Is NGC now in the "Flag Insert" business?
Posts: 24,178 ✭✭✭✭✭
Not that I think it's such a bad idea- but is NGC following PCGS's footsteps and coming up with different inserts and slab labels? I just found this one on eBay (first time I've seen it-) and although I like the insert, am curious if NGC is changing their policy?
In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
But you can bet that the Pro-NGC guys on this board who bash PCGS for their "games" such as Flag Inserts will not comment against NGC for doing the same thing!
In God We Trust.... all others pay in Gold and Silver!
darnit... cant find anymore.. did you happen on that by mistake or did you do a specific search?
I tried to locate others too and wasn't successful. I'm not sure what type of promotion is/was involved with this one- I just found the insert attractive and a pleasant addition to my collection (w/out the high cost outlay).
I think it is likely that the so-called pro-NGC folks just might think there's more to NGC than just gimmicks, and that there's not much more to PCGS than gimmicks. Maybe if PCGS had handled the fingerprint and booger issue better people would be more willing to overlook the gimmicks.
I think your comment an be inferred as saying that those favor NGC don't have very good reasons for favoring NGC.
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My comments were very simple in meaning. When threads were first put on this board about PCGS putting a flag on a holder or just about anything else PCGS has tried to do, the Pro-NGC crowd comes right in and says "What will PCGS do for profit next" or something to that effect.
Personally, I don't care much for some of the games played by either company, but it doesn't seem fair to bash PCGS for making "Flag" holder and then praise NGC later for doing the same thing! Personally, I just want my coins graded properly, and both companies may have some room for improvment in this area.
I agree with you 100%, but only if you look at the cutesy holders as an isolated case. In the totality of matters that concern us about the services, we have a threshold below which we can put up with almost anything and beyond which we'll complain about everything.
I don't care much for these gimmicks (from either company), and haven't bothered to complain either. But, given how I feel about PCGS for all the other aspects, I can certainly understand why some may wish to slam PCGS for the cutsey inserts while applauding NGC for theirs.
Is it fair? No, I suppose not. But, as people who are annoyed, it's understandable to lash out when we can.
BTW, I think the real test of fairness is if the pro-NGC folks who blasted PCGS for their cutesy inserts will now say how nice the NGC ones are. Don't ascribe motive to their silence...
How does one get a hater to stop hating?
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Cameron Kiefer
We'll use our hands and hearts and if we must we'll use our heads.
Please tell me you can see a difference.