There are bargains on eBay if you don't mind looking ::Arrived::

I have picked up what I think are some truly decent deals over the last few months.
Here is an auction I just won this evening.
Not a hugh score, yet for the price it offers collecting value:
Anyone else noticing a trend toward more and more deals on eBay (once you slodge through the tall weeds of junk)?
On a side note:
This wasn't one of those lucky BINs. This was a seven day auction and I was the single bidder.
never post a win until after you receive the winnings
That more or less applies to BIN rather than seven day auctions.
Everyone had a chance to bid on this one.
Although I do appreciate your concern.
I tend to look in only a few categories so I do miss some of the more random deals. I have missed out twice this year on gold that went for under spot because it wasn't properly described (once I forgot to bid more and the second time it was a relatively unknown problem coin and I figured it wasn't worth it unless it was more under spot then it went for). A few of the deals I have "won" were oddball slabs that were described as PCGS or NGC (seller would have done better actually calling the company by its real name). Otherwise, I have not really noticed any more items slipping by this year compared to the last few.
Congratulations Pat. Didn’t the 1973-P MS68 (pop 1/0) I recently won at GC for around $3,000+ come from the same album type under similar circumstances? It looks like you have some real “shot” winners in that group of coins. Best of luck and if you “make” a great coin, please give me “first shot”!
there was a decent looking clad toner in there (not so good pics in the listings)
Hope runs eternal.
I have yet to find a major score like the MS68 1973-P yet is sure is fun anticipating "this might be it this time!"
I've had some very good luck with ebay purchases. Of course there have been some losers too but overall I think I'm doing pretty well. There are indeed some bargains to be found.
My recent 1942 Proof cent that graded 66cam, population 16/8, was a raw ebay BIN purchase.
Collector, occasional seller
From what I can tell, the coins do not come with the album. What's for sale is the album itself, not the coins.
And perhaps that is what kept others away.
A quick question to the seller early on confirmed it is all that is shown.
If you ignore the photos, every other part of this listing indicates that @Barberian is correct. Also, it says that the seller is a top rated seller and the feedback looks pretty good. All of this leads me to believe the seller isn’t that naive, but I really hope I’m wrong 🤞.
Founder- Peak Rarities
That was a great deal. I am surprised no one else bid.
Not “perhaps”.
Just the few 40% silver coins were worth about the price of admission!
Just the price tells me you did better than getting few bank rolls at $60 to least this way you get a sneak peek. Good luck and I hope there are several good ones in the book.
Let us know if the coins are still in the album when it shows up.
it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide
Nice score. I am waiting for quite a few ebay bargains to grade.
I believe the coins are in the album, as shown.
Could be really nice.
I passed on this because of the unclear description. Glad it worked for you!
Congratulations on your purchase. Enjoying looking at the coins in the album.
If you do find a half dollar that, upon grading, is a top pop worth thousands of dollars it will be interesting to see if any forum member post to this thread a reply stating that you need to provide more money to the seller (to make things "fair").
Wow, that's quite the nice deal.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
Nice find!
@Braddick, if it turns out that @Barberian is correct and the seller doesn't include the coins then you have them on a technicality for a return --- the listing states "Album" and it is clearly a "Folder" instead.
Please keep us posted as to how this unfolds… pun intended
Experience the World through's more than you can imagine.
You guys are more optimistic than I am. I would never have expected it to have any coins in it.
Ebay has come in waves as far as I remember. Dry seasons of no deals lasting months, then a flood of cherrypicks. Haven't tied it to a particular time of year but it could be so.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Young fellow suffering from Bust Half fever.
JRCS #1606
Indeed, and I would save the seller communication that stated that the coins are included, as that would invoke the EBay Money Back Guaranty that includes shipping both ways.
Most of the better sellers make such an important distinction EXTREMELY clear by stating either coins are or are not included in unambiguous terms.
Top rated seller requires good behavior. I would not expect someone playing games with words being able to earn and hold that rating.
Shhhhhhh! You are supposed to say “only buy certified coins on ebay!”
I will be surprised if the coins are not included. Seller has previously sold albums which seem like coins were included.
After a cursory look, many of the coins are GEM+ and some offer attractive rim toning and/or PL surfaces.
I'll need to check each one closely to see if some are worthy of PCGS encapsulation (MS67 or better).
Next time you run across such a great deal tell me so I can buy it.
Congrats! Looks like a lot of fun to go through these!
Great, the coins were included and that means you did good.
Nice score. Curiously the silvers aren’t toned.
It is a joy to carefully remove these from this Dansco album and see pastel rings of color on the reverses.
I think these were placed in this album and never removed thus allowing for the toning.
Random example:
What a sleuth !
Nice score Pat ... when you take the time and ask the questions, you should be handsomely rewarded.
“We are only their care-takers,” he posed, “if we take good care of them, then centuries from now they may still be here … ”
Todd - BHNC #242
Well done
Love them.
Got a few Lincoln cent albums sitting on the shelf waiting for a deeper dive.
BST: KindaNewish (3/21/21), WQuarterFreddie (3/30/21), Meltdown (4/6/21), DBSTrader2 (5/5/21) AKA- unclemonkey on Blow Out
Woohoo, glad it worked out!
Founder- Peak Rarities
that's not a dansco
glad you got the coins
oooops on me!
That's a winner.
Wow! I'm delighted to be wrong. That's a "too good to be true" nice score!
Pat- see if you can sell me $2,500-$5,000 out of the album to update the story in January. lol. Happy to try to help you max out the great coins at PCGS if they only come back MS67.
Impressive - a truly great score! CONGRATULATIONS!
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
Thanks Mitch.
I know it is going to sound like I am joshing, yet really- the 1971-D appears MS68. Ownership adds a point. . . I know... I know, but truly, I gotta send that one in for sure.
(I am also aware it is the easiest date to come real nice.)
Many others are also worth the ride to PCGS.
I appreciate the warm comments from all.
eBay is hit and miss, both as a buyer and a seller.
Check out this auction- I was the seller- I had close at a price where I lost quite a bit:
(Keep in mind the Dansco album alone has sold for that closing price as it is a somewhat scarcer type.)
Congratulations! A fabulous looking set just looking at the pictures, I can't imagine how nice they look in person. Someone put in some time putting that set together.
it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide