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Set Registry question - Coin in use in all-time finest set

baddogssbaddogss Posts: 1,287 ✭✭✭✭✭
edited July 14, 2024 10:00AM in U.S. Coin Forum

Maybe someone here knows the answer to my question.
Can an all-time finest coin only be used in one set?
Where can I see which set it is in?

I started this set today "Eisenhower Dollars with Major Varieties, Circulation Strikes (1971-1978)"
The set shows any empty spot for the 1973-D, I own a 1973-D, it's in my inventory.
But, I can't add my 1973-D to the new set.

When go to the coin in my inventory, click details, view available sets.
The status for this coin is "Coin in use in all-time finest set ."

Thank you,
Here's a quick True View of one of my Ike's, not the coin in question though.

Thank you PCGS for the Forums! ANA # 3150931 - Successful BST with: Bah1513, ckeusa, coin22lover, coinsarefun, DCW, guitarwes, SLQ, Sunshine Rare Coin, tmot99, Tdec1000, dmarks, Flatwoods, Wondercoin, Yorkshireman
Sugar magnolia blossoms blooming, heads all empty and I don't care ...


  • EbeneezerEbeneezer Posts: 308 ✭✭✭

    If you own that particular coin, 36655739, you can request PCGS to notify the former owner on your behalf to correct it. This happened to me twice in the past. Nice Ike!

  • lilolmelilolme Posts: 2,658 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @baddogss said:
    Maybe someone here knows the answer to my question.
    Can an all-time finest coin only be used in one set?
    Where can I see which set it is in?

    I started this set today "Eisenhower Dollars with Major Varieties, Circulation Strikes (1971-1978)"
    The set shows any empty spot for the 1973-D, I own a 1973-D, it's in my inventory.
    But, I can't add my 1973-D to the new set.

    When go to the coin in my inventory, click details, view available sets.
    The status for this coin is "Coin in use in all-time finest set ."

    Thank you,

    I am really late to the game here but the "Coin in use in all-time finest set" can mean that the coin is in one of your 'retired sets'. You can use that coin in another set category but won't be able to use it in the same set category as the one it is 'retired in'. PCGS calls the 'retired sets' the All Time Finest.

    PCGS states that a coin can only be used in one set within the same set category. This includes active and retired set within the same set category. Contact PCGS it states. See below.


    https://youtube.com/watch?v=_KWVk0XeB9o - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Piece Of My Heart
    https://youtube.com/watch?v=D0FPxuQv2ns - Ruby Starr (from 'Go Jim Dandy') Maybe I'm Amazed

    RLJ 1958 - 2023

  • baddogssbaddogss Posts: 1,287 ✭✭✭✭✭

    @lilolme late or not, your reply was very helpful. I'll keep this in mind as I build my sets. Thank you.

    Thank you PCGS for the Forums! ANA # 3150931 - Successful BST with: Bah1513, ckeusa, coin22lover, coinsarefun, DCW, guitarwes, SLQ, Sunshine Rare Coin, tmot99, Tdec1000, dmarks, Flatwoods, Wondercoin, Yorkshireman
    Sugar magnolia blossoms blooming, heads all empty and I don't care ...

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