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Guess whose portrait is on all that money...

mr1931Smr1931S Posts: 6,260 ✭✭✭✭✭
You have one billion dollars in front of you...it's neatly bundled and stacked and the Federal Reserve notes are all the same denomination...the billion dollars ($1,000,000,000) weighs 11 tons...

Whose portrait is on the notes,all the same denomination, that comprise the 11 tons of money,one billion dollars, in front of you?

Is it Washington ($1)?
Is it Jefferson ($2)?
Is it Lincoln ($5)?
Is it Hamilton ($10)?
Is it Jackson ($20)?
Is it Grant ($50)?
Is it Franklin ($100)?
Is it McKinley ($500)?
Is it Cleveland ($1000)?
Is it Madison ($5000)?
Is it Chase ($10000)?

for amusement purposes only...no one will receive the billion dollars,or any part of it, for giving the correct answer...or for that matter,incorrect answer either...imageimage

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