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Currency question



  • Bustman - do you remember your original post:

    "Both services (CGA and CGC) are imoral and corrupt!"

    Did you know that both of these services are owned and operated by real people with reputations and families? If they were "imoral and corrupt" you would be doing everyone a favor to offer support for your assertions. I happen to know the owners of both of these businesses, and I do not find them "imoral and corrupt". They are both trying to do good for the currency hobby. Do you know them?

    You have never offered support for your attack. Did you just want to get some attention? There are ways of doing just that without needlessly hurting other people. Try writing a poem and sharing that with us or telling us about yourself and your collecting interests. I would enjoy hearing about you. Or share some special insight you have. Or write a story for us. I bet you are actually an interesting person with quite a bit of knowledge, and I suspect that we just caught you on a bad day. I know I have bad days from time to time. One of my favorite phrases is "I'm sorry." It has redeemed me on more than one occasion.

    Interestingly enough, you have criticized me for making personal attacks. I like that - you sought to give us a clear indication of the logic you currently posess. Seems to me, though, that you have a beam in your eye that gets in your way of removing the speck out of mine. Have you ever heard that one before?

    I have offered great quantities of support for my position - I do not come out of no where, shoot and then remain silent. Reminds me of that Hinckley fella - the one that shot Ronald Reagon. Couldn't really give a reason for shooting him, just wanted a little attention. Well, you've got everyone's attention. Now what?

    You are the one who said "When I get home from "school", I will either reply to this thread or start and new one on the topic of currency grading services and what I based my opinion on. "

    You still have yet to make good on that promise. A man's word is what he is made of. I bet that you still might honor that promise. Yes, I understand. It takes a lot of time to articulate support for one's position. "People judge you by the words you use." It's easier just to attack and then walk away as opposed to taking the time to explain ones' self, isn't it? I'm sure, though, that you're very busy. I can understand. I have two businesses, a wife and three children, so I know how hard it is to come up with spare time. Well, when you get the time, please do come back to this board and tell us all why you think CGA and CGC are "imoral and corrupt". I sure would like to know what you base your opinioins on.

    Tell all those professionals who you say I am ticking off, the ones that probably see their incomes sliding because of certification, that are emailing you privately, that they have nothing to worry about because you are on their side and taking care of things over here.
    'Cause you sure are, aren't you!


  • Guys, please both of you, just stop making rude comments about each other. Life is too short to hold grudges. Make up and be happy again.

    For some life lasts a short while, but the memories it holds last forever.
    -Laura Swenson

    In memory of BL, SM, and KG. 16 and forever young, rest in peace.
  • littlewicher:

    If someone attacked you, what would you want your friends to do? Stand there and not come to your aid?

    I wrote:

    I would enjoy hearing about you. Or share some special insight you have. Or write a story for us. I bet you are actually an interesting person with quite a bit of knowledge


    I bet that you still might honor that promise.


    I'm sure, though, that you're very busy. I can understand.


    Well, when you get the time, please do come back to this board and tell us all why you think CGA and CGC are "imoral and corrupt". I sure would like to know what you base your opinioins on.

    Not everything I have written has been unkind.

  • Interesting post. I would be interested in hearing an answer from Bustman to the question Anaconda has posted several times. This is a public forum full of opinions, but it would be refreshing to see those opinions backed up by knowledge, proof, or something.

    I see threads posted every day about eBay sellers and various coin dealers that have little or no basis but to flame someone. Most are without merit or do not prove anything but the posters personal opinion.

    This of course is just another personal opinion, either wrong or right.


    Observation: Anaconda is one of the dealers I have seen attacked over and over on this board for his prices, coins, pictures, and auction descriptions. Why? I have my own opinions that do not need to be posted but they follow along with the core of Anacondas complaints in this thread. “Know what you are talking about before posting it in a public forum and be able to back it up”
  • tonekiller,
    You have a PM....it should answer your questions.
  • I’m so sorry, Bustman, my mind won’t sit still, it was stirred by your whispers so here is what it seemed to hear you say…..

    Say, Texas Traderss. Is ssnake boy dangerouss? He sseemss unsstable. Don’t misinterpret my sssstatement, I’m very courageoussss, oh, yess I am…..but somewhat conccccerned, me suspectsss, he isss like me -- mentally, a busssst,……………man. Ssshould I be worried?…..I certainly can’t sssay I’m sorry and I’m much, much too busy to ssssuport my wordsssss…..it’s easier to lie in wait and sssstrike and hisssss and then slink away, me oh my, I think I will go……oh, the grassss is not tall enough here ……what I need iss a dark damp hole…..
  • You're off your meds, Mr. Crane.

    BTW, I've heard Bustman's reasonings and find them to have merit.

    You're right, I'm done playing. All I have is just one more thing to say:

    We interrupt this thread to bring you a public service announcement:


    Thank you. We now return you to our regularly scheduled thread.
    There's nothing in the rule book that says an elephant can't pitch.

  • cdmead:

    While feeding "the trolls" you wrote:

    "BTW, I've heard Bustman's reasonings and find them to have merit."

    We all know you're also against the certification of currency, as per your words in this thread. So, it comes as no surprise that you agree with the private communications of Bustman.

    Can you either become more insightful or possible entertaining, or maybe you can point out the merit in your thread. I missed it.
    (Oh, too bad, you aren't posting any more....I forgot!)
    You also said:

    "All I have is just one more thing to say:"

    My reply is first, I seriously doubt that and secondly, if I'm wrong, I will be happy. I will have to read fewer empty words in order to garner that which is of value.


  • Anaconda,
    I always found you interesting and well spoken. Probably was just an infatuation with your impressive inventory. Now I find you a long winded rock thrower who tries to impress with your way too long boring responses. Boy, I wish Bill Gates would start collecting and showing off his collection.
  • Agentjim007 wrote:

    I always found you interesting and well spoken. Probably was just an infatuation with your impressive inventory. Now I find you a long winded rock thrower who tries to impress with your way too long boring responses. Boy, I wish Bill Gates would start collecting and showing off his collection.”

    My sincerest apologies to you, for this long winded post. Unfortunately, some things shouldn't be or can't be dealt with in short posts. This is one of them.

    First a question for you. Aren’t you being a rock thrower by calling me a rock-thrower?

    Secondly, did you actually read this whole thread from the beginning? Did you see the second post by Bustman who said "Both services are imoral and corrupt!" If that isn't rock throwing, what is? It is his post and his refusal to substantiate his allegations that my focus has been all about. Maybe your ethics have no problem with that. Mine do. Bustman (whoever he is) still to this very moment refuses to offer evidence of his accusations. When he does so, the focus might be off the rock throwing and on to the issues. Why don't you encourage him to post support for his allegations or delete his accusations (we all make mistakes) by using the edit function? That would be constructive, wouldn’t it?

    Yes, I certainly have been a rock thrower in this thread, but in this thread, I think it is justified. My suspicions are, if you were to go back and read this whole thread, you might not think that I am unjustified. But I could be wrong. You complained about me being long-winded - I suspect that since you don’t like long posts, you probably didn’t start from the beginning to read what this thread is really about, namely people who are quick to accuse but slow or incapable or unwilling to offer evidence to support their accusations. How would you like it if someone started a thread entitled "agentjim007 is immoral and corrupt" and then never said anything to substantiate it but just said "I know he is, and that's all I'll say." I bet that wouldn't bother you at all, would it?

    With regard to Bill Gates, I too wish he would start collecting and then show off his collection. I bet it would be impressive. That would sure take your mind off of me, eh? Why don’t you just try not reading what I have written? Then me and my posts for you will simply disappear! Consider taking control of your mind and what you put in it!

    Do I know you? Ah, yes. You purchased a coin from me and gave me positive feedback saying : “Highly Recommend AAA+++” Now, I call a spade (Bustman) a spade and all of a sudden I become a long-winded rock thrower. Is Bustman related to you or a friend? This thread sank to page three on my screen but you found it and posted to it for the first time???? Bustman didn’t email you and ask you for a little help? Of course, he didn’t. You have time to read threads that drift down to page three but you don’t like my long winded posts that are critical of people who throw stones without an apparent reason. Interesting.....

    Well, I tell you what. Just to make you - agentjim007, Bustman and a few other people happy, I'll bow out for 30 days. There, it is an epiphenomenal “Feliz Navidad” for you. My suspicions are that I will find not posting here to be more rewarding than posting here and that my 30 days will become a permanent re-commencement to just lurking. Lurking, as I recall, was less work than being a part of this community, a community filled with people like you, Bustman, and cdread. While there are many good clear-thinking people that post here, the problem is that clear-thinking is the attribute that prevents many from staying here, so the place gets eventually handed over to many children and losers. And if you don’t think there are many children and losers who post here, I congratulate you on your recent arrival. Again though, I have read many posts from thoughtful people. I’m just starting to realize that I’m too selfish to continue posting and that lurking is a much better bet.

    In addition to making you happy (obviously my #1 goal) it will give me more time for things that are also rewarding like spending more time with my family and posting more items to eBay. Now, you don’t get all the credit for chasing me outta here - I’ve been thinking about the rewards of being a part of this community versus the cost to my time, for quite a while, and it becomes clear, with threads like these, that the really wise thing to do for me is to be just a lurker. I’m concluding that I’d rather visit the zoo than be on display.

    anaconda.rare.coins (on eBay)

    Suggested Flames:
    What are we supposed to weep at your departure - why don’t you just slither away quietly?

    (a week from now) He left? Wow, I didn’t even know he was gone!

    No one will miss you, you are just a stupid bully that picks on everyone and has nothing meaningful to say and all of us know that.

    Why would we want to flame you, you’ve said everything we’re all thinking……

    And finally,Adrian, you are one seriously arrogant person, thinking we need advice on how to flame you. You actually don’t even need to be flamed, as you aren’t even worth the time.

    Goodbye, at least for now!


  • I did buy a coin from you. I had to return it. It was black compared to the picture. If you tilted it just right it looked like the picture. You were very fair, returned all my money and even through in an extra 10 bucks because you forgot to send it and delivery took quite sometime. I still would highly recommend you to purchase from. Your very fair. I always have respected your posts until this one. You have become somewhat of a leader on here ( probably receiving some clout from your impressive inventory). I did read most of the thread, enough to realize you engaged in a cyber battle that was very uncomplimentory. Since your not either of the currency grading firms that were bashed ( you aren't are you? ) you should stick to fighting your own battles. 30 days without Annaconda sounds good to me.
  • dorkkarldorkkarl Posts: 12,691 ✭✭✭
    again, another example of why words like "corrupt", "immoral", "scam", "dishonest", "ripoff", etc. should be used w/ care and only where truly appropriate. i seriously doubt that an entire company like the ones mentioned are "immoral" in there entirety.

    respect other's opinions, but if you state something as a "fact", SUPPORT IT.

    not trying to say who's right or wrong here, or even if anyone IS right or wrong. but w/ a closed-minded attitude, you'll just keep hurling rock after rock at a target, and never even see whether you hit it or not

    K S
  • WAAAAA ZUPPPPP????????? Clearly I have been away too long! How is everyone doing today? You guys can sum it up later.

    My name is David, and I'm a coinaholic. This weekend I watched some football and everytime I got change, I looked at each coin like... a ... coinaholic. I like to invest as well. A Company that I've held for some time (Symbol: PGO) that I picked up for .40 cents is up to $1.20 today. I won a football pool ($50) and have a job interview on Thursday. I'm happy with PCGS although I'm still waiting to receive my coins back and I believe I will play Mega Millions tonight to see if my lucky streak will continue.

    In any case, figured I would write something different in this thread. I enjoyed it but it was a bit too deep for me image

    Everyone relax, take a deep breath and smile.

  • Good luck on the jopb interview - it's not as a grader with PCGS, is it? image
  • Anaconda-
    If you really wanted to know why I said what I did, all you had to do was email or pm me. Did you? No. You don't care about getting to the truth. All you care about is staying in the spotlight. You pulled this thread and all your other threads back from the dead nearly everyday to keep your name current.
    As far as having friends post anything in my defense...... NO one has been put up to anything. They have only posted how they feel. Either in response to my explanation of what happened, or more likely just because they are sick of you.
    A break for thirty days would be the best thing you could do for the forum. I will likely be taking a break myself..... had enough for now.
    So no flames here, just simply.............goodbye!
  • Bustman- please PM me. I have one piece of CGA graded currency (I'm really a coin person)but would love to hear your thoughts on CGA and the other currency service.
  • My two cents.....

    Bustman you really shouldn't have come out with such strong statements the way you did in public-EVEN IF THERE IS SOME TRUTH TO THEM. If your frustrated, you need to work it out some other way.

    I won't deal in paper money for a reason. If any of you can do your homework-check out the owners of BOTH grading firms. You'll find one of them has a not so desireable past. It is with great reluctance that dealers use the grading services for paper money because of this-not just because they are greedy and want more profits.

    And ANACONDA, shame on you for picking on a collector. I couldn't care less what your excuse is. Even if some one says something I dislike on these boards, I NEVER make childish comments at them. If anything you should counsel a misguided collector. And apparently YOU don't know much about those services.

    This thread needs to be ended NOW!. Its time to move on to informative topics that this board was meant for.

    Laura Sperber

    Laura Sperber

    JUST SAY NO TO WANNABES! They lurk and prey on unwitting collectors in chatrooms!
  • Legend said it best. For my 2C, I think that Bustman's comments, while harsh, were not far afield from what many in the business say about currency grading. To simply ask him or her the basis of those comments would be enough. It was unnecessary and silly to threaten possible litigation (which the plaintiff would never win) and to in essence ask Bustman if he/she has ever accomplished anything worthwhile in his/her life. Those sorts of "ad hominem" attacks are way to common on this forum for my taste and are unnecessary. Another person is not stupid because they disagree with you.
  • danglendanglen Posts: 1,674 ✭✭✭
    I am sorry my thread was the genesis of your proposed self-imposed exile from this board. If I were to quit posting for thirty days would you consider remaining active? Since I haven't been posting that long, thirty days off would not be a hardship for me, but I think a lot of the people on this board appreciate your comments on different subjects. The fact that you had a disagreement with another member should not be the cause for withdrawl from the community. Regardless of how vituperous the comments became, I have witnessed a lot worse in some political forums. Stick around, contrasting points of view are always needed to keep the dialogue fresh and the gray matter working.

    My Website

    "Everything I have is for sale except for my wife and my dog....and I'm not sure about one of them."
  • ldhairldhair Posts: 7,262 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I told myself I didn't want to get in this thread but sometimes I don't listen. Bustman said too much or maybe not enough. Anaconda said way to much. I don't know Anaconda and after all his harrasment of others I don't care to. Nobody should have to deal with his type of abuse. NOBODY. I don't feel that is what this board is about. Childish crap is never good for ones reputation. Hint. Hint. You want to jump on me Anaconda, go for it. I could care less and I'm sure many feel the same way. Based on your opinion of the members here I know you don't care either. I would love to say more about your actions on this board but, I will not regress to your level. If you can't offer anything positive, good by is in order. Just my FE cents worth.

  • As a long time supporter of Anaconda on these boards, I have to say I hope he just had a bad few days as it happens to the best and worst of us. I read the entire thread with an unbiased approach and it certainly seems like Adrian got up on the wrong side of the bed. People make incorrect and irresponsible comments on these boards everday and most of us choose to ignore them. When you decide to jump in and defend a company that you don't own against someone elses opinions. You are indeed looking for a fight and their can be no winners. Provide information or examples to the contrary, but insults and tests don't usually go over too well. Adrian is a great businessman and he adds a lot of valuable insight into this coin forum. I for one would hate to seem him go, but hopefully if he decides to stay he will look back at this thread and see that he brought some of these negative comments on himself. For anyone who reads this and does not agree, I respect your right to your opinion and no flames will be forth coming as I don't take any of this stuff to seriously.
  • Hmm, what timing for this thread!

    I just sent my '86 Morgan to you, and then THIS happens. Must be a rough time for you down in TX. Take care, Adrian. However, may I remind you that this IS JUST a forum and we need not take things SO personally. I certainly received a lot of flak over that coin that you have, but this board is designed as an educational service. Some may use it for other purposes, but one must weed those clowns out. As you aptly stated, there are some crumbheads here but there are also many high-class professionals and nice people too. I hope that this unfortunate little event does not hurt you in your business which has an outstanding reputation.

    Take it from a guy who suffers from a serious psychiatric condition (bipolar I-rapidcycling): relax and enjoy. Thanks in advance for the scans and I look forward to hearing from you again soon.

    Barnett A. Plisko (OK, there, now you all know who I am)
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