At one time I had a complete set of the 50 coin commemorative set. Got tired of looking at them and sold most of them. Now I miss them and decided to do the set again; but, in respect for my safe deposit box, limit my self to only the nicest 40 and in upgraded grades if possible. I now have 37 of them. Show me which one you really don't like.
Many (most?) people love the Oregon...I simply don't like it.
I am so sorry.
I misread the thread title and showed my favorite.
Here is my least favorite:
Really, as an Oregonian I resemble your selection. How about Washington Carver. No way this is a better looking coin than Oregon
Stone Mountain.
Some of the worst classic designs would make good clad coins.
@braddick you just killed me with listing the CT, but I guess your follow-up post resuscitated me.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
Yeah, as soon as I posted I caught my error.
Such a lovely and beautiful coin.
That one with the taxidermized possum, the pickaxe and the pile of dirt!
Reminds me of a boring state quarter design.

Nothing is as expensive as free money.
Spanish Trail. Hands down the worst, for me.
Roman emperor Marcus Aurelius, "Meditations"
Apparently I have been awarded one DPOTD.
The 1926 Sesqui half.. the nerve of a living president putting themselves on a coin. On top of that the relief was really terrible and God help you if you bought one certified MS-65 in the early 1990s. I don’t think any commemorative took a nose dive more than that one did in high grades
These are frequently ugly and abused, as I suspect it tops many other least favorite lists as well.
Bridgeport obverse hands down for me, I do like the reverse though.

Successful BST transactions- Bfjohnson, Collectorcoins, 1peter223, Shrub68, Byers, Greencopper, Coinlieutenant
Nice OST! Is your "boring state quarter design" for sale?
A super common coin in high grades, this coin does nothing for me but make me wonder - why is the eagle kissing his as*? And then use that as the design for the obverse? Shouldn’t it be on the backside?
I paid $270 for this back in May 2019.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
Lots of choices, one reason I’ve never gone for the whole type set.
A corollary thought I have is that I dislike obligation collecting. Gotta fill a hole idea. Not saying I've never done it, but have learned that it is such a waste of my resources.
Great examples shown of uninspiring designs!
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"
Good point. Wish I hadn’t started my 21st Century type set.
In this order, Wash Carver, BT Washington, then this flat pancake that looks like it could be an uninspired modern commemorative

Commems and Early Type
The reverse of the Bridgeport Half would make for a good modern design. You have the eagle and all required inscriptions on the reverse while the obverse has plenty of room to play with.
Yet it is one of the most valuable in the classic commemorative series
Yeah, looks like a badly drawn cartoon. I like the reverse, the state seal, though.
I like the reverse, the state seal, though.

They are also hard to find blast white. The vast majority of them are light grey in color with a satiny, frosty surface.
Somehow they couldn't fit the date in with the capital building.
I figure that moderns should be included, right?
Here goes. The Capitol Visitors Center has the worst design ever. When I first saw this coin, I thought that it was damaged. The red spot is from my camera which flashes a red light when it shoots a picture. It might improve this thing.
Believe it or not two artists got together to design the reverse. If they were paid for that, I would demand a refund. It gives "boring" a new meaning.
If you want to limit the panning for the design to the "old commemoratives, the Wisconsin never did much for me.
And the Old Spanish Trail is both expensive and “esthetically challenged." This one is graded MS-66 which means it should look about as good as this coin can look.
The Oregon Commemorative Half Dollar, designed by James and Laura Frazer, is among the most admired designs. I can understand critizing it because of the way it was issued year after year for no good reason other than GREED. There was no way this coin should have been issued from 1925 to 1939. Still the design is widely admired.
And from a financial standpoint, it makes sense to at least go for a MS65 if one can't stretch to buy a MS66,
You win!
More of an excellent art deco influence. There's far "worse" than this.
30 stars. Sets up a bit of nice numismatic trivia.
It is a bit drab, but it's scarce, particularly in circulated grades.
I understand. I feel that way about the Buffalo nickel. Odd, because I LOVE the reverse of the Oregon. One of my favorite reverses in all coinage.
Washington-Carver and Rhode Island are, to me, the most inept designs.
But every time I see an Iowa, I shudder.
Here’s the story:
In the late 20th Century, one of the local ‘pickers’ who attended estate sales and local auctions, came into our shop with about a dozen bright white uncirculated Iowa half dollars.
He told us he got them from an auction in Scottdale, items from the estate of the man who had been governor of Iowa when the Iowa halves were issued.
Our astute picker had bought the Iowas in the auction.
He then went home and dipped the coins so they would be shiny.
And had already thrown away the sales receipt and the brochure/lot list which would have established the provenance of the coins.
I guess the moral of the story is, some people wouldn’t know a Treasure if it forcibly applied mandibles to their posterior.
30+ years coin shop experience (ret.) Coins, bullion, currency, scrap & interesting folks. Loved every minute!
But I like that reverse - FROM SLAVE CABIN TO HALL OF FAME. Especially the toning.
Reminds me that America is the land of opportunity. My early ancestors lived in log cabins.
Lots of focus on aesthetics. I’m surprised more isn’t made of the dubious background of many commemoratives - when picking least favorite. Another reason that I have no interest in the full set.
I love the "body builder" Native American holding out his arm against the invading Europeans - not just the gesture but the passive yet overwhelming strength displayed. Quite a step for the time! However, and even though well done, the wagon heading into that very West offsetting and memorializing the migration.
Well, just Love coins, period.
I actually like the BTW as well. I also have one of the original brochures which list his incredible historic contributions.
The Carver I think is a terrible design and why couldn’t they give Carver his own coin with a front facing portrait like BTW?
Easily the best story of the day!