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COIN WORLD reporting 317,142 total mintage for 2001 Silver Proof Sets

Evidentally, Coin World is going to report ONLY 317,142 Silver Proof Sets were made in 2001. Haven't seen the copy yet, but they have the story on thier web site.
I think they are making a BIG mistake!
I don't know where they got those numbers from, but I watched the weekly mintage reports last year and the reported mintage was OVER 850,000.
COIN WORLD is about to start a panic!
I hope they have a GOOD legal staff when they start getting sued over this story.


  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    The sets are already bringing stupid money on eBay.

    Russ, NCNE
  • I just checked E Bay and 2001 silver sets are selling in the $80-90 range, but the Coin World story says they are selling for $124.95 on the secondary market.
    This will be fun to watch but I pity those that are about to loose money because of shoddy reporting in a National magazine.
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭
    The $124 is retail, not e-bay.
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
  • TWQGTWQG Posts: 3,145 ✭✭
    Two extras, poised and readyimage
    But, I can't belive that mintage number!
  • certainly in the storage purge they didn't destroy 1/2 million sets
  • Hmmm, I should sell mine.
  • I E Mailed COIN WORLD asking where they got this figure.
    They wrote back that they know they made a mistake and as soon as they find out where the info came from, they will PURGE that source from thier system.
    I guess, just like the NATIONAL ENQUIRER, they forgot to CHECK, and CHECK AGAIN, the source.
    Shoddy journalism!
  • But it was too late as the magazine came to press right? You think the one article will change the market for them for a week?

    TTT so nobody gets burned.

    Cameron Kiefer
  • Just remember that everything you read in the newspapers is absolutely true except for those things about which you have personal knowledge. image
    Buy the coin...but be sure to pay for it.
  • MacCoinMacCoin Posts: 2,544 ✭✭
    my deal is asking 120.oo a set. I'm sure glad I get mine new

    I hate it when you see my post before I can edit the spelling.

    Always looking for nice type coins

    my local dealer
  • We are working on a correction to our story, which we'll post online today. The incorrect figure came from the Mint earlier this year, when we were producing the 2003 Price Guide and asked for final sales figures for various 2001 and earlier programs. That figure, provided by a Mint spokesman in the Public Affairs office, is what appears in the Price Guide and was the source of the figure for our story.
    The spokesman who gave us the information is no longer at the Mint.
    This is not the first time we've received conflicting or incorrect information from the Mint.

    William T. Gibbs
    News Editor
    Coin World
    William T. Gibbs
    News Editor
    Coin World
  • Thanks for clearing it up Mr. Gibbs. At least Coin World thought they were getting the info from a reliable source (the Mint).

    Cameron Kiefer
  • The Mint a reliable source? LOL
  • itsnotjustmeitsnotjustme Posts: 8,779 ✭✭✭
    And to think people believe the mint when they announce something is sold out!
    Give Blood (Red Bags) & Platelets (Yellow Bags)!
  • wayneherndonwayneherndon Posts: 2,356 ✭✭✭
    And now for today's news. Careful or you'll get whiplash.

  • Pretty easy to sell at these prices.

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