Looks like the 2025 NMS bourse will not be a sellout.

The ANA NMS in Atlanta opens 2 weeks from today. There are still 8 bourse tables available. Two in the Ultra Premium section, one corner booth in the Select section and five corner booths in the Economy section. I would think that any dealer that is going to have a table would have rented one by now. Also, one club table is available.
I have wavered back and forth about going.
Only real reason I have to go is to drop off a lot of stuff for grading.
At an average of $75-$85 per medal, I'm not real sure I even want to do that.
There are too many shows. Long Beach is next week. A large show every week or two I don't think is a good thing.
"Seu cabra da peste,
"Sou Mangueira......."
The Great Coin and Collectables show in Ft. Lauderdale in April was canceled. Rats…😩
Long Beach is relatively late this time and a week before the NMS. Last Long Beach, at least for now.
The TSNS show in Chattanooga is the same weekend as the ANA NMS in Atlanta. If I get to go, I will try to make both.
See you in Atlanta!
doesn't seem like news
has the initial number of tables fallen by 25% from the last show?
Do they usually sell out? I have no idea - just asking.
Coin Rarities Online
Now only 5 tables left.
Scarsdale Coin is looking forward to being there... it doesn't matter if they sell out or not still going to be a great show because we are bringing lots of cool coins and candy! Stop bye our table and say HI
Hope to make it, but just not sure now.
Most shows have a few spots that open back up last week as dealers have things that come up. This show is pretty full....if only 5 spots are left....to me thats a sell out
The ANA NMS starts Thursday the 27th and there hasn't been a post here in the last 8 days. What looks like lack of interest in this show is indicative of the lack of interest in the ANA. So much for promoting numismatics with a $10 admission on Thursday and Friday for the general public and it doesn't look like they are having educational seminars open to the public unless they are hiding the schedule somewhere. Makes one wonder where their interests are.
I'll probably attend on Thursday but only because I intend to sell some bullion between the monthly Atlanta shows and it is easier the driving to Chattanooga although that will probably be a better show for the average collector.
it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide
Nice try at taking shots at the ANA, but you really should try to get your facts straight before posting. They have educational seminars all day Thursday and Friday. Not hidden. Prominently disclosed in the Official Show Guide that is available on the website. Also disclosed right on the web page for the show.
Admission to their shows is always $10, other than the last day. Always free for ANA members. Free admission is an inducement to join. Just having the show is "promoting numismatics."
I'm not sure there is a strong argument to provide free admission to those who don't otherwise have an interest in supporting the organization. I get why for-profit shows, like Whitman, offer free admission, because they make their money selling tables to dealers, and tables are worth more if more people come in the door. The same way I thought it was a mistake for IMEX and the GACC to charge admission.
A non-profit like the ANA, though, has a mission that transcends running a show, and that mission requires money. If people don't want to pay membership dues, or support the organization through a modest fee to attend a show, then I'm not sure the ANA really needs them.
That said, the last day is always free for those who don't want to give the ANA $10. Probably more to try to get dealers to stay, with the prospect of more casual collectors attending, than to "promote numismatics," but still. Along with kids, who are unlikely to be pulled out of school in the middle of the week to attend a coin show.
Why doesn't that satisfy your desire to see them "promote numismatics"? Do you support them with dues? If not, and they are going to help you "sell some bullion between the monthly Atlanta shows," there is no reason you shouldn't give them $10 for providing the service to you. If you don't want to pay the $10, and don't want to wait for the monthly Atlanta shows, you too can wait until Saturday and try to sell to whoever is still around.
Finally, the Spring show is ALWAYS far smaller than the Summer show, so it's really no surprise you're not seeing buzz here like you do for the WFOM, or for Winter FUN. I'm sure we'll see posts next week from those who attend.
It sounds like you'll be there to fully support them with your $10 bucks, great! Enjoy the Educational Seminars while you're at it. You might enjoy listening to them, debating them, and teaching them a thing or two?
I’ll be there Friday and hopefully Saturday, looking forward to it. I don’t think I’ll get a hall pass to Chattanooga on Sun - 3 days in a row at coin shows would definitely land me in the dog house.
Stopped by Robinson’s Coins in Marietta this afternoon, and they were busy gearing up for the show, good group of guys there.
Actually, I won't be. I don't generally do the Spring shows. I'm not that hardcore a collector, and therefore cannot justify the time and expense involved in traveling to the smaller national shows.
I am also an ANA member, so I fully support them with far more than $10 per year, but get into shows for free when I do go. And yet, even though I don't think the show will be worth a trip to Atlanta for me, you don't see me on a public forum pooping all over it, or over the ANA.
Because it is what it is, the smaller of two annual shows. There is nothing wrong with it, or with Atlanta, and the fact that no one has posted about it here means nothing. Certainly not a "lack of interest in this show" being "indicative of the lack of interest in the ANA."
I have been debating over this show for a while. I rarely buy anything at shows but may go just to submit some medals for grading.
If nothing comes up I will be there Thursday.
??? Do you pay that much to grade a medal? Can you show us one?
Medals are extremely expensive to have graded. I have not had many graded for that reason. It is getting to the point, just as with coins, that people are willing to pay the difference so I will oblige occasionally.
Check the World coin forum. I have been posting a few.
Couple hundred more to go.
I will be at Atlanta for the ENTIRETY of the show. I am on two of the six Class judging panels for competitive exhibits PLUS the Best in Show panel. I am also a George Heath Society member which means I contribute over $1,000 annually to the ANA. Some people just have different priorities. I MIGHT not even get onto the bourse floor at all. Ima try, but no guarantee. I have several committee meetings as well.
I must TRY to get to Allen Berman’s table in case he found some shillings for me.
They must be the large medals that need the big slabs. The smaller medals should not cost that much. You must be using the top two services. I've never sent a coin to either of them for obvious reasons. I buy them already slabbed by any TPGS.
It's been a busy hour for you posting to a lot of threads. Why don't you stop and take a breath?
Well, that's because of the TIER VALUE of your medals. I cannot imagine any TPGS charging $70 to grade any of those items if they are worth less.
As for your suggestion, please keep off-subject nonsense to yourself as I have a blind eye to those with certain "beliefs". LOL, I'm trying to become an "expert" and get as many posts as you. BTW, are you also monitoring all the posts by Mr. Feld?
Can you not be bothered to look? Really shocked that @PCGS_Moderator hasn't kicked you off again @Married2Coins . Both your current iteration and former alt just don't get it.
As usual..WRONG. Can you really not be bothered to look up this very easily found information?
I don't look at what PCGS charges. $70 seemed steep to me to grade a Medal or Colonial. However, thanks for your post. You have confirmed exactly what I posted above: "Well, that's because of the TIER VALUE of your medals. I cannot imagine any TPGS charging $70 to grade any of those items if they are worth less."
$35 is very reasonable.
Thanks for turning me on to the foreign section of CU. I'm going to spend more time over there today and in the future. Your medals are in amazing condition. What is the diameter of a Cathedral medal?
I see you also collect US. That's what's great about this place. Us little guys get to see the things we wish we could buy. My red 55/55 cent is not as nice as yours; but I still love it.
Now there are only 3 bourse tables left to rent.
They will all be sold. There is always last minute demand. But if not, more seating area maybe?
Mea culpa (seriously), being a sometimes old curmudgeon I was in a bad mood and put my foot in my mouth. I swear I tried to find the education seminars from the main page and was unsuccessful and frustrated. I have since found them and will probably attend a couple of them. There was no excuse for what I posted
I promise I'll be better behaved from now on.
it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide