What amazes me is not so much that you kept them, its the fact that you took the time to make a scan. Wow! I knew tonight would be a little slow but........... JK
Thanks for the post. I love to look at coins, even these.
Stay off the roads and get in the kitchen one of my favorite quarters i have was taken out of a garbage disposal after appently having been in there a while. Being all chipped up it has a great feel and is barely recognizable; unfortunatly i can't show it since i have no scanner. My all time favorite quater though is one i got in change at Eckerds, etched into it is Peace Love and a flower. Unfortunately it's a 73 and not a 69.
Thanks for the post. I love to look at coins, even these.
i have stood in the middle of the road in the summer dodging traffic/waiting for a few second window
trying to pry these coins out of the tar with a screwdriver!!
sincerely michael
If you're looking for money, I can lend you some instead of having you risk your life dodging traffic!
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
sincerely michael
ACG 63 DMPL obviously. I mean come on!