New Years Wish List for the Set Registry and PCGS

If everyone has a wish list for David Hall to initiate........
What are your wishes?
I wish for all variety sets to accept all varieties recognized by PCGS
with a pop of 5 or more
Iwant PCGS to GRADE all crossovers regardless of whether or not the coins cross
What are your wishes?
I wish for all variety sets to accept all varieties recognized by PCGS
with a pop of 5 or more
Iwant PCGS to GRADE all crossovers regardless of whether or not the coins cross
This should be a no-brainer. They have to enter the PCGS grader-assigned grade, don't they? That means the info already exists. How hard would it be to add a column on the submission status form?
In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
2) Assign a PCGS grade to failed crossovers that can be utilized for Registry purposes (like Stuart says). This will partially counteract the advantage of the NGC Registry whereby both slabs are allowed. Is it really fair to ask a Registry participant to lower the value of their coin in order to participate? Paying the money for the crossover attempt and getting a PCGS grade is a fair compromise!
3) Encourage (with some sort of bonus) participants to open their sets and add pictures.
What a wonderful idea!
Are you say the PCGS should grade the coin.... give it a insert number... but NOT slab the coin . This way you could enter the insert number to Register the coin in the PCGS Registry?
Yes - use the current holder number and add a PCGS control number to allow the PCGS grade to be utilized on the registry. I would do this even if they charged more.
An example: The Vermeule 1873-CC trade dollar that I bought raw out of the Stacks sale last year. I paid $75,000 for the coin and PCGS graded it MS64 and then NGC graded it MS65. An NGC MS65 is worth the $75k I paid, a PCGS MS64 is worth about $45,000. There is no way I am taking a $30,000 hit in order to list that coin on my registry set - instead I have to tie up $45,000 in a duplicate 1873-CC graded PCGS MS64. I have not submitted the coin for crossover yet, but let's say I do and it doesn't cross. There should be a PCGS service where they grade the coin according to PCGS standards and assign a Registry number to the coin.
I like the idea of grading NGC coins that do not cross and allowing them to be entered in the registry. Even better would be for PCGS to allow up to say 5% of a set to be NGC coins. Such coins could be limited to those valued over say $5,000. This would solve legitimate complaints such as those voiced by TDN.
I would like PCGS to initiate an appeal process for those few coins that a collector really believes are higher graded. The collector should be allowed to submit written reasons and have a verbal discussion with the head grader. The answer should come back from PCGS in written form with detailed reasons. Obviously such a service would be charged premium rates, say $300 to $500 per coin.
More than a fair request. We the customers demand it. The information can and should be provided.
Imagine telling PCGS you'll pay for the service if the coin makes the grade you want. If it doesn't, you won't pay. Yeah, that'll work.
What's the difference?
I like the sound of that set. Short, sweet, and to the point. The one that's up now would more like a C/N/S with Varieties Set, I assume.
TDN - I really liked your suggestion on that 75K coin. I'm thinking, maybe I'll start a new company up in 2003. A slab with an NGC AND PCGS label.
The basic type set would be the c/n/s version of the basic gold type set. The basic gold type set is 12 pieces, and is listed under gold in the speciality section. The c/n/s version would have about 35 pieces, and would be for those interested in a high grade type set without all the minor varieties. We had extensive discussion of this idea on the Board last year. After lots of lobbying, David Hall agreed to it, and as far as I know still plans to do it, but only after all the current sets are weighted. I would like to see the idea moved up in the queue.
I wish that the Lincoln Cent short set 1934 - 1958 be added
I also wish for a 1909 - 1934 set be added
I wish Variety sets be seperated from the basic sets.Variety sets need their own link
Great idea. That way anybodys' holder could be used in the Registry once it had a PCGS assigned grade. If fact if you liked NGC holders (for some weird reason
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
My Complete PROOF Lincoln Cent with Major Varieties(1909-2015)Set Registry
Steve: how do all the estimated sets on the Registry sit with you?
Edited to add my response to Spooly's PM:
It's just as good a concept as the "estimated sets" - perhaps even better. When submitted for crossover, PCGS can do all the examination that they want in order to determine the grade.
So the question comes down to this: Is it all about the coins being in the right holder or graded to the right standard? Why should PCGS care what holder the coin actually exists in if they 1) got the crossover fee and 2) assigned a grade according to their own standards?
It would certainly counteract one of the significant drawbacks to the PCGS Set Registry and lead to more participation. All the people who refuse to play the crossover game would jump at the chance to partake of this service, leading to more revenue for PCGS.
I will send Homerunhall an e mail before the end of the year to assure that he reads this thread.
I hope we all hope our wish lists succeed...........
TDN - How do you think NGC would grade the Vermuele 73 cc if you submitted it for crossover in a PCGS ms 64 holder ?
My wish that PCGS GRADE CROSSOVERS is so I don't have to crack out the coin OR if I want to downgrade the coin I will know what it will grade.
That hit the proverbial nail right on it's head!
I would love to see a PCGS pop report for coins that didn't cross, and given a "PCGS" grade. Now that would be interesting!
I like this idea too!
Hidden sets (- 5%) off set ranking.
Sets with Pictures + 5% to set ranking.
In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
My Complete PROOF Lincoln Cent with Major Varieties(1909-2015)Set Registry
I wish PCGS initiate a digital imaging service for all the set registry participants who wish to post images of their coins.
After all NGC has Photo Proof.............
And PCGS hasn't got any imaging service
And the set registry forum has got.......SHYLOCK
You are right about Shylocks pics.His are probably the best I've seen.As anyone who has tried to photograph copper can tell you it ain't easy.Just get him to post his pics of your coins for you.Then you can make your set visible.
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
This is, by far, the best idea I've heard in a long while. I'm all for it! The graders at PCGS have already looked at the coin and given it a grade in order to decide whether or not to cross the coin. All it should take is a little tweaking of their slab number database. The PCGS number should incorporate the original slab's serial number in order to keep a particular coin, in its slab, attached to the PCGS grade. The Registry Set database should be able to recognize this new PCGS serial number in order to allow the coin to be entered into the Registry.
Excellent idea!
I wish for all variety sets to accept all varieties recognized by PCGS with a pop of 5 or more
No way! I'm not pulling coins out of my Frankie set!!!
TDN - I have e mailed homerunhall and BJ a few days ago.
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
2. Lincoln Short Set (34-58) with recalculated (1-10) weights instead of just reusing the weights from the 09-58 set.
3. Seated Type Set.
who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft
while in fact he has had only one year of experience...
twenty times.
I wish PCGS grades more Proof 70 D Cameos so that misled collectors don't pay $16,675 for a misgraded 1963 Proof Lincoln Cent
$1,000 should be more than sufficient
lincolns before this action ends and bring the price to a sane level