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Nov 2024 Baltimore Show Observations .....and..... Iron Maiden(?)

lilolmelilolme Posts: 2,745 ✭✭✭✭✭

I have not been checking the Forum much lately but thought I would throw out a short Baltimore show happenings but caution I am not so good at them. Hope no one threatens to quit the Forum due to it (like one previous time :o ). :D

The dealer day (Wed.), which I am not so this is from the sideline, appeared to be quite active. The two rooms of tables stayed busy or occupied for most of the time up until it was time to go the official show on Wed. (5pm). A couple of people noted they had done some business on Tuesday at a hotel. I think this activity is a good sign but there are at least some areas that are a little soft from my limited perspective. I did notice that the rooms appeared less occupied as the tables did not extend or fill the room as much as previous but appeared more packed where they were. Then someone pointed out my lack of observation and that the tables were only 6 foot. :s That is why a table with two at it appeared more packed - because it was.

The PC grading from what I heard was very varied. Of course grading will almost always be varied but the grading comments just seemed more so this time. That is complaints about getting nothing, to make some up zero for twenty or one for twenty, to others noting some 'scores', that is big upgrade or a top pop, to others mentioning getting many grades or many or high percentage to crossover. So maybe it came down to 'the coin' being graded? I looked at the pcgs show schedule and it currently indicates that pcgs will not be doing on site grading at the next two Baltimore shows.

The show seemed fairly normal as far as attendance and activity (except for US mint, coming up next) but I don't ever track anything so this is just a general observation. I am sure there were varied results with the dealer tables but I didn't ask anyone this time.

The US mint and that gold coin. First I don't participate in this but for those who do, great. So I am not familiar with the products. Even before the show officially opened there was a small line from early bird types (and maybe a couple dealers). When the show opened the line did a tight zig zag in about a three table booth length in an open area in front of and to the side of the US mint booth. If someone were to launch a little stink bomb here they would have fumigated dozens of people. :) While this line shortened toward the end of the day (and final US mint sale) it did persist the entire day. I believe it was 500 units sold. Some got two coins and I was told that later in the day that they let people get back in line after purchasing one and then could purchase another but one at a time. This is what someone with two told me.

So early in the morning there was at least one dealer offering $200 over for a just purchased gold coin. By $200 over that is $200 over what they just paid. It was not long after that that we heard it was $300 over. I can't track it at all but in the afternoon I know some were paying $400 over and there was at least one very large 'group' buying. At the end of the day there were people throwing out numbers but I believe the actual high number was $500 over but can't confirm that. On Friday one person said that he knew of $600 over but I don't know for sure on that either. One dealer mentioned getting about 30 of them and I have no clue how many the large 'group' purchased. This reminded me of the ANA in Rosemont about 10 years ago when people where lining up outside the convention and spent the night out there to get that US product being sold the next day. There were some at Baltimore who were submitting them for grading at the show

I had noticed that the GACC show (initially Tampa and next Fort L.) or Shepard group had a table in the online Dealer list (708). However, when I found that location there was no one at that table and actually the table did not have a name or number. I didn't see Larry at the show either so not sure what happened. I will leave it at that for now.

While walking the show early looking for various stuff I ran across the Japan table and remembered seeing prior post on the forum. Looks like it was/is abbyme24 (noting she has a nice show report already listed). Talked to her for a few minutes and got the minimum of familiarity with the coins (at least more than nothing now) :) . A very nice table layout and similarly very easy to talk to. I would recommend if at a show seeking the table out.

Something I have noticed happening more and this just may be coincidence is people seeing a coin on a dealers website and then at the show asking to see this coin. Only to be told the dealer doesn't have that coin at the show. For multiple reasons a dealer may not bring or be able to bring all the coins on their website. So a recommendation is to contact that dealer (and this includes some auctions) and ask them to bring that coin you are interested in. And hopefully they do bring it or don't forget.

I actually found a couple thing to get while cruising around which is good as often it is nothing for me. Sometimes it is more about going for the enjoyment. However, I save the best for last, which falls into the enjoyment category, and that was the Iron Maiden on Tuesday night. Here are a few crappy cell phone photos. This was held at the arena that is only a three blocks up from the convention center. I think it is the old convention center.

https://youtube.com/watch?v=wwmUMvhy-lY - Pink Me And Bobby McGee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=D0FPxuQv2ns - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed

RLJ 1958 - 2023


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