PCGS Your dropping the ball, Missing 2024 recognition and awards.

About 15 years ago I discovered certified coins and their corresponding registry sets. I started several sets at NGC and a few here at PCGS. After a few years of collecting and some issues with NGC I became disillusioned and stopped participating in the registries.
A little over a year ago I decided to sell the majority of my NGC coins, crossing the few that I thought enough of to PCGS slabs and built up a few dozen registry sets. PCGS has added a few variety sets for me as well as a 1956 UK mint set that I quickly populated.
Almost all the grading companies that didn't have registries have gone belly up, ANACS being one of the rare exceptions - though they've changed hands several times over the years.
I know I am not alone when I say, I could have put my collections together A LOT cheaper and perhaps enjoyed looking at the actual coins a little more outside of the large clunky slabs - but the exceptional record-keeping, fun competing, and recognition of my sets by the collecting community at large makes having registry sets worth the extra cost and inconvenience.
I will have paid a few thousand dollars in grading fees for coins that are worth a fraction of what it costs to ship and grade them. I know - for an absolute fact - that I am not alone when I look at the PCGS population reports.
I am not hopeful ( since this message board doesn't seem to get a lot of use anymore) that there are enough of us here to be heard, but if you feel PCGS needs to put a little more effort into recognizing and maintaining its Registry - this thread might be a place to make your voices heard. I know from experience that these posts get read.
I truly believe that PCGS is undergoing a restructuring with its organization.
Many of my registry set go to people (Paulina) are now working on the PSA side or have left for greener pastures and have not been replaced.
The pandemic has forced many people to work from home.
PCGS's bread and butter comes in creating new sets but this seems to be entirely in foreign sets.
Just look at all the new set releases and I would say that it has been over a year since a new American set has been created.
Maintaining yearly sets (Proof, Mint) has taken the back burner.
I had numerous calls in to the set registry to create the 2023 proof and mint set so that it would be eligible for the 2023 awards by the June deadline.
Emilio (welcome back) had it up it within hours when we last spoke about it (June 2024).
Pins, "Best of the Registry" award certificates, etc., to be mailed out, has no priority at all.
People must be in the physical office to take care of this.
My requests for the BOM awards will be a year old on December 8th 2024.
I have many more email requests that went or are unanswered.
I still feel that PCGS is the best TPG service out there and hope that they get these issues that are bothering so many of us, resolved.
Again, my statements here are only my opinion and have not been "leaked" by an insider. LOL
Kennedys are my quest...
PCGS has been circling the drain since 2020. Whether it's manpower, negligence, or apathy, I don't know, and as far the end user is concerned, it probably doesn't matter. There used to be a time when it seemed like their employees genuinely WANTED us to build great sets and were eager to help us do so. Now it just seems like senioritis has set in, and everyone there is just patiently waiting for someone to turn off the lights... I too have given 'em thousands of dollars for their services over the years, and have too much invested to jump ship now - I only hope I'm able to complete my sets before it sinks.
I agree with you that PCGS is the best TPG service. I like the way they grade the coins better, I like their registry better and I like their guarantee/service better.
When I was looking through my NGC coins to cross, I quickly realized only about a quarter of them were good enough to have a chance, and of those I tried I was lucky to get about half of them at the same grade ( I broke them out, so no possibility of bias on PCGS side). That isn't to say I don't have a few PCGS stinkers that wouldn't cross the other way, just a much smaller percentage, and several that would likely cross higher.
The registry here at PCGS is IMO Vastly superior to the NGC registry, where people have a few rare unobtainable coins (like the Mexican 5 centavos 1954 w/dot and its sister and can have the #1 Mexican nickel set without ANY other coins. Here, even with the weighting, almost all the #1 sets are fully populated (at least those that have a little competition).
Finally, the service and I know PCGS has its issues, but it was the NGC service that precipitated my disillusionment, I won't go any deeper than that.
Thanks for your feedback guys, hopefully a few more will chime in...
Concerns about the registry expressed here need to make it to someone who will listen and with the authority to help.
Stephanie Sabin is the President of PCGS. She has been at Collector's for a long time and collects Morgans and Saints. It would be really nice if she had an email, phone number, or if a moderator would make her aware of some of the registry collector's concerns here, as possibly things would change for the better.
I also noticed on the Collectors.com site, there are no job openings listed for PCGS; the main focus continues to be PSA. Yet there seems to be a lack of PCGS registry personnel actually in the Santa Ana office, and you can't possibly blame a pandemic from 4 years ago, as an excuse.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
If she truly was concerned about the direction of the company, she'd be at least periodically monitoring these forums for concerns -- or at a bare minimum, having the admins and/or moderators keeping an eye on things -- it'd be different if these were completely different entities, but as I understand it, PCGS, the Set Registry, and Collectors Universe are all under the same corporate umbrella, so there absolutely should be an open level of communication between those departments. Occasionally we'll see evidence that someone from within the company has noticed a posting and stepped in, but that's been pretty rare. Today marks 10 days since a rep told me my World Express submission was a bit delayed and that they added it to the "urgent" list, after spending a forgotten amount of weeks in the Encapsulation stage. Today, 10 days later, marks 10 WEEKS that they've had my World Express order, and it's STILL in Encapsulation. This isn't "a bit delayed" -- I'd call that "lost".
---In fairness, I've never seen or heard PCGS blaming the pandemic for their issues - but that's about the same time I noticed things REALLY taking a turn for the worst. If you listen to PCGS themselves, everything is wine and roses, there's no problems to be found anywhere at all, not even in the slightest
(Apparently there's no eye-roll emoji available here...)
I had a US Express order get stuck in Encapsulation for several weeks and then QA for two weeks because PCGS couldn't figure out the variety. It took many calls and emails to get it squared away, although they did eventually get it right. My fault, I'll never assume they can look at their own variety book and will send in highlighted copies of relevant pages as necessary.
Also, some large portion of PCGS's service levels plummeting are directly attributable to COVID staffing issues. There's also this ->
Per https://www.cdc.gov/museum/timeline/covid19.html :

My prior World Express submission had 26 coins total (All Australian silver dollars) with 3 or 4 that were new-to-PCGS. From me dropping it off at the post office, to me picking it up FROM the post office, was two weeks flat. This one has 30, also all Australian silver dollars, and I believe ALL of them are pre-existing PCGS numbers. If it was loaded with one-off's or something truly bizarre and unusual, I could see extra delays -- however, those (and yours) should have had their delays in the Grading and Authentication phase. For it to make it to Encapsulation suggests that either they were authenticated and moved to the next stage, or that their stage tracking system is fake.
PCGS was dropping the ball pretty bad by the time the awards came out (August or September, I think). Don't know if the going-private bit helped or hurt anything, but it could add some explanation for why so many good people apparently left.
I think you hit the nail on the head. Change in ownership.
I'll give them a year, if I don't see an improvement I'll dump my collection and start collecting raw coins again.
I trade stocks and one thing I've learned, when management changes and the company starts to falter, you cut your loses and move on. That said, I may regret giving them a year to sort things out.
Selling a stock is NO big deal! Dumping a slabbed collection and reverting to buying coins without authentication and increased grading disputes between buying and selling seems a bit like cutting off your nose to spite your face. Just saying.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
---understand, that link is nearly 4 years old -- I'll give 'em until my next membership renewal.
I submitted about 60 percent of the coins in my collection and most of my Mexican coins aren't worth what I paid to get them graded for the registry. I don't collect coins for a living, it's a hobby. I was once told the best way to make a million dollars collecting coins is to start with 2 million dollars.
From what I can see in the registries, I am not alone, The vast majority of Modern coins and Foreign Brass and copper coins cost more to grade than they are worth and the only reason anybody bothers sending them in is for the fun of competing in the registry. It sure isn't for the potential profits.
I know the deal went through a while ago, but I'm giving them some grace for the pandemic and all the nonsense that's gone on in the interim. I've done the same with some stocks I held onto that got creamed. Just recently started rotating out of the dogs.
I don't know where you got this information, I just checked and there are 8 job openings with coins or PCGS in the title:
General Manager, PCGS China
Apprentice US Coin Grader
Apprentice World Coin Grader
Marketing Manager, PCGS
Social Media Coordinator, PCGS
Photographer Coordinator, PCGS (5 Month Contract Assignment)
Photographer, PCGS
Processor, PCGS (Temp-to-Hire)
There are also some less specific openings (receiver, event manager, mechanical engineering, etc.) that probably also work with coins.
Young Numismatist • My Toned Coins
Life is roadblocks. Don't let nothing stop you, 'cause we ain't stopping. - DJ Khaled
Understood. I erroneously thought you’d be dumping many “Classic” coins and not Modern coins. Not that collecting Classic coins provides any assurance of a profit.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
I did not make it clear that I was referring to the PCGS Registry job openings, where we were discussing the need for additional support people. Graders, world marketing, photographers will not help the US Registry issues directly, but yes, they are ongoing requirements for PCGS as a whole.
Also, various openings are added and subtracted over time, but with Emilio working off-site and Paulina now at PSA, there needs to be more people working on the specific Registry issues. Perhaps hiring from internal, but the current support problem remains.
That said we did get a response from @PCGS_Hy in another post, and it does sound like some improvements are in the works.
My US Mint Commemorative Medal Set
Yeah, My only US coins are my two 20th Century typeset collections and while it was fun putting them together I was only able to submit a couple of the coins in those sets, and for me at least - a lot of the fun is in the hunt for raw coins and waiting for the grades. I'll repeat what I said earlier about that, it's pretty clear from the POP report, they grade a TON of coins that have no value outside the registry - or for that matter even in the registry ;0) including about a quarter of the submission that is in the mail back to me as we type.
Understood! Good luck.
My collecting “Pride & Joy” is my PCGS Registry Dansco 7070 Set:
If anybody is interested, I've been posting my submissions in the Showcase section under the FOREIGN COINS section. I just posted the submission I am waiting for the other day.
“Photographer Coordinator” (5 month contract). PCGS should make this position more permanent, imo. Maybe the 5 months is a trial.
“The thrill of the hunt never gets old”
PCGS Registry: Screaming Eagles
Retired sets: Soaring Eagles
1 1/2 years later and I STILL have not received my 2023 Registry Awards. 2024 is almost gone and none of my sets have 2024 banners posted yet.
I am afraid that at this point they are so far behind that they will never catch up and issue the pins and awards.
It is sad to see the Registry fall so far from the greatness that it once had.
So,,,,,, now do we want to talk about the fall in quality of The True-View photo service?
Seems its not a priority. Definitely a shame. The competition that it generates elevates top pop prices, and that helps float all boats.
Seems the registry has lost its shine, and am sorry to have to say that
It is not on the web site, but I got certificates today by Fedex. So they are out.
Which certs and what year?
Kennedys are my quest...
2024 Gold awards
Same here, two 2024 gold certificates. I guess that means my award/pin for 2023 isn't going to happen.
==> Name changed to forum handle was done by me. <==
Charles III Album
Charles III Portrait Set
Charles IV Album
Charles IV Portrait Set
Spanish Colonial Pillar Set
Did you have to request these certs or were they sent automatically?None of my sets even have 2024 Icons next to them yet.
Heck,,,,,, still waiting on 2023 awards.
I really wish PCGS would come on here and tell us what is going on,,,,,, are we going to get 2023 awards or not?
They are in severe avoidance phase. Anyone who has completed the Thomas - Kilmann test knows this is not a good position to adopt. But hey, bury your head in the sand and ignore us. When PCGS contact me for the yearly payment perhaps I will just ignore them and expect them to continue administrating my account and taking submissions from me? Seems to be the fashion.
Currently looking for Proof Half Sovereigns…….