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Please help me understand this

I am relatively new to collecting and trying to learn, but this one throws me.

I had requested to have a set created for the 2021 ASE to recognize this "unique" year. Not only was there a change in the REVERSE part way through the year (Type 1/Type 2), but this was also a COVID impacted year, with coins that were intended to be minted at WP, partially being minted under emergency measures at SF and P (Type 1) and SF (Type 2). Additionally, there were the proofs (reg.), minted at WP (type 1) and at SF and W (type 2). Reverse proofs of type 1 were minted at WP and for type 2, at SF. And finally, a Burnished type 2, minted at WP was created. So, as indicated below, this resulted in 11 distinct strikes. In no cases, were bullion coins given a mint mark but indicated on the label with the mint in ( ).

Anyway, the set was created and titled: SILVER EAGLES COMPLETE SET TYPE 1 AND TYPE 2, CIRCULATION STRIKES AND PROOF (2021),_ initially with 11 slots._

2021 Silver Eagle Mintages

  • 1Bullion Type 1 Emergency issue struck at Philadelphia: 495,500
  • 2Bullion Type 1 Emergency issue struck at San Francisco: 1,000,000
  • 3Bullion Type 2 Emergency issue struck at San Francisco: 1,000,000
  • 4Bullion Type 1 struck at West Point: 11,811,000 (includes 200,000 Last Struck coins)
  • 5Bullion Type 2 struck at West Point: 13,968,500 (includes 200,000 First Struck coins)
  • 6Proof-W Type 1: 375,321
  • 7Proof-S Type 2: 272,181
  • 8Proof-W Type 2: 384,279
  • 9Reverse Proof-W Type 1: 123,923 - first of 2 coin set
  • 10Reverse Proof-S Type 2: 123,923 - second of 2 coin set
  • 11Burnished-W Type 2: 185,791

At some later date, 2 additional slots were created...one for a Type 1 First Strike and one for a Type 2 First Strike (PCGS #s: 837646 / 837647 and 880926 / 880925
So, my question, would a "First Strike" be considered a distinct/unique "strike"? I have a 2021 ASE with the label reading
Silver Eagle - Type 1
Last Day of Production 888785.70/49645335

Should a "last day of production" warrant a separate slot if "first strike" gets one? It gets its own PCGS # if that is the rationale used for the addition of the 2 new first strike slots.

To me, I wouldn't think that a timing issue (early/first/last/etc), would warrant separate slots given the set criteria (circulation strikes and proofs). Can someone help me understand this?

Here is the set composition (now with 13 slots): (should the first 2 slots be there?)
Issue Weight
2021 Type 1 1.00
2021 Type 2 1.00
2021-(P) Type 1 Emergency Issue MS 1.00
2021-(S) Type 1 Emergency Issue MS 1.00
2021-(S) Type 2 Emergency Issue MS 1.00
2021-(W) Type 1 MS 1.00
2021-(W) Type 2 MS 1.00
2021-S Type 2 Proof 2.00
2021-S Type 2 Reverse Proof 2.00
2021-W Type 1 Proof 2.00
2021-W Type 1 Reverse Proof 2.00
2021-W Type 2 Proof 2.00
2021-W Type 2 Burnished Specimen 1.00


  • lilolmelilolme Posts: 2,743 ✭✭✭✭✭

    Let me first state that I do Not know anything about the Silver Eagles. So I am going about this from other registry sets / stuff.

    Looking at the Silver Eagles and this set, I believe the two newly added 2021 Type 1 and Type 2 should be there but should be a different coin number.

    Now I will try to explain how I got there and again going by how other (not SE) sets work. (Hopefully no bad typos.)

    This is the link to the noted set and it's composition.

    Now click on the 2021 Type 1 at the top and it will take you to this page (link below) for coin # 837647 or a First Day of Issue variety.

    Now go down to where it has Show Related Coins and Varieties (256) (just above the block for grades/prices/pop/auction information) and click on that link.
    It should open up a list with Major Variety and Die Varieties (long list) shown. See screenshot below.

    The coin # 837647 is in the long list under Die Varieties and fairly far down and is colored green (as being the active page).

    So I would think that this would not be the correct coin # for the set as it is a Die Variety - First Issue.

    What I think should be in the set is the Major Variety noted above in the screen shot.

    So click on that 2021 $1 Silver Eagle - Type 1 and it will go to the page for that Major Variety - coin # 837645, 2021 $1 Silver Eagle - Type 1 (Regular Strike). Link below.

    If you select that Show Related Coins and Varieties it will now show the Major Variety as green or the active page.

    Repeat for the Type 2 to get to (Regular Strike) coin # 880924. Link below.

    On other sets you can often still use any of the Die Varieties to fill the hole of that Major Variety (as long as that die variety is not part of the remaining set requirements).

    I checked only a couple of others in the set and they are Major Varieties.
    So again I don't know anything about these Silver Eagles but I would think those two need to be the Major Variety Type 1 and Type 2 Regular Strike.
    PS - Note that 2021 $1 Silver Eagle - Type 2 First Day of Issue (Regular Strike) page is all messed up with the plate coin photos.

    https://youtube.com/watch?v=wwmUMvhy-lY - Pink Me And Bobby McGee
    https://youtube.com/watch?v=D0FPxuQv2ns - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed

    RLJ 1958 - 2023

  • Thank you very much...this clears up a lot for me. And for the amount of effort you put into this.

  • GoldminersGoldminers Posts: 4,244 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 7, 2025 4:42AM

    In the main major and complete set of silver eagles, it correctly only includes slots for coins that are actually different. Actual mint marks on the coin itself, designs, or finishes that are different. This set is for purists who collect only different coins.

    The other sets like the ones you mention above are "label" collections representing all kinds of varieties. I looked at the 2021 Type 2 eagle and there are 199 "die" varieties listed. In this case "die" really means labels.

    The 2021 (S) Type 1 Emergency issue shown has 86 label "die" varieties indicated as well. Type 1 and type 2 should not both be in this same page of listings as major varieties. They are different.

    In my opinion, there are only 2 major MS coins minted in 2021 that are physically different, and they are Type 1 837645 and Type 2 880924. All of the hundreds of other varieties are subsets of these main designations. The emergency issue shown on that referenced page listing is a listing error, and all other variations are just different "die varieties", or labels of the same 2 coins.

    To me trying to collect or even distinguish between all of the labels is a complication that I do not feel will be rewarded much when it comes time to sell. They do cost more to buy and are limited in population numbers, but very few people will actually want to collect all these hundreds of labels designations long term.

    I collect one of each actual coin and it makes things much easier to deal with.

    PS And that listing for coin mentioned above 880926 is a joke with a gold coin and a Lincoln cent shown.

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