2000p nickel is this a cud or something else?

in Q & A Forum
Just not sure what caused these raised marks.
Just not sure what caused these raised marks.
Any one know what would cause these marks by the w in we. They look like raised claw marks kind of.
Post mint damage and not a cud.
Damage appears to be from the coin being circulated for 24 years.
Kennedys are my quest...
If the lines are raised then I'd guess feeder finger damage to the die.
It's raised though and the w is on top of it. it isn't cut or scratched the marks are raised and tapper into a point the rim isn't damaged either there is no indentation . I don't think this is post mint damage.
It is definitely raised above the field it starts at the edge of the rim and is even then tapers off next to the w.
It certainly is not a cud. Looks like damafge to me.
This won't get the same traffic as it would if it were in the US Coins Forum. Maybe @FredWeinberg or @seanq can be coaxed over.
The marks appear to be raised. Not a cud but gouges in the die. A legit error and very unusual!