Dealer help...

I want to build a small.collection but don't really want to do the work. Any dealers in here can guide me and the find the cards for me?
Please DM me. Not wealthy prolly 5 to 10k in cards I want.
I want to build a small.collection but don't really want to do the work. Any dealers in here can guide me and the find the cards for me?
Please DM me. Not wealthy prolly 5 to 10k in cards I want.
I would suggest if you dont want to do the work or dont have strong opinions on what will go up more than other investment opportunities, you shouldn't get into it, especially requesting counsel from people you dont know well who could have other motives than getting you the best return on your investment.
I can appreciate the idea of cards over stocks if you love them and will enjoy the building of the collection and can appreciate your collection despite it getting you a lesser return than stocks. But if you have no feelings about the cards I'd say buy stocks instead.
I know the player I want... just do not want to hunt the cards... Want someone to guide me on what cards are out there and where to get them.
I know the player(s) I want... Just am overwhlemed when I start trying to find all the cards...
Not about an investment... it is about buying something that I can pass to someone at the right time...
I can appreciate that. Who is the player?
No desire to share that on a public forum.
Please DM if you want to help me... we can work something out.