We are coin collectors, but how many love history and genealogy?
Seems like the sentiment I get from this forum indicates that we are not only sentimental toward coins, but we have a serious interest of history. I am a genealogist as well as a historian (no college degree in either). Anyone else out there feel the same way? Do all three go hand in hand? Is it what we are all about???? Is the history and the memories of our young lifes the controlling factor of what we now do? It is for me. I remember as a young boy in the mid 50's hearing about the 55 double die. I never forgot it. It's what kept me interested in this hobby! I finally bought three with the highest grade of MS62 RB.
There is also the story about the Gold coins that I was to have inherited when my grandfather died-I never saw them. My father
gambled my coins away before he died-I also inherited the gambling gene.
I was involved in coins in the mid-70's during a short but pleasant period in my childhood (the rest of it wasn't so hot).
I am also a musician who has a fondness for "dramatic" late Romantic-Expressionist music of the late 19th and 20th century, so
the aesthetic and historical aspects of coins is endearing. Finally, as a bit of a recluse who lives off disability money from the VA an
Social Security, numismatics offers me a relatively healthy outlet during my periods of inactivity-and I don't buy ACG MS-70 Wooden
I just have to watch the irrational reactions to posts that strike me the wrong way.
Geneology? Doubtful-this ol' leaf fell off the fractured family tree years ago.
Take care,
SQL Server Database Admin
Also an interest in history and geneaology here but it might be just for some and not others.
of that worn piece of silver that i still have caused a desire to learn about the past and to own as many as i could get my hands on. Then when i got hit with the gold bug all hell broke loose and more History
kicked in right back to Biblical times. I love it. I just wish i had better command of the english lanquage so i could write about what i have learned over the years and render my opinion about Coins and History.
"The silver is mine and the gold is mine,' declares the LORD GOD Almighty."
Are any of the on-line genealogy services any good?
Hell, as I read this, maybe I am a history buff and just don't know it!!!! An uneducated buff. Maybe a wanna be buff? I'm....buffaloed by all this...
Greg Hansen
Melbourne, FL
Greg Hansen, Melbourne, FL Click here for any current EBAY auctions Multiple "Circle of Trust" transactions over 14 years on forum
PS- rootsweb.com is the best genealogy site, hands down. It creams genealogy.com very badly.
It takes a lot work to dig out this information. I was lucky because Comer published an accounting textbook every year, and I was about to find a near complete set of them in the rare book department of the Boston Public Library. The New England Genealogical Society was also a great help. I was even able to find his obituary, which according to the folks at the Genealogical Society was reserved only for prominent people in 19th century America.
I also have a Civil War dog tag that was made for Vermont volunteer. The reverse reads, “Sergt. Horace Gardiner, Hardwick, VT. / Co H / 13th Regt, / VT Vols / For Mary.” I’ve not been about to get too far with that one. Since the dog tag is near Mint State, Horace may have given it to Mary before he left for the field as a keepsake, or he may have fallen soon after he joined the service. Whatever, it is an interesting slice of life.
I've attached photos of the Civil War dog tag.
We have found that people in our tree were there for the California Gold Rush and the Land giveaway back then....I believe they do go together.