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Recent Past Auction Lots - Engraved 1921 D mint Morgan and Reengraved 50c 1796

lilolmelilolme Posts: 2,697 ✭✭✭✭✭

A couple of past HA auction lots that I found a little interesting. One for price and the other for some noted expert reengraving. :)

First is the one on the price realized. I was watching this one thinking it might go well with another item I have. It is/was one of the Morgan dollars from the Denver mint and engraved denoting it as the 6th coin from the Denver mint.

I checked the older auction lots that are noted in the Heritage description. First one is the 9th Denver coin in an ungraded Regency holder and sold for about $11,900. on April 24, 2014.


The second one was shortly thereafter on June 5, 2014 and was noted as the 3rd Denver mint coin. It was/is in an NGC MS61 holder and sold for about $13,500.


So with the above I figured I would watch the current one (was on June 14, 2024 about 10 years later) and thinking it would go for a little premium over the other two. It was/is graded NGC MS65 (with cac) and had a nice look to it. Well I was out of the running before the live auction even began. Then more $$ came in on the live auction. It sold for just over $50,000. I guess I am not a very good estimator of what something like this might sell for. :)


The next auction lot was a 50c 1796 16 stars in a PCGS F15 holder. What caught my attention was part of the Heritage auction lot description which notes expertly reengraved stars. Hmmm.... in a PC F15 holder. Here it is and with the partial lot description. As noted in the lot description it has previously sold (with similar description).


The present 1796 16 Stars half dollar will satisfy collectors of any of the above persuasions. Except for expertly reengraved stars, the detail on the remaining design elements appears to be original. Liberty's hair and facial features are quite strong, and all of the dentilation shows. Indeed, only the lowest portions of the eagle exhibit a bit of weakness. The enhanced star detail is so well executed that it is quite easily overlooked. .....

https://youtube.com/watch?v=wwmUMvhy-lY - Pink Me And Bobby McGee
https://youtube.com/watch?v=D0FPxuQv2ns - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed

RLJ 1958 - 2023


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