Getting error on website when trying to add new coin to existing composite

I have been trying to add a new PCGS cert coin to an existing set. I can add it to my inventory, but then click on the "Report a Cert that should match this composite" and Im taken to a page that says Oops, Errors Happen!. I have emailed set registry several times and they said it would be looked into. That was months ago. Is set registry even a thing anymore. Im thinking about moving to NGC or just greating an Access Database but price updates will be unwieldy. Does anyone know whats happening??
I don't think PCGS even knows what's happening. It's gotten downright pathetic. I would have jumped to the NGC registry (actually started to) but they only "recognize" PCGS slabs of USA coins, so that dumps most of my collection at the doorstep. The Set Registry's service seems to be GREAT, if you can get someone to actually open and read your message, unfortunately it seems like only 1 out of 10 messages actually gets to its target successfully. I know a lot of users have talked about jumping ship, and I'm sure quite a few already have. From what I've heard, NGC's been having registry problems of their own (although nothing like PCGS) and with the lacking support of international, well, jumping ship doesn't really hold much promise, with nowhere to jump to. And, if I'm being honest, I bet EVERYBODY could leave the registry, and PCGS wouldn't even notice, so it's not much of a motivational threat either.
One of my upcoming submissions has a PCGS number that requires a phone call, something I don't look forward to waiting on. IF I actually reach a human, there's probably going to be some harsh words about how lousy the registry's gotten - I've got 30 or 40 coins here waiting to submit, with the sole purpose of growing my registry sets - but.... if THEY aren't going to support the registry, then why the **** should I??? They've got enough manpower to spam social media ruthlessly, so I find it hard to believe it's solely a personnel issue.
Having just spoken to our man at PCGS Registry (yes, there's only one person handling all the requests), he is swamped. He has committed to clearing out the backlog of requests this week. I wish him luck.
I reported the inability to Report a Cert on Dec 10 or 11 - I don't know how much longer it has been broken. While the powers that be are aware of it at PCGS, it is not clear what urgency there is in their IT departmeht to remedy the situation. I believe it is part of a larger poblem that includes our inability to access the Activity page. AFAIK, all other functions on the site are working correctly.
I am purely a U.S. coin collector, so have had no trouble putting up NGC and CACG sets. But each site offers different ideas of what should be included as well as what grading service's coins are acceptable. All have some difficulty handling a coin that wasn't originally included - but should have been (typically varieties of the base coin). PCGS was, IMHO, the easiest to use when it was working. CACG is the most difficult to get a coin added, but is the friendliest in my experience and really seems to try to respond. NGC has been the least willing to add varieties that they didn't originally include. So each has good and bad points. Hopefully all will improve and continue to offer their registry services.
Additionally, as I understand it, the NGC sets with PCGS coins do not qualify for their awards. I'd seen a reference to NGC giving out like $35K? I think? worth of prizes in their annual awards, a line item PCGS couldn't erase from their books fast enough, it seems, despite apparently charging more than NGC across the board for their services (admittedly, I don't have firsthand experience on that claim). PCGS has every right and reason to be the Gold Standard of set registries, instead they've made the decision to become sub-standard. If Emilio is the only one they've got left, man I really feel bad for the guy - we've all been in the overworked-and-underpaid position before - they could go a LONG ways in rebuilding some trust and confidence, or at the bare minimum, some understanding, if they'd publicly acknowledge their struggles, rather than pretending everything's roses and champagne over there, spamming our emails and social media accounts with tales of glory and amazement. Like, it's great that you've got ten people running your facebook account - maybe give one of 'em to the registry!
While I'll keep all my sets here and hope that they get their act together I've gone to MyCollect and bought my inventory over there.
So there is a place to go, try it, it's run by Ian of Great Collections
My Indians
Danco Set
just a note that the activity page is up and running as of this morning.
I hope that the CAC issues might have been resolved.
Kennedys are my quest...
Looks like it's got potential - although looks like it's primarily US stuff (at least so far) -- also looks like NGC and PCGS are "at par" which I guess remains to be seen if that's good or bad.
I talked to Todd a while back with this question.
Does a coin graded by Pcgs versus Ngc get more points when it is added to a set if they are identical in grade?
Todd Pollock's reply was,
Yes, PCGS CAC gets the most then PCGS/NCG CAC then NGC/CACG then ANACS. I am going off memory.
So from this, I believe that Pcgs and Ngc are not on "par" In MyCollect sets but do have different points associated by who the grader is.
I hope this is what you meant by par.
Kennedys are my quest...
Oh, OK -- yeah, that's exactly what I meant -- cool (cracked out a TON of NGC 70s to turn 'em into PCGS 69s over the years...or 68s...)
You got a link to the Great Collections Registry Site?
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set

You're going to like it over there, just don't knock me down on some of my sets
My Indians
Danco Set
Thanks for the link, I will check it out.
Bump. C'mon PCGS. So many coins are not included in the composites for registry sets (strike 1) and the link to add certs to a composite is broken (strike 2) and has been broken for over a month it appears (strike 3). Is the registry still important to you, or has it been thrown into the same "don't really care" bucket as Trueviews?
@PCGS_Hy in addition to Dan's comment above, there is also no longer a way to request new coins to be added to the composite (as there used to be).
Please...can anything be done other than telling us to email Set Registry? It MUST be easier to just fix the problem rather than do everything manually, listen to us (rightfully) complain, and steadily lose customers.
Is anybody listening???
@PCGS_Marketing @PCGS_Moderator @PCGS_SocialMedia @pcgs_social @HeatherBoyd
I don't think anybody actually believes PCGS cares about the registry anymore. At all :-( ALL of my submissions are 100% in support of building registry sets. Clearly our money isn't good enough for them anymore, either. [insert non-existent angry-emoticon here]
Couldn't agree more. Here you go;
According to PCGS there are over 148,000 registry sets for U.S. coins alone. My preliminary digging has deduced that there is only a budget for one guy to handle "requests". The "higher ups" could do something but so far they have not. Perhaps the LA fires have distracted them. Anyway, I keep getting emails about coins to add to my sets etc... This particular system is broken for the time being so I guess we just wait...
PCGS, I hope you are paying attention to the above listed comments, because I have identical concerns and am considering leaving as well...I developed an Excel spread sheet for Lincoln cents if anyone is interested.
I feel pretty safe in saying, they're not. Can't really blame the fires either, because the Set Registry has been circling the drain for far longer than the fires have been pertinent. Their social media only exemplifies their arrogance - their facebook page is a fire-and-forget cropdusting expedition, pure spam and propaganda with no monitoring or interaction (and apparently one shill who I'd speculate is the personal account of the one actually posting for the page.
The Set Registry is dead and PCGS does NOT care. @PCGS_Hy , you seem to be the only one interacting here every few months or so --- PROVE ME WRONG!!!
I got a moderator warning for that one (although they didn't delete the post, oddly enough) so I guess I'll throw a retraction in there that someone is occasionally paying attention here. The fact that they're still not addressing any of the problems, however, well... I guess I'm not allowed to make my own assumptions towards what that indicates, but, you're all free to make your own.