I found a CERT Number THIEF !!!!!

I bought numerous coins from heritage last week. I went to go register them and low and behold
all of them were registered by someone else. I informed PCGS and they sent the person a email
and now I can add the coins. But if you go to the section on the PCGS site where you can see the added
and deleted items and I believe I found the thief. (and no it was not the seller that gave them to heritage) These were added when the auction started and then deleted when I contacted PCGS. Should
I tell the board the user name????
I bought numerous coins from heritage last week. I went to go register them and low and behold
all of them were registered by someone else. I informed PCGS and they sent the person a email
and now I can add the coins. But if you go to the section on the PCGS site where you can see the added
and deleted items and I believe I found the thief. (and no it was not the seller that gave them to heritage) These were added when the auction started and then deleted when I contacted PCGS. Should
I tell the board the user name????
A active collector of Modern Proof graded coins. Highligted by my Modern registry sets. (The Lewis' Collections).
Let PCGS take care of the problem instead of having the board trash the name.
Cameron Kiefer
The person can always say they are sorry and move on.
Give up thier name and set name!!!!!!!
Most people learn at an early age to play by the rules. Those that don't should suffer the consequences. Public humiliation would be a good start.
Let that then be a lesson to others, IMO!
But do it in a new thread so it does not get buried in this one.
The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.
This sounds like we're following the Winona Ryder trial
Grow up guys and move on
Noone got hurt
If the person whose name you post wants to offer an explanation he is free to do so.
> Grow up guys and move on
Yep, it's just lying about coins.
That brings the list of things that it's OK to lie about to "coins" and "sex".
Please let me know anything else that should be added to this list.
> Noone got hurt
You know all the consequences of every action?
Please to meet you God!
However I can disagree with you, AND with Stewart, without resorting getting personal. A much better way to phrase your side of someone getting hurt by these actions would be to state who or even how they were, myself, I don't see how anyone other than the thief, liar whatever you call them could have gotten hurt, and I am not God. (my dog may disagree with that)
To much, heck we kept Clinton in office, and he lied under oath. (MUCH greater sin).
Honestly, I think that's part of the problem. The person who held the highest office in our country got away with it. So everything else is just a little bump in the road and doesn't mean a thing.
An no sir, WE did not keep him in office! I don't know who the ones were that did, but it certainly wasn't ME.
In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
Personally, I'd follow our YN of the Year's suggestion:
<< <i>You should do what you think is right. >>
I took the following steps.
I emailed the set users email that was listed in the set. and stated to him/her that this should not
be tolerated. I received a email back with the following reply: K Yes that was it. I will not give the name out. included in the email i sent each and every post on this board in the last couple of days on
cert stealing ect.. I hope they learned a lesson.
Good work Rick.
I don't know why you're addressing me. I don't see anything
in my post that could be construed as a personal attack.
On the other hand Stewart told us to grow up.
I find his post an order of magnitude more insulting than
my sarcastic reply.
> Frankly SO WHAT! He lied, no its not okay and should be discouraged, but banned ?
First off I don't see how your suggestion of doing nothing is
going to discourage this behavior. Second, I didn't say to ban
him, I just want his name made public (and a scarlet 'A' tattooed
on his forehead).
I guess we're all done here.
did you ever think the coins you bought might have been registered in a set and they just needed to be deleted after they sold them ?
I didn't think so .
something should be done to the perpetrator to show that PCGS gives a hoot about honest Reg Set owners..
I'm one that keeps cert records. When I was putting my Two Cent set together, I would record detail information about a coin I passed on, including the cert number. So I can understand why someone would want to know what it is. I just returned a coin the other day and recorded the cert number. I never want to see that coin again!
Bottom line, I don't blame you for not giving it out. It's a shame there's dishonesty in the Registry.
It ticks me off, not the first time this has happened to me. mdwoods
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
Even if they chose to hide their set by process of elimination you would be fairly certain who had registered the coin.
PCGS will include the name of set where the coin in registered in "Certificate Verification" Service.
Will be easy see the origin of the coin and if someone uses inappropriately a Cert number.
No I don't, and that is an excellent suggestion. I am going to call Customer Service Monday morning.
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
No I don't, and that is an excellent suggestion. I am going to call Customer Service Monday morning.
One problem with this suggestion is what to do with "closed sets." For instance, of the top 10 MS statehood quarter sets, 6 are closed.
Of those that are open, out of the top 20 sets, the Donn Murphey Collection and the Pittsburgh Collector are the only sets that have 99-P MS68 Pennsylvania quarters registered. Presumably, at least some of the closed sets also have 99-P MS68 Pennsylvania quarters registered.
Mark, I'm really sorry to hear of your dilemma. I would be rabid if I had won the coin!