading and collecting for 25 years.

I have read posts again and again about how we can help contribute to bring the hobby to others.
In every major coin magazine..etc.

I even responded to the author of an article in Numismatic News on what could be our ideas of the above sentence.
You know what?
He never responded back.

I am a talk radio show host.
I have many shows.
I have spoken with many of the "big names" in our (numismatic)industry.
They would love to come on as guests.

I am going to start a Radio Show called Little Treasures. March 2003
It not only will be broadcast over the air waves, you will also be able to hear it on the net.
I have wrestled with this idea for months. Most of the players are in place.

There is a format..etc.

If your are interested in this, have something to share, please contact me.

Oh, by the way I am looking for a host!

For furthur info email me

Impact Radio Network


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