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1827 Capped Bust Dime w/ (1868) El Salvador C/S - A Unique Combination?

Interesting piece coming up at Stack's: https://auctions.stacksbowers.com/lots/view/3-1FNEFM/el-salvador-el-salvador-united-states-of-america-real-nd-1868-pcgs-ag-3-countermark-vg-details

EL SALVADOR. El Salvador - United States of America. Real, ND (1868). PCGS AG-3; Countermark: VG Details.

KM-Unlisted; Jovel-Unlisted. Issued by Decree of 28 September 1868. Countermark: Type V, arms of El Salvador within dentilated circular border. Applied to the obverse of an 1827 United States of America capped bust 10 Cents. An EXTREMELY RARE host country with few known examples for any denomination and the first we can recall handling. The countermark is bold and even on a well-worn host displaying attractive gray patina with areas of richer coloration amongst the devices. A real treat for the specialist for the chance to obtain such a rare and popular host country destined for an advanced collection.

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