Collector coin: Error $10 gold New Orleans**sold

Looks strong proof-like in hand. Fantastic error coin that shouldn’t exist (QA was in place by 88). I call it the no stars version (play off 1796 $2.50). Hate to see it go, but I’ve located more rattlers for my collection so passing along.
I paid $4,100. Video available on request. Proper attribution will make this 1/1. Proof like, rotated die, grease filled die. Wonderful coin.
Love this coin!
So much going on
Great piece!
If you get it reholdered, be sure to get it weighed. The weakness is so regular from star to star and letter to letter that I would not rule out a tapered thin planchet without knowing the weight.
What did it sell for?
That $20 Pioneer was nice!
Unfortunately I was busy at the time and when I went back a couple hours later, she was gone.
Thanks for the heads up brother!