Is this Bicentennial dollar rare worth 850K+?

So I’ve been reading online about a mint bicentennial coin worth 850k after looking at pictures online I thought I’ve seen it in my newly built collection. Is this the same coin?? Help me out if you don’t mind? Thank you
Explain if you can?
As Bill Murray once said " it just doesn't matter". As someone else once said " There is no free lunch". Take both quotes to heart
You have a normal business strike dollar.
Very helpful .
The rate coin is a proof coin missing the Mint mark. Yours is not a proof coin. It is a Philadelphia coin. Philadelphia coins do not have mint marks.
The approximate value of the OP coin is $1.05.
Welcome to the forum, good luck!
Stop wasting your time watching videos that claim big money can be made by finding "errors".
That's right. You should waste your time telling other people how to spend their free time.
If you are sincere in your desire for help, which I believe you are, then you should explain why each image is included and why you think your coin is the "rare" coin. Please note that stating "reading online about a mint bicentennial coin worth 850k" is not considered explaining why your coin might be rare and valuable. If you are not willing to do that then posts such as this are similar to someone dropping by your place of work or relaxation with a bunch of random stuff and asking you to value it for them.
The coin you posted is a generic, business strike coin that is common and worth a dollar or so. The rare coin is a proof without a mintmark.
In honor of the memory of Cpl. Michael E. Thompson
The computer now writes by itself
But put that crap back on the shelf
For every Millennial
With coins Bicentennial
Now thinks they are rolling in wealth
The good is that you take nice pictures.
The bad is that it is not a rare coin.
Kennedys are my quest...
@ @CoinRaz24
You may have found yourself a new career!
You take superb photos!