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2024 ANA Show - Behind the Table

KliaoKliao Posts: 5,607 ✭✭✭✭✭

The big show came and went. I was excited to help out my LCS again set up at the show. Here's my perspective from the other side of the table.

We started on Monday, which was dealer day. We arrived late but it seemed like the room wasn't as lively as I remembered. Despite this, coins were moving. A lot of wheeling and dealing. Dealers were paying strong for quality material.

Public was let in starting on Tuesday. Everything was moving. From type coins to better dates and modern gold. The foreign material that we've brought was the most popular. Gold was moving despite the high price. However, there was very little to no interest on common date morgans up to 66 and graded silver eagles. It seemed like Standing and Barber quarters along with Mexican coinage were in demand given the number of requests we received.

To my surprise, Wednesday and Thursday were stronger than Friday. Some dealers expected this given how good the previous two days were. All dealers that I talked with said they had a very good show both on the retail and wholesale end. As usual, quality material was priced strong. Common morgans and walkers were a hard sell even back of wholesale rates.

Personally, it was a very fun show. Although I wasn't able to browse the entire show, I had a very fun time running around the bourse selling coins to dealers and collecting open invoices. Met @spacehayduke who had a very impressive inventory of beautiful coins. Also got to talk with @pursuitofliberty again who also introduced me to a couple more forum members which was fun.

The highlight of the show for me was attending my very first lot viewing. I've always been scared of going to lot viewing as I typically aren't planning on bidding on anything. But the boss wanted my take on a few coins that he wanted to bid on and I took the opportunity to hold some incredible coins. A few pictures below include an octagonal $50 Pan Pac, a couple proof morgans including an 1895 in DCAM, few pieces of early gold and a $4 stella. Never would I have thought I would be holding coins like these.

My only pickup for the show was a very pretty proof 1873 Arrows dime in NGC 64. Some quick pics from my phone that don't do it justice. @spacehayduke and I chatted about coin photography at the show and gave me a few tips that I'll be trying in the future.

The show basically marks the end of summer for me, and I'll be heading back to school in a couple weeks. :)

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