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Franklin guys - check out the new purchase!

This is the quintesential shot in the dark purchase. First of all, it's in an NTC holder (yikes!) graded at MS67FBL (yeah right), nonetheless, I liked the toning on the piece and, at least from the picture it looked like it might possibly be an MS66FBL. The strike looks like a typical soft strike for that year and I couldn't see any dings on the piece. Besides, I have 7 days to return it if I don't think it measures up. The seller couldn't unload it at $245, so I offered $145 (66 money) and got it. We'll see how it turns out.



  • wingedlibertywingedliberty Posts: 4,805 ✭✭✭
    Very nice, esp. the reverse. Cross it to NGC. You'll probably be at 65-66FBL.

  • The thought crossed my mind Brian - I'll take a look at the piece and see what it looks like. This is not an expensive coin but I think the toning is pretty. If it's a really nice piece it'll go to PCGS, if it's marginal to NGC - we'll see.

  • Congrats!

    Looks really nice!

    Obv looks a bit weak... no?

    Nice toning!

  • The obverse is a wierd color. I'm not sure what this would grade. Some coins you have to see directly. The computer picture only tells so much. You like to gamble buying NTC coins sight unseen.
  • Frank, I had seen that coin (the photo at least) and I remember thinking it looked real nice. 57 is my year, but ultimately, I decided it was a luxury I couldn't afford. I hope it works out for you. I would be very interested in hearing a follow up when you get the coin.
    Brevity is the soul of wit. --William Shakespeare
  • HeavyCopper: You're right - it was kind of out of the norm for me - but it was the toning that convinced me to go ahead and do it - plus the fact that there's a 7 day return policy so I figured I'd toss caution to the wind and actually see what NTC is doing up close. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that this coin would rate MS67FBL, but maybe one grade down might not be out of the question.

    Carl: 57 is my year too you old codger image - I'll let you know what the coin looks like and if I decide to keep it, I'll post some nicer pictures of it.

    Rusty: 57's for the most part have soft strikes, not the pronounced strikes of prior years. Remember that by this time the master die was getting really weak, so the working dies were getting mushier by the year. I'd consider this coin a typical strike probably - I'll have to see it in person. The 57's in my collection pale compared to the 48-51 coins, even though both my 57 and 57D are MS66FBL's.


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