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A peek behind the curtain - GreatCollections photo technique?

BikergeekBikergeek Posts: 463 ✭✭✭✭✭

I collect little tiny things - capped bust half dimes - and most of my enjoyment of my set is via good high-resolution photos since the coins are locked away in a strong dark place down the road. So I strive to be a decent photographer myself, and appreciate others who take the time and share their work. Last year I posted about using mineral oil to improve through-the-slab photos, and got a number of good tips from other forumites.

In that same year, GreatCollections has really upped its photo game too. So I always look closely at their photos, whether I'm interested in a particular lot for purchase or just for study. I happened to spot a little anomaly on the 1834 LM-4 below - a bubble (or two) of an apparently viscous but optically clear fluid centered within the TA of STATES. (I wondered if it was a goiter on the plastic slab and went to the NGC cert page to see, but alas, that one's not photographed at NGC at all).

Take a look!

New website: Groovycoins.com Capped Bust Half Dime registry set: Bikergeek CBHD LM Set


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