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Is this forum intimidating to newbies?

I got a note today from a person who collects coins and reads these boards, who in the note said something that concerned me. They said about their experience here, No posts yet. I am a little leary of posting since some of the folks are kind of rude to newbies on the board - and I don't know a whole lot.). Is that what it feels like from the outside? How many simply read here, but are hesitant to post?
Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor


  • Intimidating to newbies? Heck, it's intimidating to me. But, every now and then I just have to jump in and pray to God that they don't find my mummified remains years from now, rolled up in the fetal position.
    Brevity is the soul of wit. --William Shakespeare
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭
    Yes it is. I was scared to death when I first joined.

    Russ, NCNE
  • dragondragon Posts: 4,548 ✭✭
    Speaking for myself, I always try to go out of my way to answer questions for people if I feel I can help, and have tried to never be rude or intimidating to anyone.

  • I'm a newbie, didn't see anyone attack me.
    Seriously.... yes, it can be a bit intimidating............but informative for the most part. I think I have learned a few things in the past few weeks.image
  • SpoolySpooly Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭
    I like to chew up atleast 2 newbies a week. Heath...please have them post.... I am hungry! image
    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
  • I can honestly say I've had very good experiences here. I found everyone to be very helpful with every question I had (have). I tend to take the negatives and posturing with a grain of salt. Every message board seems to have the people who are over-exuberant. I tend to try to seperate the wheat from the chaff, take the nuggets and run with them.

    Since no one really *knows* anyone else, I try not to take anything personally, though sometimes it is hard, since there are real emotions behind these typing fingers. I know that it is easy for some to get carried away with the flaming, and easy for others to get easily burned. I try to stay away from either extreme.

    So, between my attitude and the helpful folks I've encountered, I haven't had a problem being a newbie (and a non-collector at that! image)

    Carry on! You won't get rid of me!
  • DHeath,

    Thanks for asking this question. From my perspective, I watched the boards and tried to learn as much as possible for a few months before I dove in. Some folks are quite rough here - yet others are wonderful. The wonderful folks are by far the majority - I see mentors, teachers, and friends here amongst them.

    The curmudgeons (sp?) do tend to be intimidating.

    However, with all that said. Any group of people - even those in cyberspace - are comprised of lots of different types of folks. At work I have a similar mixture of folks. I just tend to gravitate towards the people that bring out the best in me.
  • DHeathDHeath Posts: 8,472 ✭✭✭

    It's FairlaneMan and Shiro.image

    BTW - I see that today Carol has decided your Bashful. How many more dwarfs do you have left?
    Developing theory is what we are meant to do as academic researchers
    and it sets us apart from practitioners and consultants. Gregor
  • Well I am new and have only posted a couple of times. I am also damn near 62 years of age and some little rude jerk is not about to bother me. If one were to do that they can be dealt with in a number of ways. All replys to my posts were cordial and polite altho one fellow did lecture me a little but that could be due to the framing of my question. All in all a good board altho a little inbred. They can always try NGC board and well they should.
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    For newbies, If you post on the Forum in an aggresive, pushy,
    know it all and even arrogant manner
    it is highly likely you will be criticised and corrected.

    However if you make your statement in a polite manner
    and even disagree in a like manner, then you will be treated
    with an abundance of kindness and friendship. Sure disagreement arise
    and arguments may get heated, but a simple apology usually cures all.
    the PM system is to wash your linen in private with the other party
    and it works exceedingly well.

    Be kind to all and in general , they will return that kindness and more. Bear
    There once was a place called
  • SpoolySpooly Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭
    FairlaneMan and Shiro

    I like my meat fresh.... not old and full of gristle!

    I think I will jump on the band wagon..... and go kick Dog around. image
    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
  • lets put it this way would u be scared if a funny looking guy walked up to u and wouldn't stop saying " got proof JFK's " image
  • Don,
    There are two different and distinct venues here that tend to be intimidating for new collectors, IMO.

    1st, There is a tremendous amount of knowledge here and it is usually freely shared. This is a very valueable commodity and is sought by everyone who visits. This is the good side of this forum.

    2nd, there are the trolls, wiseguys, know-it-alls, etc. every place has them, everyone has some of them in their personal lives and we have them here. That is the bad side of this forum.

    I read for about 4-6 months before I ventured into the conversations here. I do not know everything, so I must ask questions, which opens me to the trolls. so be it...I am very hard to intimidate.

    This is my 2 cents worth and I encourage all newbies to come on board with the rest of us and endure the trolls...because the rest of it is well worth the trouble.
    edited for spelling
  • I am a newcomer, and my depth of knowledge is razor thin in comparison to most posters here. I know it and I not trying to BS anyone.

    I love coins, and I have been away from the sport for a long time. I have just gotten restarted in the past year after paying zero attention to coins for the last thirty years. I guess I stopped paying attention when silver coins left circulation - but I was young then - what did I know??

    Even though my posts are mainstream and have to do with topics which are very common, I have found every poster here who has taken the time to offer advice to be very very gracious in doing so. I appreciate it greatly.

    I haven't been intimidated, nor have I been hesitant to post. Perhaps this is a result of having way to much experience posting on message boards relating to my second favorite sport - NFL football.

    Thanks for the kind advice all.

    PS: Speaking of NFL football, if any here would enjoy some good football talk, try a forum I moderate at AthenaLink NFL Rivals Forum. The NFL Rivals forum has a good cross section of members who follow different NFL teams. The discussion is lively, humorous and always respectful.

    PS: If posting a link to the NFL Forum is a breach of decorum, I apologize.
    "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did, as opposed to screaming in terror like his passengers."
  • SpoolySpooly Posts: 2,108 ✭✭✭
    BTW - I see that today Carol has decided your Bashful. How many more dwarfs do you have left?

    5 more! image
    Si vis pacem, para bellum

    In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    Bite me.image

    Russ, NCNE
  • LanLordLanLord Posts: 11,711 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Being somewhat new (5 or 6 months) I would say that what I did first was to watch for about 3 or 4 weeks before even attempting to reply or create a new post. By the time I did jump in, I felt somewhat comfortable with what I would get in return and from who (or is that whom?).

    I think that a well thought out post by a newbie can be accepted quite well, but if they come on like gangbusters it's kind of annoying and they will get blasted.

    It shouldn't cause them any trepidation as long as they have some manners.

    Disclaimer: I have pretty thick skin and usually nothing bothers me. Perhaps many here have tried and I just didn't get it!
  • I must confess, I've been here since July (?) and I am a newbie.

    I don't care what anyone thinks about me... but I do understand that as someone new to the forum, I must respect the forum. Be a Newbie, ask questions, make comments and take it lightly when someone may say something you might figure to be a flame.

    If you notice many people from the board are perturbed by your behavior... take a step back and think about why you might have perturbed a few people.

    hmmm... I guess that's about it.

  • You people don't scare me. I may not know much, but I've got Proof JFKs!

    Besides... I've had two marriages that make the disputes on these boards look like love letters. image

    NMFB ™

  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    << <i>I may not know much, but I've got Proof JFKs! >>


    Just for you, I opened a Paypal-dedicated checking account this week. Soon it will be much easier.image

    Russ, NCNE

  • you and I both Clark!
    "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did, as opposed to screaming in terror like his passengers."
  • krankykranky Posts: 8,709 ✭✭✭

    << <i>Clark,

    Just for you, I opened a Paypal-dedicated checking account this week. Soon it will be much easier.image

    Russ, NCNE >>

    Someone must have hijacked Russ' account. Paypal? Russ? Somebody pinch me.

    Russ, did you know Lucky from board A just had $8,000 stolen from his Paypal account?

    New collectors, please educate yourself before spending money on coins; there are people who believe that using numismatic knowledge to rip the naïve is what this hobby is all about.

  • Yes.
    There are alot of friendly and helpful people on this forum.
    Then there is a minority presence that see a new forum member or one with a low post count as inexperienced and not capable of legitimate,meaningful, or intelligent posts.
    Ask yourself.Are you in the majority, or the minority?

    A dealer once asked me if I noticed any three-legged buffalos on the bourse,to which I replied,"...no,but I saw alot of two-legged jackasses..."
  • RussRuss Posts: 48,514 ✭✭✭

    Didn't know that. But, you know he's always kept stupid amounts of money in his account. Sad to say, but it was not unpredictable.

    The account I opened will have one use, and one use only - to receive Paypal payments, said payments being swept from the account upon receipt. My compulsive need to accomodate customers, even when it isn't my regular business, finally got the better of me.

    Russ, NCNE
  • All depends on how easily someone is intimidated by a bunch of strangers via computer.
  • Intimidating? Sure! I was totally ignorant when I first posted and in complete awe of most of the experienced people - still am in awe of a few - shylock comes to mind. However, I tried to phrase my posts carefully and respectfully and make sure my questions weren't completely stupid and have had no problems. (Now the Open Forum - that's a different story - don't go there any more - my wife and kids said I turned into an unbearable jerk when I went over there! They claim I'm too opininated for society in general)

    Now I'm slightly less ignorant (about coins). And I owe that largely to memebrs here. But, yes, it is intimidating. Encourage them to jump in. If they're serious, they'll survive.

    Good post! Makes us reflect.
    Home brew is best - Never drink alone
  • This board is intimidating to more than just newbies. I think part of the problem is that if you type in normal language it can be taken about 127 different ways. What seems like a cute or funny remark to the typist turns into some sort of insult to the reader. BOOM, its off to the races with insults and slams. Then the teams line up on opposing sides and it degrades from there. I think most people really want to be liked and accepted simply because they are human. Many of the barbs that are thrown around on here would never be said face to face. I wonder why some people seem to enjoy being a bully? I suppose to stay on her you just gotta thicken those callouses around your sensitive feelings.
  • This board has been amazing and for the most part, very friendly and very helpful. The amount of knowledge that can be had here is truly amazing. I find the grading questions most helpful as I am slowly getting a finer handle on these things. There is never a lack of a good post and I highly value the humorous threads! Keep it coming!
    USPI minimalist design collage
    Treasury Seals Type Set
  • FairlanemanFairlaneman Posts: 10,419 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Been Lurking lately as I got chewed up a week or so ago by Spooly already. image The Boards are Intimidating for everyone at one time or another. Grisly Folk and Fresh Meat are fair game at times. image

  • I have found this forum to be extremely enlightening. Before joining here, I was totally numismatically ignorant. (Not that I am now an expert, but there is still hope for the future image....alot of the posts from Russ, Braddick, Bear, Placid, WingedLiberty, Oreville, Michael, Anaconda, (the first names that have come to mind....sorry if I missed yours), etc, have been absolutely invaluable towards learning. Some of the other, non-coin collecting non-sense, is typical for internet social communications. No one should ever take this stuff personally. As in the real world of social communications, there will always be character conflict and dis-agreements....anyway, thanks for the great learning experience.....
    eBay Auctions
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    What did the doe say when she came out of the woods?.....Last time I do THAT for a buck! image
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    It does seem as though newbies here are required to be either thick
    skinned or very curteous. Something about the venue seems to lead
    to percieved insults that were not intended. I have no idea what the
    solution is, but we could try to be a little more patient with newbies,
    insults, and "stupid" questions.
    Tempus fugit.
  • btw: If you want intimidating, try the rcc newsgroup.

    actually less-than-friendly is a better description. Ask a simple question - get a basketful of reminders of how incredibly stupid others believe you are.

    "I want to die peacefully in my sleep like my Grandfather did, as opposed to screaming in terror like his passengers."
  • I would imagine that it is...
    Especially when a newbie asks a question that has been answered before! Some members jump at them!!!
  • Two words:

    Intimidating and edifying.

    Those who don't know much do the intimidating, and those wise ones do the edifying??

    Usually newbies either post too much or too little. Too much because they think it's a place for free lunch, and too little because they are intimidated.

    It's kind of like a fraternity, or so some of them try to make it so, they paddle you till you learn. image

    Kennedy Halves, Early Silver Commemorative, Modern proof gold eagles, proof sets, Modern Commemorative, Chinese coins, Australia Sovereign and Modern, British Sovereign, and Euros.
    My Ebay Stuff
  • AgflyerAgflyer Posts: 948 ✭✭✭
    Not only don't I find this forum intimidating, but I find the knowlege I'm gaining, refreshing. The other day when I went in to my local coin dealer to "drool" I found that I was able to keep a conversation going with the owner based partly on what I've learned here! And that's all I have to say about that. . . image
    Rick II
    I've had great transactions with people like: drwstr123, CCC2010, AlanLastufka, Type2, Justlooking, zas107, StrikeOutXXX, 10point, 66Tbird, and many more!
  • Hi to all. I am a newbie to this board. Have been lurking a few wks. Have just re-started my coin collecting again. I found this forum in doing my research and think it's an informative and interesting place to read. Hope you don't mind if I visit sometime. Just wanted to say Hello.
  • eBay Auctions
    Computer Services
    What did the doe say when she came out of the woods?.....Last time I do THAT for a buck! image
  • FlashFlash Posts: 1,090 ✭✭✭
    Welcome to the forum, Neptune!
  • Welcome Neptune,

    One way to avoid being eaten alive by Spooly is to not admit to collecting Mercury Dimes or Lincoln Cents!

    Have fun on the boards.
    My Barbers
  • dragondragon Posts: 4,548 ✭✭

    "being eaten alive by Spooly" ????????

    Are you kidding me???? I've got pets bigger than Spooly!

  • Spooly is a sweetypie...he has you folks fooled.image
  • Dog97Dog97 Posts: 7,874 ✭✭✭
    If anybody finds this forum intimidating it's because they are a newbie to the internet, bulletin boards, and newsgroups. There's a few a$$holes that troll but you find the same kind of people in REAL life, I think it's worse in REAL life.
    Change that we can believe in is that change which is 90% silver.
  • cladkingcladking Posts: 28,526 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Welcome Neptune.
    Tempus fugit.

  • << <i>Intimidating to newbies? >>

    Man, look at my user name. Anarchy is key in it. I get nervous posting. I have been here what??? A year and a half???
    I don't post more replies than I do. I just rewrote a reply an another thread 3 times before I was sure there was nothing stated that would get me sued. Really.

    To the newbies. Many have been here longer than I. A newbie, doesn't always have the intentions we think. I have seen a true to life scandle or two here. People helping another member get his "teeth fixed" found him bidding on ebay later that week,as an example. I personally have been burned for cash money in a swap. Newbie yep. Under 100 post. People come in here with thier hand out, expecting "samples." Not to long ago there were a few bold ones demanding free coins. Ya'know, over the time I have been here, there have ben atleast 6 people who have been robbed. Cyber stalkers??? The population of this little town has grown. People become more suspicous watching the crime rate go up. This isn't near an accusation, nor an excuse. Just a fact. The population has gone up 4-5000 people in the last year. Wow huh???

    If your afraid to ask a "stupid question" use the search feature. The really only stupid question is the one that goes unasked. However, after answering the same question 200 times, it can get to be ... pick your word. I have been searching more lately, than posting myself.

    There are many great minds here. Just hang it out there. Be yourself. Ask away. My PM is always on. I don't bite(on a first dateimage ) I don't know everything, but I am glad to help.

    This has been a great learning experience for me. Today's lesson was how to quit when the going gets toughimage
    I think most everyone who has posted to this point has hit the nail on the head. There is tons to learn, and hopefully share as well. I've been flamed as well. Bothered me. Not everyone shares the same view. There are cliques and niches here. Them fishing lure guys tend to be kid of odd. I leave them alone.

    We are nearly all drawn here due to a commom interest. It's great. No one should sit on the sidelines...everyone plays.

    BTW i tend to be long winded, and scatterbrianed.

    image It's Her's
  • BearBear Posts: 18,953 ✭✭✭
    Dan - Well said. You get the Bears coveted "GROWL OF APPROVAL AWARD".

    (Edited because Bears cant spell woth a darn)
    There once was a place called
  • Yeah....what danarchy said image

    eBay Auctions
    Computer Services
    What did the doe say when she came out of the woods?.....Last time I do THAT for a buck! image
  • I am hesitant to post sometimes also. Im not a collector per-say. I just like to pick up any error coins I may find while at work. Actually.....I am even afraid to submit my errors for fear of them being rejected.

    P.S. DOG 97 is the bomb.....he has always been nice to meimage and a few others
    1 DAMMIT GIRL!!!!! SEPT.25,2003
    2nd DAMMIT GIRL!!!!! DEC.7,2003
    Got another dammit girl but don't remember when.
    1 Your a BRAVE soul AWARD from MRKELSO
  • keetskeets Posts: 25,351 ✭✭✭✭✭
    i did like many others here, watched and read for awhile before joining. that's my usual slow study technique to avoid looking TOO stupid!!image since then i've made most of the posting SNAFU's that can be made and also have misinterpreted post's at different times and reacted wrongly. i guess that's about run-of-the-mill. i look at this board as a microcosm of society, especially since it's getting a bigger membership, all factions are represented. what that means to me is that the people i seem to get along with here are probably ones i'd get along with in the general flow of life----not everyone.

    i think the newcomers who run into trouble are the ones who want to come in and be top dog right away or who post in a pretentious manner. at least i know doing those things get me in trouble in the real world.

    al h.image
  • Speaking as a newbie that kinda jumped in head first, I've felt some of the barbs and jabs at first, and personally (since I'm a human resources manager) I didn't mind them too much (see we have these voodoo dolls in my profession, in my case I have voodoo replicas of all the jerk's coins and I just give them really ugly toning when they're being buttheads - but that's for another posting).

    I think overall people seek acceptance into a group and that's what we should strive for. Sometimes newbies to the hobby ask questions that maybe have been asked a million times on here - but how do they know? they're newbies for pete's sake. I think one of the biggest gripes that people have on here is with respect to sales on the internet. You want to touch off a raw nerve, start hawking your wares on this board, intentionally or otherwise and you're likely to get your head taken off by someone or other.

    For the most part my experience here has been extremely enjoyable and enlightening and I look forward to helping and being helped a lot. For the schmucks who troll the depths of these here parts at times, don't worry, all your coins will wind up sh*t brown some morning.

    One last thought to the whole group, remember that newbies are the folks that keep our hobby going and the ones who buy coins from those of you who have been collecting for a lifetime and get an urge to spend some time on some nice caribbean beach when the cold winter nights get a little too unbearable!

    With best regards,

  • IrishMikeIrishMike Posts: 7,737 ✭✭✭
    I consider myself new here and didn't feel intimidated at any time. People here are for the most part very helpful. The first post I made here I was surprised at the lack of response, then I realized there just weren't very many IHC collectors on board. But then I am in my fifties and have managed up to as many as 60 women at a time, now that is intimidating.image If you can survive that without emotional damage then this is a piece of cake.

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