NEWBIE, need advice Is this cameo or proof?

in Q & A Forum
I am a newbie to this.T
his is my first post I found a 1968 and a 1982 D in the same role they both look like Cameo or deep Cameo?I will post the pictures I have this is the best pictures I could get without the microscope thank you for any advice you can give me
These are neither cameos nor proofs. They both are circulation strikes.
Just look like regular business strikes, I don’t see any sight of Cameo.
Circulated coins and not proofs.
Kennedys are my quest...
And they look to be harshly cleaned, too.
You might want to try posting better pictures. i know good photos of coins are hard, you just need a better phone or camera. My biggest problem with coin photos is getting the lighting correct. keep trying, you will figure it out. welcome aboard.
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