Add this coin to my set!!!
1840-O PCGS XF45 (12532488)
The coin was sold on Great Collections to me several weeks ago.
These scans should be enough. You have my email.
3 rim nicks away from Good
1840-O PCGS XF45 (12532488)
The coin was sold on Great Collections to me several weeks ago.
These scans should be enough. You have my email.
Despite being an "official" PCGS-backed forum, I'm under the solid impression that the ONLY way the staff will pay attention to anything on the message boards here, is if there's any kind of perceived threat or personal attack -- in which case they'll warn you and still not give a single concern about the actual problem being fielded
It has to be pretty telling that the forum's 'main' page is at least 90% posts about the registry not working - PCGS doesn't care.
That said, even when they were running a functional platform, this forum would not reach people who could add coins into inventory or sets, so this one probably never would have worked anyway. However, for whatever it's worth, I believe each picture needs to have the full slab, along with a written note with your username and current date visible in the picture - one picture for the front, one for the back. Without the username and date, there's no way they can prove the coin is actually in your hands (ie, right now there's nothing stopping any of us here from saving these very pictures you've posted, and submitting them ourselves - without the username and date, we couldn't get anywhere with them either. Unfortunately, the only options for getting these added to your inventory, is to either use the automated removal request function and follow-up with pics uploads via the activity page (a process that is BROKEN for probably 85% of the users) or send the pics via email and wait -- a process that ALSO seems to be broken for 85% of the users who are forced to resort to it, as evidenced by probably half of the posts on this forum for the last several months
My personal interjection, don't be afraid to send the same email every week until they finally get around to noticing one of them... There's a temptation to send 100 copies back-to-back to get the attention of, well, ANYONE -- but with our luck, that'd probably just break their server and make things worse.
Regardless, good luck - and understand that although this message board probably won't be of any help getting your coin added, it should give you the momentary relief that it's not "just you" having the problems... We're ALL pretty disenfranchised over all of their incompetence and apathy.
I know you purchased the coin in question and I know you wouldn't attempt to lie to or deceive PCGS with respect to registering a coin in your set. However, with less than five minutes of image editing I have changed your email and max bid (neither of which is public-facing so PCGS would not know they were changed) and, as such, I could build a mock-up of any coin on the GC (or HA or SB or whatever) platform and with a little editing claim I had won the coin.
I attempted to crop my image they way you cropped yours, but the size displayed on this thread is not exactly the same. Your is on top and mine is on the bottom-
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
I had given some thought that you could add the paid invoice to verify the win but thanks to your quick editing, I see that this too can be forged or modified.
Pictures of the coin in hand with a time stamp seems the way to go.
Thanks for sharing.
Kennedys are my quest...
I couldn't get anywhere with the registry, so I decided to give this a try, even though I know it's stupid. How are they doing with adding CAC coins to the registry? Nothing for months?
So, will a cutout photo of the obverse and reverse in someone's hand be good enough? I'm 2000 miles away from the coin.
I'll try again and then send them an email with photos. I look forward to seeing my EF45 WB-14 (R5) in your registry sets.
My sincere thanks, guys, for caring.
Definitely wouldn't call the attempt "Stupid" (Unless using that word might trigger some moderator-bot to actually pay attention LOL)
And yeah, they kinda seem to want to to prove you have the coin in your physical possession before being able to add it to inventory (only exception is coins submitted for grading are "legal" to add as soon as they have the certs programmed in, you don't have to wait for the post office to get them into your hands --- although, my last few submissions have had the slabs back in my hands before the certs were "active" so it still didn't matter... but regardless, in your case, if I'm reading correctly at least, you'd be expected to wait until the coin physically is in your hands, before they'd allow you to add to your inventory. Seems a bit pedantic, but that's a delay we all pretty much have to accept. Now, the eternal delays AFTER that point, on the other hand... Yeah, that's still a significant problem [sigh]
I'm familiar with their quality of service. It was a surprise to me how incompetent they are with coins. Talking to Customer Service about a mislabeled coin was a comedy skit. They made multiple mistakes and blamed me for them. They either never looked at the coin, or they're unfamiliar with coins. When I contacted them, CS handled my inquiry something like this: "I talked to the guys. They told me that you effed up. Now how soon do you want to resubmit this coin so we can correct our mistakes on your dime?" My respect for PCGS vanished and was replaced with anger until PCGS_Hy came through and corrected things for me.
Their grading has been excellent but toss in 70 bad Trueviews and overall PCGS has been disappointing. If they don't hire a competent photographer and a few real numismatists and not "Sears" numismatists, they'll be out of the coin business in 10 years.
For things like obscure variety attributions, I guess that's their advertised way, if you don't specify exactly what they're supposed to look for, they won't look (that Ike dollar is still an Ike dollar whether it's an RPM or not) But in terms of general identification, that absolutely is what they're supposed to be verifying and authenticating. When they rolled out their revamped online submission portal, I'd watched a video review from some professional coin dealer (don't remember who it was, was more concerned that they were trying to fix one of the few things that wasn't really all that broken -- apart from the tendency for the drop-down coin-finder function resetting itself when you weren't paying attention...) The review emphasized that if you weren't really sure, don't worry too much about it, these guys are professionals, they KNOW what they're looking at, they'll make sure it's right" --- that should really go without saying... however... [sigh]
It's never been admitted, but I suspect Covid really did a number on PCGS, that seems like when things really started to go downhill - and, for the most part, that's understandable. The fact that there's been virtually no recovery in the years since, though, is hard to forgive. I really think they spread themselves too thin when they decided to branch out into paper currency. I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to start grading cryptocurrency before actually fixing things over here
I specified exactly what the coin was. Twice, because I gave the proper PCGS number for the coin as well as the official PCGS 4-number designation for the coin. I also gave a valuation for the coin consistent with its description. What I didn't do is flag the coin as a variety, because frankly, I thought that would have been too redundant. WRONG! Like you wrote above, that flag was important for giving the coin proper attention. The proper description and coin # turned out to be irrelevant, they apparently never looked at the date and instead, changed the designation and coin # for GKW reason, convenience? Why didn't they check with the owner before ignorantly making these changes? Why didn't they glance at the date? The coin is a WB-1 and has one of the most pronounced overdates in my small hoard.
PCGS staff told me that they don't look at the coin number. Then why do they ask for it and the PCGS proper designation from Coin Facts? It's the one task that takes the most time for me in filling out a submission sheet.
They appear to be so streamlined and specialized for grading that the base staff hardly look at the coin and perhaps lack the numismatic knowledge to attribute it correctly. Yet these are a Redbook variety with 4-digit coin number and are attributed for no cost. Now that I know how they seem to operate, I flag all possible problems they might have. I cannot assume they'll be able to identify anything. I've even purchased a coin (74-S WB-3) so that they would be able to differentiate that DM from the very similar rare DM (74-S WM-4) I wanted attributed.
Oldsmagnet, you are correct that a new acquisition has to be paid for and in your hands (delivered) before they will award ownership.
Sadly, I'm somewhat convinced the variety flag is only there to make sure they can charge you the extra $18 or whatever it is now...
Every time I've had to send of a "mechanical error" (ie they messed up printing certs, etc) I've had to go through the paper-form nonsense, to drive home the feeling of living in the dark ages - I'm surprised they didn't require it to be faxed. I really hope those things can become a thing of the past with their revamped submission portal Especially if they ever figure out what to do with my not-silver silver kookaburras and have me send in all five.... My old eyes can NOT deal with that tiny print anymore