2023 D American Women Quarter Jovita Idar, errors?

Acquired a 2023 D American Women Quarter Jovita Idar
, it looks like there are some errors "in Cod we trust" but hard to tell if my eyes are playing tricks on me.
How much is this quarter worth or is it only worth a standard $0.25?
That is the style. If you look closely, you can see the tail of the G.
Worth 25 cents.
Flagged (wrong forum)
Worth 25 cents.
Worth 24 cents due to inflation.
God bless all who believe in him. Do unto others what you expect to be done to you. Dubbed a "Committee Secret Agent" by @mr1931S on 7/23/24. Founding member of CU Anti-Troll League since 9/24/24.
No errors... Spend it
A spender 😪
Founder- Peak Rarities