Thanks, for the laugh. Really, the "comic" is off the charts. I was really getting "tense" and I only read about four threads after being off the 'puter for a day or so, So, that was a well placed chuckle!
Welcome back CD! I too, noticed your absence and respect the civility and honor you have always displayed here on the forum. These are our only weapons against the current plague of trollish behavior that has recently besieged our beloved forum. Oh wait, it's the weekend, should all go away by Monday afternoon. (I hope!) Joe
Russ, NCNE
Please excuse Coindaughter's absence. She has been busy making holiday lasagne for the Knights of the Round Coin Grading Table.
Coindaughter's Mom
Mrs. Coinboard, you are up awfully late on a Sunday night, however will you make it to homerun, oops, make that homeroom, tomorrow morning?
a happy and confused z