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Certified Coin Album Pages. Eagle vs Encap

Alltheabove76Alltheabove76 Posts: 1,506 ✭✭✭
edited September 28, 2024 6:24AM in U.S. Coin Forum

As far as I am aware there are only two different options for album pages that hold slabs. Eagle and Encap. Both have limitations that make me want something better. Eagle pages are great for being able to remove your coin easily, but each slot has a band of plastic that goes across the center of the coin. It reduces visibility and is a bit of a visual distraction. Encap imprisons the slab where removing it is an annoying process.

I need a page that allows access to my coins, yet keeps them as visible as possible.

It seems to me that there could be form-fitting pages that had a slight opening on top or bottom to snap the coins in and out to solve this issue. Is there something out there I'm not aware of?

Note that the eagle photo is taken using photographers lighting and does not show the real life look of how reflective the band that holds them in looks.


  • ldhairldhair Posts: 7,213 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I went with the Eagle pages years ago. They were great at the time but after about 10 years they became very brittle and would crack/break when trying to remove a slab. I had to trash about 100 pages. The cost to replace them seemed to be a waste of money and I just started using boxes. Boxes saved a nice amount of space in the safe.


  • WAYNEASWAYNEAS Posts: 6,577 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I use the Lighthouse ENCAP brand certified holder pages in my albums.
    Over the years, I have cracked a few but am very satisfied with the product.
    The pages give a clear view of the slab and coin.
    The price though is ridiculously high and seems to elevate monthly/yearly.

    Kennedys are my quest...

  • Alltheabove76Alltheabove76 Posts: 1,506 ✭✭✭
    edited September 28, 2024 7:42AM

    @WAYNEAS said:
    I use the Lighthouse ENCAP brand certified holder pages in my albums.
    Over the years, I have cracked a few but am very satisfied with the product.
    The pages give a clear view of the slab and coin.
    The price though is ridiculously high and seems to elevate monthly/yearly.

    They sure aren't fun to get a coin out of though are they?

  • FrankHFrankH Posts: 943 ✭✭✭✭✭

    My long ignored idea was to have ...SLABS..... include a ....CAPSULE !
    Cert number on narrow insert that goes AROUND the capsule part.
    Then, otherwise normal slab.

    THEN...... Let slab company mfr. ALBUMS that would hold the ...capsules.

    Huh? Brilliant, huh? :)

  • johnny9434johnny9434 Posts: 28,112 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 28, 2024 8:55AM

    @Alltheabove76 said:

    @WAYNEAS said:
    I use the Lighthouse ENCAP brand certified holder pages in my albums.
    Over the years, I have cracked a few but am very satisfied with the product.
    The pages give a clear view of the slab and coin.
    The price though is ridiculously high and seems to elevate monthly/yearly.

    They sure aren't fun to get a coin out of though are they?

    somewhat :(
    (thank you johnny :) )

  • Alltheabove76Alltheabove76 Posts: 1,506 ✭✭✭

    @FrankH said:
    My long ignored idea was to have ...SLABS..... include a ....CAPSULE !
    Cert number on narrow insert that goes AROUND the capsule part.
    Then, otherwise normal slab.

    THEN...... Let slab company mfr. ALBUMS that would hold the ...capsules.

    Huh? Brilliant, huh? :)

    I think that would be cool. People would invariably lose the shells and they would need replacements and it would add a layer of difficulty in authentication. If all those issues could be overcome, I would be into it.

  • jesbrokenjesbroken Posts: 9,923 ✭✭✭✭✭

    I have had both the slab page holders and did not like either one when trying to remove or replace/add a slab. Pain! Probably stay with the boxes.
    I thought about taking a typical slab holder box and adding a slide on the bottom down the middle with a thumb lever on the side to raise individual slabs as you slide it forward. Would take a 3d printer to make the opposite of a top extender with the lever and slide attached to the bottom. Just never did anything with it. lol Also. someone with a 3d printer could make small tabs that slip on the top of the slabs to hold date/mm info. Just a thought.

    When a man who is honestly mistaken hears the truth, he will either quit being mistaken or cease to be honest....Abraham Lincoln

    Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.....Mark Twain
  • FrankHFrankH Posts: 943 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @Alltheabove76 said:

    @FrankH said:
    My long ignored idea was to have ...SLABS..... include a ....CAPSULE !
    Cert number on narrow insert that goes AROUND the capsule part.
    Then, otherwise normal slab.

    THEN...... Let slab company mfr. ALBUMS that would hold the ...capsules.

    Huh? Brilliant, huh? :)

    I think that would be cool. People would invariably lose the shells and they would need replacements and it would add a layer of difficulty in authentication. If all those issues could be overcome, I would be into it.

    EASY PEASY...... Order a new SLAB FRAME and put it back in.
    Or have it done by the slab company.

    The slab ID would be on the label surrounding the coin in the capsule. :)

    PM for addy to send royalties to.

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