NGC and scuffed up plastic! Grrr.... 1864 2 Cent

I've heard about NGC plastic being stubborn when trying to remove scuffs but this is my first try at it.
I have this gorgeous 2 cent piece with some pretty good scuffage.
I barely noticed when I bought the coin last year at a show but once I got home and tried to take a couple photos, they jumped off the slab.
I took some Novus #2 Fine Scratch remover to it tonight and thought I made some progress... nope.
Feel free to guess the grade if you can see through all the chatter.
Details scratched? Lol
I've had good luck using a well-padded buffing wheel on a drill and a little Slab Renew.
Successful BST transactions- Bfjohnson, Collectorcoins, 1peter223, Shrub68, Byers, Greencopper, Coinlieutenant
Do they still make Slab Renew?
Just did a quick search and couldn't find it. Bummer, I'm on my last bottle too.
Successful BST transactions- Bfjohnson, Collectorcoins, 1peter223, Shrub68, Byers, Greencopper, Coinlieutenant
Dang, that sucks.
That was the best slab scratch remover I ever used.
I do have some very fine sandpaper (3000, 5000 & 7000 grit) if you would like to give it a try.
PM me and I will happily send you some.
In spite of the slab condition, it looks like a lovely coin.
I’d guess 64.
I wonder if those kits they sell to fix old headlights from all the micro scratches would work fixing the slab.
65 Brown with slightly muted yet pleasing luster.
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PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
Look up ‘plastic scratch remover’ on eBay and a few products come up that look like they might work. One is a German product called ACRYL that has apparently won several awards. $25 or so a tube but nothing ventured nothing gained…. Maybe try it on a really inexpensive scratched slab and see if it’d work. Good luck!
The Novus stuff is pretty good.
Collector, occasional seller
Try Meguiars PlastX
Works well, however NGC slabs are the hardest to remove scratches from
Still, a pleasing looking coin. 64 B.
I guess this is an example of why NGC made a big announcement one year at their Winter FUN luncheon that they were toughening up their plastic. Scratches are bad, but so is coins which rotate in the holder. That drives me crazy.
You sure it's not cat hair? A lot of cats around these parts. 😎 😉
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
The problem is that their plastic is "tough". PCGS scratches easily but also polishes easily. It is harder to scuff an NGC slab but also correspondingly harder to polish it.
Thanks for the comments. Looks like everyone can tell what a 64 Brown looks like. This one is CAC as well and really pretty under the lights. I will try the #3 Novus stuff next and see if I can keep working on those scuffs.
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I bet Phil would lite this coin up if it were photographed by him. You can see all the color on the surface.
Very nice coin.
Student of numismatics and collector of Morgan dollars
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I've posted these before. I also had great results with NGC slabs. You just need some elbow grease. NO heavy equipment!
Disclaimer: I'm not a dealer, trader, grader, investor or professional numismatist. I'm just a hobbyist. (To protect me but mostly you! 🤣 )
NGC slab repair
Should we be grading the holders like we grade the coins?
Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value. Zero. Voltaire. Ebay coinbowlllc
The NGC 2c - It’s a really nice coin - shame somebody did not take care of slab, store properly.