APOLOGY to Dorkkarl
I want to apologize to DorkKarl for the inappropriate use of sarcastic language in my objection to his post yesterday about ROXANNE. While I believe my objection was valid, it would have been appropriate to have used a less scarcastic example and to have toned down the language in my response.
As you all know, Dorkkarl has posted many, many outstanding, exceptionally well thought ot threads and replies on this forum, and he should be highly commended for his efforts. He touched on a very sensitive point with me, but that is my problem, not his.
Karl, I'm sorry for the over reaction.
Best regards,
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at evillageprowler@gmail.com
He's a butthead, he can handle a little crap.
Russ, NCNE
And so should you, Pushkin for your apology. Whether warranted or not, a class thing to do.
thanks pushkin, not a problem at all, & apology readily accepted. i don't really blame you for your reaction, i did a poor job of organizing my post. i've been accused of being too laid back before, which is why i really didn't get overly upset.
bottom line for me is that an awful lot of good info shows up on this forum, & it has broadened my appreciation for coins (moderns, cameo proofs, etc) that i normally avoid. thanks to 1 & all.
now, let's get after those freakin coin doctors. i have not been able to establish schedules of where various 1's will be, so i am going to give descriptions of several that i've dealt w/ personally. from those desc's, you'll be able to watch out & see what dealers they deal with regularly (hint hint).
stay tuned
C'mon Karl, I read the Deb thread and the Death coin threads. As Warren Zevon would say, you are an "excitable boy." That's why we like you.
Carl with a "C"
My Ebay Stuff
(happy now???)