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"Good Morning Class" 2

Mrs. Coinboard: Good Morning class!
All: Good morning Mrs. Coinboard!
Mrs. CB: Class... today we have a new student. I'd like you all to welcome Kincoin!
Russ: Hey! The Whackjob showed up! Bwwwhahahahahaha!
Kincoin: AM NOT!
Mrs. CB: CLASS! CLASS!!! Now that is not nice! Who wants to welcome our new student properly? Michael?
MICHAELDIXON: (standing, shuffling feet) Um... I just wanted to say sorry to Kincoin... sorry that HE'S A DUMBAZZ!!!!
All: (loudly) BWWWWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! (pointing) DUMB--AZZ! DUMB--AZZ!
Mrs. CB: Children! Children! ..... Clankeye! Start a Poetry thread!!
Mrs. CB: That's better, thank you. Now, Kincob dear, why don't you tell us about yourself?
Kincoin: (suspicious) Well... I got a state quarter... and it's worth $145,000 dollars!
Kincoin: NUMBNUTS!
All: LOSER!!!!!
Kincoin: I know you are--but what am I??? (runs to the blackboard and writes "KINCOIN") There! I am The KING of coins, see? I AM, I AM, I AM THE KING OF COINS!!
Shirohniichan: You've spelled "Kincoin" --indicating you are related to coins, not their Sovereign.
WWBillman: (quietly) Yeah... dumbazz.
Kincoin, shoulders slumped, gently begins to weep. The class grows quiet and stares, finally It's4Real raises, walks toward Kincoin and gently puts his arm around him...
It's4Real: Don't pay any attention to these sausage smokers.
Cacheman: Hey! That's "rib smokers"
It's4Real: That was yesterday. (turns to Kincoin and starts to sing...)
There's a place for us.... Somewhere a place for us....
The door to the Classroom opens and in strides Marshall Bear.
Marshall Bear: Well, Howdy folks! Beautiful day ain't it?
Dog97 shoots him. He falls. Clankeye rushes over and holds the head of the dying Marshall Bear.
Marshall Bear: Well... they got me, Clank. Promise me... you'll take good care of my balloons... promise me...
Clankeye: (sobbing) I sure will, Marshall bear. 'An I'm-a gonna git the ones that done this to ya.
Marshall Bear: No, Clank. Love them... love them all.
Russ: Even the Whackjob?

The lights dim in the class room and the Angel of Marshall Bear raises in glowing grandeur, floats and addresses the class:

The Angel of Marshall Bear: Children, in life, I was but a little Bear. A gentle loving creature, who accepted all the other creatures of the forest. I loved berries and ballons, and used to love to sun myself in the gentle breezes of the forest while the dew evaporated from the trees--- remember to be good to each other, that time is short and precious (Angel Bear is floating away) remember... be good to each other..... (like a whisper, he is gone).....


Mrs. Coinboard: Now class, who can tell me what Angel Bear was teaching us? Russ?
Russ: I dunno... Kincoin's a whackjob?
Brevity is the soul of wit. --William Shakespeare


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