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all this talk about what if pcgs?

TRUST me when i say"its NOT the land its the MAN in the land" that will make all the diference in any company from jack in the box(we all know what despair they have been through)and still are on top!
they went through a ecoli ordeal,totally negetive,but the MAN in charge kept doing business as normal,working hard!

a restructer of pcgs would not be a good thing,they are known for what they are today,as 1 of the top 3rd party graders. to change anything at this point will be damaging.they are known for being tough on grades,to change this would harm every holder out there.
to loosen up as many have suggested in a number of posts here,would make them in my opinion just like acg,sure if pcgs was to loosen up on grading,and change the way they HAVE ALWAYS done business,would give them a surge of net gain in profits,but soon the desire to have a pcgs holder would mean NOTHING,almost to the point of having a rare date coin in a acg holder.
my thoughts on the topic is all i have mentioned here,as i see post after post............but do we all see the reality here? NOTHING is going to change,and if it did,it would be a nightmare!
does anyone see my point? or have another way of looking at it?
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  • Moves such as this usually produce a clear winner. Only time will tell which organization will rise to the top. Change is GOOD!
  • change for pcgs other than CUSTOMER SERVICE would as you might see in my topic "all this talk what if pcgs" would be the wrong fork in the road. change is good to a point but it better be in the right direction,or everything is at risk. there is a company that is becomming very aggresive,waiting for the right time,to excell.putting everything in place as we speak.........we know who said company is,and they are strong,stronger than they have ever been.
    do the research,NGC has come a long way in the past year or so!
    anyone see it?? anyone agree?
    An open mind will support transformation.
    Recognize life is full of change
    and celebrate the opportunity.
    "There is always a way to collect,Never surrender the hobby"
  • That's why 99.99% of my personal coins are still raw except
    for the few very rare ones I slabbed for keeps, the ones I
    sell, and the ones I buy. You just never know if the services
    will one day merge, or slabs will change, or if reslabbing
    will become necessary in the future to accommodate embedded
    microchips. It would be a costly endeavour to undo it all
    if something happended to PCGS or NGC for whatever reason.

    Am I just being a Cassandra or visionary?
    "location, location, location...eye appeal, eye appeal, eye appeal"
    My website
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    i would'nt think "loosening" or "toughening" standards is the issue. i'd think maintaining consistent standards would be. how can standards be consistent if the people keep changing?

    guess it don't matter 1 bit to me though, i don't own a single pcgs slab

    K S
  • dbldie55dbldie55 Posts: 7,735 ✭✭✭✭✭
    So you think the PCGS that everyone hates is good? No one wants them to grade like ACG (well almost no one), but people would like them to grade like they did last year. When they cannot even grade the same coin the same way on a consistent basis, I would say change is needed.
    Collector and Researcher of Liberty Head Nickels. ANA LM-6053
  • dorkall,
    you are on the same page as i am..as far as thinking!
    An open mind will support transformation.
    Recognize life is full of change
    and celebrate the opportunity.
    "There is always a way to collect,Never surrender the hobby"
  • Karl-
    Graders come and go. Supervisors come and go. Always have, always will! That is with any 3rd party grading service. The key is for the organization to have written, defineable standards! Leadership will make an impact. We just don't know which direction with either of the organizations.

    I absolutely agree with your comment regarding CONSISTENT grading practices. For whatever reasons, that has been the Achilles heel for PCGS.
  • d55
    my point was.....if they change the way they grade in order to keep the market from going to another company(ngc bla bla bla) then they are hurting every slab they have touched,i still say they need to do BUSINESS as they always have,increase customer service and they will excell. PERIOD and add a little CONSISTANCY that goes without saying.
    An open mind will support transformation.
    Recognize life is full of change
    and celebrate the opportunity.
    "There is always a way to collect,Never surrender the hobby"

  • << <i>.....if they change the way they grade in order to keep the market from going to another company >>

    It is all what ifs. We should wait until there is actually a change.

    Cameron Kiefer
  • cameron enough said,good point! im done ranting now.thank you!
    An open mind will support transformation.
    Recognize life is full of change
    and celebrate the opportunity.
    "There is always a way to collect,Never surrender the hobby"
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Graders come and go. Supervisors come and go. Always have, always will! ... Leadership will make an impact. We just don't know which direction with either of the organizations. >>

    like someone else said, it definitely sounds like an opportunity for pcgs. i genuinely hope they take advantage of it!

    K S

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