Hey Merc guys & gals, set # 19 deleted, anyone notice besides me?

This was the Mr Jones Collection. Of course I noticed, it moved me from # 20 to # 19, but it is sad to see a set deleted. (: I would much rather move up by adding/upgrading than from someone leaving us.
OK Lucybop, there's room on the front page for you now without you bumping me to the netherworld!!! ); Understand, I will not be easily passed, you are going to have to work at it!
OK Lucybop, there's room on the front page for you now without you bumping me to the netherworld!!! ); Understand, I will not be easily passed, you are going to have to work at it!
"Senorita HepKitty"
"I want a real cool Kitty from Hepcat City, to stay in step with me" - Bill Carter
Many collectors value the older slabs because PCGS's grading standards were apparently tighter back then. So these collectors believe that coins in older slabs are potentially undergraded or else PQ for the grade. Other collectors believe that most of the undergraded coins have already been cracked and resubmitted. So these collectors suggest that coins in older slabs are generally fairly graded or perhaps even overgraded.
I have a few coins in the older slabs, AKA "rattlers." I store them with the rest of my coins, in my PCGS boxes. Yeah, they don't fit well at all, but the coins are in order and I am happy.
As far as reslabbing the coins in the older holders, personally I am torn. On the one hand, I'd like for all my coins to have a uniform look because I think that's more pleasing to the eye. Plus I constantly toy with the idea of displaying coins and there I suspect the consistency might help. On the other hand, I appreciate the fact that the slab tells a bit of the coin's history: It was among the first coins to be encapsulated. I also worry that in the reslabbing process I might "win" the lottery and get a nice big fingerprint added to the coin. So, the bottom line is that I haven't (yet?) had the coins reslabbed.
Cameron Kiefer
To answer your question via email. Everything is Cool. Much work for some reason lately. The Old Fart is pooped and has just been off the computer more than usual.