Swapping pedigrees… worth the trouble?

I bought a coin in last night’s auction. It’s clearly a nice coin and has a CAC green to boot. It has been owned by R. E. Naftzger, Tom Reynolds, and Walter Husak among others, but now is pedigreed to a collection. It would seem that the new pedigree was added after the 2016 Reynolds sale. Tom said that it’s likely it was pedigreed to him and probably REN until those pedigrees were changed to reflect the new owner’s set name. Okay.
So the auction house clearly knew the history of the coin, and now so do I. It’s just that to me, the coin is worth more bearing the names of one or more of the great collectors of early copper, and not the name of a set that maybe only a handful of dealers and collectors know and understand.
Also, the coin to me is clearly finer than some others of the issue bearing a higher numerical grade. So here’s the question:
Do I resubmit and re-grade, with the inherent risk of losing CAC, or just ask for PCGS to redo the pedigree? What should I ask for? Naftzger-Reynolds-Husak? Or do I just keep it as is and make a tiny sticker for the backside of the slab?
Here’s a link to the coin:
Regrade does not seem like a good option given the cost, sticker, etc. But a few bucks for a re-holder seems worthwhile if it's important to you.
I have a number of coins that came with set pedigrees, I've had most of them removed except where I consider them important, like Naftzger.
If it was mine, Id have PCGS reholder it with the pedigree Naftzger-Reynolds-Husak.
Unfortunate the auction tickets/written provenance did not follow the coin. If these were with the coin, I do not think you would be inclined to reholder. Very nice example.
End Systemic Elitism - It Takes All Of Us
In my experience, it’s hard to get PCGS to put three names on the holder. I’ve written out three before and only gotten two.
Latin American Collection
Redo the pedigree to “Chapman”.
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
Or just leave it alone, save some documentation, and worry about it if you ever decide to sell……
Or get it in a CACG holder with the better privenance.
How about choosing by not choosing: Naftzger-Reynolds-Husak-Random Guy-Renomedphys?
Maybe one day
Empty Nest Collection
Matt’s Mattes
No - especially considering the current market outlook.
Personally, As long as I had a documented history, I wouldn’t go through all the trouble of resubmitting to both PCGS and CAC. Not worth it, IMHO. Let the history and the quality of the coin speak for itself.
Sometimes, it’s better to be LUCKY than good. 🍀 🍺👍
My Full Walker Registry Set (1916-1947):
If you have OCD like most of us and one is a serious early copper collector, I think having a Naftzger provenance on the label is a big deal. Especially so if one doesn't have the accompanying envelope with his famous green ink notes.
"Got a flaming heart, can't get my fill"