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1964 & 1967 (P) Kennedy with possible partial collar error, does this add any value to coins?

Many years ago, I received the Uncirculated P & D 1964 Kennedy coin set as part of the Tidy House promotion. Recently, I started taking pictures of coins and became curious about the (P) coin's obverse and reverse, which has a partial collar error? I also noticed that the reverse exhibits machine doubling (MD) on the words "AMERICA" and "DOLLAR," as well as a bit on the eagle. Perhaps a better side picture of the coin would help clarify this? Additionally, I have another Kennedy coin from 1967 SMS that appears to have the same partial collar error on the obverse & reverse, with machine doubling evident in the phrases "UNITED STATES" and "DOLLAR." Anything special here, that adds

any more value to the coins? thnx


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