Showdown at FUN

With the success of the Indian Cent Showdown at Long Beach, we have decided to hold another showdown at Florida's FUN convention in January. I'm looking for ideas. Which series do you think should be next? Should we hold an online poll during the event or was the feedback from the show sufficient?
Also, if you own a top set and would like to participate in a showdown either in January or in the future, let me know that as well.
Please post your feedback here or email me directly. Thanks!
Also, if you own a top set and would like to participate in a showdown either in January or in the future, let me know that as well.
Please post your feedback here or email me directly. Thanks!
BJ Searls
Set Registry & Special Projects Director
PCGS (coins)
PSA (cards & tickets)
Set Registry & Special Projects Director
PCGS (coins)
PSA (cards & tickets)
My vote is for buffalo nickels in baltimore '03!!!
One show at a time. More than likely we will do a showdown at the ANA, but first things first! I do appreciate your suggestion, however.
Set Registry & Special Projects Director
PCGS (coins)
PSA (cards & tickets)
I doubt I'll make it to FUN so probably shouldn't vote.
I would like to see High Desert's type set, but since Swan sold part of his set there is little competition.
I think Morgans or Mercury dimes would be popular!
I'd also like to see Buffalo Nickels as well as Trade Dollar Nut's proof Trade Dollars.
Will you allow non-registered sets to compete? This will allow the CU registry to prove the quality of its sets in competition with all comers. Then, you can say ``finest'' with greater justification.
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
I can be reached at
The PCGS Set Registry and everything we do for it is for PCGS graded coins only. However, anyone who has a set that is unregistered, who believes he/she could compete with any currently registered set should contact me. This is exactly what happened with Stewart Blay's Indian Cent set. His set wasn't registered, but he believed it to be the best. He contacted me about the showdown. I agreed to put the showdown together and he agreed to register his set. As you know, the rest is history. Stewart registered his set which landed in first place and the showdown occurred between the top three registry sets.
Set Registry & Special Projects Director
PCGS (coins)
PSA (cards & tickets)
I know it's lots and lots of work for the PCGS staff and, I for one wish to complement you and your staff.
I know this would add cost, but I would recommend flying some of the participants down and putting them up as PCGS's guests. Let them stay by the table most of the time and answer questions.
My choice would be nickels. One competition for Buffalos, one for Liberty Nickels. In Buffalos, it looks like there are several sets that are almost equal and all spetacular. In Libs, I would put my set up against the #1 set. Also, there is a mystery set out there which is at least the equal in grade of either, and maybe higher. While the collector is unknown, perhaps the well-known dealer assembling it could be enticed to represent it. Thinking of CS, but could also do a proof class depending on space available and interest.
Greg Samorajski
I love Indian cents, and that was a good choice, but don't forget us type collectors- a type set can be more visually interesting than the sameness of a set comprised of identical-looking coins.
Maybe a type set showdown is not feasible at this time, but how about Mercury dimes? Those guys seem really competitive, and it's a popular series. I don't collect Mercs myself, but it was a humble VG 1936 Mercury dime in a drawer at my grandmother's house that launched me into numismatics, 26 years ago this fall.
I think I am on the brink of starting a Registry set of proof 2 cent pieces, but that's not exactly one of the bigger, more competitive sets on the Registry- at this time, it looks like there are three people doing it. At least I'll be able to make my debut in the Top Five, LOL.
Whatever you choose, I'll be there at FUN, watching with interest.
If you ever decide to host a showdown in raw, holed coins, I'll be the top contender. I will be a "walking exhibit" at FUN. It would also be amusing to see the Braddick collection of MS ("Mighty Slick") coins!
You mean I might get to see the infamous Holey Coin vest in person!
I can't wait!
OK, maybe not.
I'd be interested in seeing an early commem showdown. The 50-piece type set has six sets that are complete with an average of over 65.00.
I'd also be interested in Buffalo nickels, although I'd much prefer that one to be held at a show that's closer to me. Maybe you can wait until the ANA show is in Salt Lake City again (it only took them 16 years last time).
Greg: I'll check with the collector and see if he is interested in having his PCGS unregistered MS Liberty nickel collection participate in such a "showdown". Speaking of nickels, displaying MS Jefferson nickel collections would be another possibility. I am looking into that possibility as well.
I vote for the guy with the holey coin vest.
B.J. - Speak to Greg Roberts and ask him if he will register his clients type set.........and if anyone thinks High Desert has the Best type set.........ain't seen nothing
Can I assume Carol and B.J. will continue to woo the crowd ?And I will not forget Gayle
If we can get someone to take over in the office for Gayle she will replace me at the showdown.
(and I just got invited to pleasure island...what's that?)
We'll see as we get a little closer to the event.
The only true showdown was Stewart's.
It has to be, I burned all my western shirts this weekend.
I would love to hear what your wearing.........unless ......
never mind
Blaze - Yellow male b 3/17/93
Onyx - Black male b 3/7/99
Duchess - Yellow female mix b 3/12/02 rescued 9/18/02
Rifle - Yellow male mix b 12/1/02 rescued 8/8/03
Diamond - Black female b 5/3/05 adopted 8/3/05
First Cam-slam - 9/21/04
My eBay
You know what my answer is I'm sure.Lincoln Proofs rule!!!!!!
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
BTW, why isn't the penny in you icon red?
I'll agree to participate in a Lincoln cent proof showdown with Don Merz,Doug Wright and any closet registry collection
Or I will challenge the Law collection to a Barber Dime Duel
You and I both know I can't compete with your set.But I'd send mine just to represent one of the top five,and to show that I'm not ashamed of mine.You and doug have the premiere sets and you both have the complete 1909-1958,while I don't.
Registry 1909-1958 Proof Lincolns
Play nice tonight.
Adios Amigos!
FUN IN 2009
Carol: Lay off my aluminum Indian cent! It means a lot to me
As far as a drawing card, I don't think it really would be one. It would be nice to have a major set on display with the Lincoln Proof's as a second set. It's such a short set it wouldn't be hard to have at the show. With another collector or two out there, THE top coins could very well be produced. I would like nothing better than to see both 1936 PR67reds compared, as well as several others. (And who's going to dress up like Mary Todd?)
As for the "major" set, I would think a type set, Morgan, or Winged Liberty Dime sets would be very nice choices.
Coppernicus (Mike)
Lincoln Wheats (1909 - 1958) Basic Set - Always Interested in Upgrading!
Left out nickels since they are the same composition as the 1866 Shield and the same size/composition as the 1883 Liberty.
I am in !
POB 854
Temecula CA 92593
310-541-7222 office
310-710-2869 cell
PCGS Las Vegas June 24-26
Baltimore July 14-17
Chicago August 11-15
Set Registry & Special Projects Director
PCGS (coins)
PSA (cards & tickets)
Would love to see the Trade Dollars, doesn't hurt my eyes as much squinting.
Dick Graham
If not, I'd sure enjoy looking at some high-grade Buffs.
Carol--Lord's holey vest is something to behold.
Of course, I'd like to see the Three Cent Nickel proofs, because there are some REALLY nice sets in the group (Bruce Scher comes to mind). But I know that the series is not widely popular, like the Lincolns and the Buff Nickels.
Either way, I'll be there to see it!
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
I'll vote for the IKES. Glad to display my set!
The IKE King!!!
Ike Specialist
Finest Toned Ike I've Ever Seen, been looking since 1986
1946-1964 MS Set #2
1950-1964 PR Set #3
1965-2002 MS Set #2
1965-2002 PR Set #4
I think I'm the only one with all of the Roosies since 1946 in a Registry Quality Set. Any takers?
I am also uncomfortable with these showdowns (even though many collectors appreantly love them) for many reasons. Not all collectors collect to show off or for the glory or being #1. If owning something quietly brings them personal happiness, so be it. I have respect for that.
Laura Sperber
JUST SAY NO TO WANNABES! They lurk and prey on unwitting collectors in chatrooms!
And anyhow, what's so especially "mature" about amassing a group of little pieces of metal, and then hiding them from everybody?
Just asking...
Here's a warning parable for coin collectors...
2009 FUN show sounds like a great time to display Lincoln cents. With a bit of luck I'll have a complete MS set (Wheats and Memorials with varieties) by then and would love to participate also. My set probably won't even make it back to the top ten by that time, but so far I don't have any coins in there that I'm ashamed of.
who boasts of twenty years experience in his craft
while in fact he has had only one year of experience...
twenty times.
Laura - I am sorry that the Law collection does not want to come
Out and play.Perhaps one day Mr. Law will come out of
of the closet ?
Irish Mike - Junior High School bravado ? What do you do for fun ?
Did you make it to the "Showdown"
No Mr. Law will stay private. He's been a collector for at least 35 years and doesn't care for the hype or competition. All he cares about in his life is owning the best possible-whether coins or whatever.
Maybe one day I'll build a set in something we can finally knock heads on. Unfortunately, many of my customers don't care to ever register their sets.
Laura Sperber
JUST SAY NO TO WANNABES! They lurk and prey on unwitting collectors in chatrooms!
We have assembled as many registry sets as anyone
Is this not an oxy-moron?This is what you said.....think about it
Perhaps if Trade Dollar Nut persuaded you to come out and play some of your present and potential customers can see some of the coins you sold................and I've seen you buy some incredible coins.
Bruce Scher
Mr Scher
Do you not register some of your sets ? You are indeed a set registry participant.You are also a client of Legend.Are you saying that you have no interest in taking your coins out of the closet ?
Would you consider participating in a "Showdown"
I also know many old timers who have NO slabs and have no reason to register their sets.......and their collections are worth tens of millions of dollars
I am trying to bring Laura out of the closet so the collections will follow..........and your not helping me