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Lakers lost again!



  • No that part was true,Kobe's contract had already been done when they signed T Mac and McGrady did get more $ than Kobe did,That was old news.I just wondered if the part about Kobe being upset enough that he wanted out of his Adidas contract was true.He was wearing the old school converse last night.

  • << <i>It shows how people who lose thier job if they dont evaluate talent well think kobe is the thrid best in the leauge behind shaq and duncan. I have no problem saying duncan is better than kobe, he has led his team to a championship and has showed up in crunch time numerous times. I do have a problem saying tmac is better based on 8 games in an 82 game season where kobe has better all around numbers with less help. I mean tmac had 38 points last night but that doesnt help much when 3 players on the other team get 20-30 points. I thought tmac was a great defender. >>

    You still don't get it. Kobe is about Kobe. He is not a leader. You always blaming it on his team, but it is not always his team. Some games you have to put up big scoring numbers and some games you have to get your teammates involved. Kobe doesn't know when to do what. For example, the last 2 games, Brian Shaw has had the hot hand. Kobe should create shots for him as long as he is in the zone. Once he goes cold, then he can start scoring. It all about winning, not just putting up big numbers (no matter how many shots you make). That's the difference between a leader and just an individual stats player. That's why I like using Jason Kidd as an example, this season he has put up some unusually high scoring numbers, then some games he may have like 10-12 points and more assists than points.

    Kobe averages 23.4 attempts per game and shooting 42.2%.
    Devean George averages 10.7 attempts per game and shooting 40%.
    Samaki Walker averages 8 attempt per game and shooting 35.9%.
    Brian Shaw averages 7.9 attempts per game and shooting 52.4%.

    Kobe's shooting % ain't much higher than George. And out of 8 games, Shaw is shooting a higher % (52.4) and averages 3.2 3 pointers per game and shooting 53.8% from 3 point range. Kobe has over double the attempts than anyone on the team. Now, if Kobe was a leader, he would recognize that and try to get the ball to Shaw more while he is hot (especially since the best player on the team is out). Kobe is shooting 28.6% from the arc, so why does he insist on taking them near the end of the game when Lakers are down?
  • i never really liked the look of kobe's shoes with adidas anyway.. they were a little tough to wear at first but i thought they were great to ball in

    Joe B relax bro it's only sport talk
  • its pretty pathetic when a person has to resort to name calling because he cant win an argument. I see now that your a child, probably around 12. Lets see, kobe is a 2 time allnba defender, tmac is a zero time all nba defender. Oh yeah, its all politics, there is a conspiracy against tmac. What a joke. I love it how try to say that kobe got burned for 28 by a great player in paul pierce and when 3 average players get 20-30 on the magic, tmac wasnt guarding anyone. Your right, he probably was just standing around on defense like he always does, thats why he doest get on the all defensive team, not because of politics. How are you going to rationalize the gm's prefering kobe over tmac? Oh yeah its all politics, get a clue. Oh and auto, how does kobe not get his team involved when he has 8-10 assists every night, how is it he has two triple doubles if he is so selfish? Who do you think dishes the ball to shaw for the open 3? His attempt per game are inflated because of the one game against boston. He has not taken a huge amount of shots in any other game. Fisher was 1-10, fox 6-16. Watch a few games before you just throw out baseless accusations like kobe is just out for himself.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • kobe was basically spoon feeding the ball to shaw last night when shaw was in the game. and kobe's fg% is a little misleading considering that 1st gm of the year. kobe is slowly learning how to be a leader on the floor.. his teamates have given him major props all year in that area

  • << <i>kobe was basically spoon feeding the ball to shaw last night when shaw was in the game. and kobe's fg% is a little misleading considering that 1st gm of the year. kobe is slowly learning how to be a leader on the floor.. his teamates have given him major props all year in that area >>

    "spoon" feeding? I doubt that. Kobe needs to utilize his players whenever they get the hot hand. Look at these numbers. Kobe has 8 3-pointers and play majority of the game. Brian Shaw has 14 and shooting 53.8% from the 3-point line (but only attempt 7.9 shots per game). So, it's obvious, someone is not being utilized. As long as Shaw has the hot hand, from time to time, Kobe should drive in to draw a double team and then kick it back out to Shaw for the 3. I mean throughout the game, not just in the last couple of minutes when Lakers are down.
  • he has 8 3 pointer in 6 games and you think he is ball hogging. Thats not even 2 a game. Do you ever watch laker games? You say kobe needs to drive and dish out, what do you think he has done all year? Driving to the baskett is his game, but if fisher shoots 1-10 and fox 6-16, why pass to them even more. Do you think that it might be a little difficult to just drive and pass to shaw cause he has a hot hand? Do you think the other team might cover shaw and leave the others open to shoot and miss?
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • the reason being shaw is playing only 20 mins a game..that # was much lower before the last couple games

  • << <i>the reason being shaw is playing only 20 mins a game..that # was much lower before the last couple games >>

    Then that's Phil Jackson's problem.
  • Rooks you say the same thing over and over.....and haven't much clue in the area of basketball as you may think...and good job on the 12 year old talk buddy, two-thirds of the way there you fruit....And was I the one to begin saying things? Nah, "Get this through your thick skull", yeah i believe thats what you said!!! Not only that but "I love it how try to say that kobe got burned for 28 by a great player in paul pierce and when 3 average players get 20-30 on the magic, tmac wasnt guarding anyone." Yeah your right, against the MAGIC, not 5 tmacs, you ignorant fruitloop.....Face it, if you didnt like Kobe so much, you wouldnt obviously be saying these things...And you say T-Mac's supporting cast last year was so much better then Kobe's of this season thus far, .....LMMFAO, yeah your smart..........armstrong, garrity, miller (less then half the time), don reid, declerq, monty williams COMPARED TO shaw, george, horry, medvenko, fisher, fox (less than half the time.............BIIIIIIIG DIFFERENCE, yeah there is a big difference, T-Mac knew how to make a 4-5 seed in the playoffs out of the group of crap, and Kobe can't!!!!!!!
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  • How is it phil jacksons problem? There is more to basketball than shooting percentage. Thats all you ever look at. Shaw is a major liability on defense and he often makes stupid turnovers. He cant handle more than around 25 minutues because he gets tired, he is not a physical wonder like karl malone who still play 40 min. Jackson utilizes him as well as he can, but besides some quick points he can get you he is a liability out there.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • thats it i quit, JB sounds like he's gonna have a breakdown lol
  • Do you call everyone a fruit who disagrees with you, it is major sign of immaturity. I havent seen any pearls of wisdom from you in basketball knowledge. Where did I even say I knew a lot about basketball, I know more than you but that is not saying much. Oh I say the same thing over and over. What have you been doing the whole time? I have facts-kobe is a all nba defender and a proven playoff perfomer who nba gm's think is better than tmac. You have opinions like tmac is a good defender but politics get in the way. The fact is that tmac didnt play defense last night and he rarely ever does.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy

  • << <i>How is it phil jacksons problem? There is more to basketball than shooting percentage. Thats all you ever look at. Shaw is a major liability on defense and he often makes stupid turnovers. He cant handle more than around 25 minutues because he gets tired, he is not a physical wonder like karl malone who still play 40 min. Jackson utilizes him as well as he can, but besides some quick points he can get you he is a liability out there. >>

    liability??? the Lakers are 2-6!!, so apparently what they are doing is not working. And all these Kobe booster club have been preaching is that Kobe has no help and they can't shoot a lick. So, now they have a player who has the hot hand, he is a liability. Turnovers? Shaw has 7 in 8 games. That's sort of low on that team.
  • liability??? the Lakers are 2-6!!, so apparently what they are doing is not working. And all these Kobe booster club have been spreeching is that Kobe has no help and they can't shoot a lick. So, now they have a player who has the hot hand, he is a liability. Turnovers? Shaw has 7 in 8 games. That's sort of low on that team. Like I said, you need to watch a laker game. Shaw plays limited minuted because he cant hold up and he is defensive liabiltiy. He is able to shoot well because he is fresh when he goes in. If you have watched since shaw has been on the laers you would know that when forced to handle the ball, he has too many turnovers. Right now he sits at the 3 point line and puts them up when he gets an open shot, therefore he doesnt have to handle the ball so he has few turnovers.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • i'll tell you what, if some of the younger guys ( fisher,walker,horry and fox )who can play more mins. were shooting like shaw l.a would be in much better shape

  • << <i>liability??? the Lakers are 2-6!!, so apparently what they are doing is not working. And all these Kobe booster club have been spreeching is that Kobe has no help and they can't shoot a lick. So, now they have a player who has the hot hand, he is a liability. Turnovers? Shaw has 7 in 8 games. That's sort of low on that team. Like I said, you need to watch a laker game. Shaw plays limited minuted because he cant hold up and he is defensive liabiltiy. He is able to shoot well because he is fresh when he goes in. If you have watched since shaw has been on the laers you would know that when forced to handle the ball, he has too many turnovers. Right now he sits at the 3 point line and puts them up when he gets an open shot, therefore he doesnt have to handle the ball so he has few turnovers. >>

    So, in other words, it's still Phil Jackson's problem. If he has a hot hand and can't bring the ball down, put him at 2 spot, have Kobe at 3, and have someone else bring the ball down. Use that format until shaq returns. Since Kobe is so great, according to the Kobe fans, he can handle the small forward position for 2 weeks. Then just rotate Shaw in and out the game at the 2 spot and get him the ball. Remember Magic Johnson played all 5 positions in a game when Kareem was out, so why can't Kobe at least handle small forward for a couple of weeks? Still comes down to Phil's problem.
  • changing position wont do anything. Why move kobe to where he is not comfortable. The only advantage the lakers have right now is kobe gives a matchup problem when he is playing guard. All Shaw does is hang around the 3 point line and try to get open looks w/o expending a lot of energy. Now phil jackson cant coach too I see. I think he knows what he is doing, he predicted the laker would start off horrribly because he knew they have no one but kobe when shaq is out. He knows better than anyone about the formula of needing 2 great players to win in his offense. Jordan and pippen and now shaq and kobe. 9 championships and counting. Nither shaq nor jordan won anything until he became their coach. He is by far the best modern coach because he understands how to push todays players who have huge egos which is just as or more important than x's and o's. He handles a team and egos better than anyone ever has. If pure basketball x's and o's knowledge was so important, then dell harris would have won with the lakers
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • they (kobe fans) won't let it sink in. face it, he is very very good, but to say better than shaq, or even t-mac, is a little out of the question,

    You're right Joe Benson, 9 NBA GM's said they'd start a team with Kobe and 2 said Tmac, but hey what do those guys know about basketball?
  • Kobe's shooting % ain't much higher than George. And out of 8 games, Shaw is shooting a higher % (52.4) and averages 3.2 3 pointers per game and shooting 53.8% from 3 point range.

    Auto man, you're killing me here.

    Now, you guys know I'm a Spurs fan, and the only two players in the league I'd take over Kobe are Shaq and Duncan. End of argument, no one else is even close to that big three. So now Kobe is supposed to defer to BRIAN FRIGGIN SHAW because he hits a few threes??!!! Jesus, you guys are ready to forget 3 championship seasons because Kobe has a tough eight games, you sound like my dad, every time he watches the Braves game and Chipper Jones does something bad he yells, "Trade that chump!"

    I think the guy has earned a little leeway. I don't care if you play on an all star team, Portland and Sacaremento have proven the last 2 years that being loaded to the gills with talent isn't enough. Special players win titles. Is Tmac one of them? I don't know, and none of us can say we do until he see him in a pressure situation like that. People say he performed well in the first round of the playoffs, well big whoop, that is NOTHING compared to a conference finals game 7.

    Anyone who says Tmac is definitely better than Kobe is either:

    1. a prophet, who knows he's going to win the next several rings,
    2. a better talent evaluator than half the league's GM's, or
    3. Out of his mind image

  • << <i>Kobe's shooting % ain't much higher than George. And out of 8 games, Shaw is shooting a higher % (52.4) and averages 3.2 3 pointers per game and shooting 53.8% from 3 point range.

    Auto man, you're killing me here.

    Now, you guys know I'm a Spurs fan, and the only two players in the league I'd take over Kobe are Shaq and Duncan. End of argument, no one else is even close to that big three. So now Kobe is supposed to defer to BRIAN FRIGGIN SHAW because he hits a few threes??!!! Jesus, you guys are ready to forget 3 championship seasons because Kobe has a tough eight games, you sound like my dad, every time he watches the Braves game and Chipper Jones does something bad he yells, "Trade that chump!"

    I think the guy has earned a little leeway. I don't care if you play on an all star team, Portland and Sacaremento have proven the last 2 years that being loaded to the gills with talent isn't enough. Special players win titles. Is Tmac one of them? I don't know, and none of us can say we do until he see him in a pressure situation like that. People say he performed well in the first round of the playoffs, well big whoop, that is NOTHING compared to a conference finals game 7.

    Anyone who says Tmac is definitely better than Kobe is either:

    1. a prophet, who knows he's going to win the next several rings,
    2. a better talent evaluator than half the league's GM's, or
    3. Out of his mind image >>

    No, I said Kobe needs to utilitize his teammates whenever they have the hot hand. And those Championships were led by the Championship MVP who is on the injury list.

    "Jesus, you guys are ready to forget 3 championship seasons because Kobe has a tough eight games"

    Derek Fisher has those same rings, what's your point?

    Kobe is far from a leader. He is almost in the Ray Allen situation. Extreme talent, but doesn't know how to get his team involved. Just a bunch of individuals on the court and not a team because there isn't a person taking that leadership role. Kobe is the appointed leader since Shaq is out, but can't lead his team. Frustration is probably a factor, but if he gets cold, he never to let the hot hand shoot. That's not deferring. That's playing as a team.
  • please explain how he cant lead or get his teamates involved. He averages 8 assists per game and has two triple doubles doeant he? Last night, fisher 1-10, fox 6-16, walker 2-9, horry 3-12. Looks like they all got their looks doesnt it? They cant knock down the shots
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy

  • << <i>please explain how he cant lead or get his teamates involved. He averages 8 assists per game and has two triple doubles doeant he? Last night, fisher 1-10, fox 6-16, walker 2-9, horry 3-12. Looks like they all got their looks doesnt it? They cant knock down the shots >>

    6 for 16 ain't too bad. Kobe has nights like that. I'm just saying Shaw is knocking down his shots, so try to get him the ball as long as he is hot. When he starts missing them, then do your thing. Walker is more of a rebounder (as I keep saying). Here is a good example and I'm not comparing these individuals, so don't put words in my mouth. Last season, the Kings would have beat the Lakers if they kept giving Bibby the ball. He had the hot hand. Instead Doug Christie and Predrag was hitting nothing but... well nothing. Not even the rims. If they would have kept giving the ball to Bibby who was nailing his shots, they would have beat the Lakers. I know Predrag is good, but after coming off the DL, he was super cold, yet they still kept giving him and Christie the ball. I know Fisher, Horry, Walker, etc. was cold, but the last couple of games, Shaw has been hot. Not saying shaw is a superstar, but if a player is nailing their shots, give them the ball as logn as they are knocking them down. You complaining that no one is scoring, well Shaw is making his shots so let him shoot.
  • First 6-16 sucks no matter who it is, second you give the ball to the player that is open. The other team knows shaw is knocking down his shots so they guard him a little more carefully and leave the others open. Last year dont you think the lakers payed extra attention to bibby when clutch time came around so peja and christie had to take those shots. Those airballs in game 7 came on wide open looks that a player has to take. Kobe has done what he is supposed to but the lakers are in a cold streak shooting the ball, kobe included. The lakers need some kind of inside presence because they are getting killed on the inside. If you have a guard leading the team in rebounding there is a production problem with the rest of the team.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy
  • theres basically no use in explaining it to you anymore because your not TRYING TO LISTEN..you keep saying that kobe is not trying to get his teamates involved which could be the absolutely furthest thing from the truth..last year is when kobe started trusting his teamates and setting them up, being the playmaker. he has done that and more this year. his assists are up big time this year and don't forget you only get an assist when your teamate makes a shot so there are many other times he has passed to his mates but they've failed to score..and comparing what kobe did during those championship runs to fisher is ludacris but with that kobe hater tunnell vision it's probally hard to see that

  • << <i>First 6-16 sucks no matter who it is, second you give the ball to the player that is open. The other team knows shaw is knocking down his shots so they guard him a little more carefully and leave the others open. Last year dont you think the lakers payed extra attention to bibby when clutch time came around so peja and christie had to take those shots. Those airballs in game 7 came on wide open looks that a player has to take. Kobe has done what he is supposed to but the lakers are in a cold streak shooting the ball, kobe included. The lakers need some kind of inside presence because they are getting killed on the inside. If you have a guard leading the team in rebounding there is a production problem with the rest of the team. >>

    Bibby was nailing them off of the pick. He rarely stood still and had set shots. It seems to me, when Kobe shooting 60% or above, Kobe fans say Kobe is carrying his team, but when he has an off game, it's his team's fault. The blame never goes on Kobe with Kobe fans. just the praises. How bias can you be. And I agree that the Lakers has no inside presence, but if you have someone other than Kobe knocking down his shots, you need to utilize that player. If not, then they suppose to lose. Kobe is not an accurate 3-point shooter nor is he a leader. Kobe usually shoot off the dribble. Let Kobe work the inside and let Shaw do the outside (until he starts missing).
  • First off, stop saying kobe fans never blame him for anything, you should say a kobe fan-nikobe. Only one person started threads when kobe played well and that was nikobe. The only time any other kobe fan or myself even posts about it is when yourself or someone else starts a thread about it. Find one more thread started about kobe being great by someone besides nikobe. You keep saying let kobe do his work inside. THATS WHAT HE DOES ALREADY. 60% of his shots are probably from inside the key off the dribble and he also constantly kicks out to open players. Kobe is a perfectly good shooter from 20 ft in, he doesnt even shoot 2 three's a game and the ones he takes are usually when the shot clock is runnung down.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy

  • << <i>First off, stop saying kobe fans never blame him for anything, you should say a kobe fan-nikobe. Only one person started threads when kobe played well and that was nikobe. The only time any other kobe fan or myself even posts about it is when yourself or someone else starts a thread about it. Find one more thread started about kobe being great by someone besides nikobe. You keep saying let kobe do his work inside. THATS WHAT HE DOES ALREADY. 60% of his shots are probably from inside the key off the dribble and he also constantly kicks out to open players. Kobe is a perfectly good shooter from 20 ft in, he doesnt even shoot 2 three's a game and the ones he takes are usually when the shot clock is runnung down. >>

    Umm, that's what I said:

    "Kobe usually shoot off the dribble. Let Kobe work the inside and let Shaw do the outside (until he starts missing)."
  • and like I said, kobe already does the inside work and shaw already does the outside shooting when he is open. Now please go find me a post started by someone besides yourself about kobe now. Lets see if you can find one not started by nikobe. It should not be too hard since you say there are so many kobe fans who think he is god.
    refs:Bud, Jrccrum, Bobstar, Quasar31, Chillinbij, Bigshane, coachvinny, jeffo81, koolman2005, dewey, thito, samsgirl, co1lector, alanb, cardnyou, dallas822, nowitzki, ahares, 49erfan33, woodson24kg, autobilia, maizenblue66, knicks644, ejones06, americanfreak, epag64, kingofcards, kls23, skivermont, baljitgill, undertaker, haliguy

  • << <i>and like I said, kobe already does the inside work and shaw already does the outside shooting when he is open. Now please go find me a post started by someone besides yourself about kobe now. Lets see if you can find one not started by nikobe. It should not be too hard since you say there are so many kobe fans who think he is god. >>

    nikobe starts them, then the Booster Club shows up. image nikobe is just the leader of the Booster Club.
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