I Need help Identifying a 1826 capped half dollar with a back of an 1806 half dollar.

Hello, I have an 1826 Capped Bust half dollar with an 1807 eagle on back with no denomination. Not sure if it is fake. I can't find another one like it on the net. Has anyone seen a coin like this? The weight is 13.82g and size is 33mm. I think the weight is over weight for this coin and the size is .5 mm bigger in diameter than the specs for this coin. Could this be an old counterfeit coin? Thank you for any help identifying this coin.
In my post I meant to say that it has a eagle the back that belongs to a 1806 half dollar coin.
Thank you for making my Fri morning
Welcome to the forum. It looks like two coins of different designs were put together.
Look at the separation at the obverse border from approximately 6:30-10:00.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
It is more than likely a "sandwich" coin made by shaving off one side of two different coins. Then scooping out the silver and replacing it with some other base metal. After that they would solder or glue the two halves back together and work on the edge to hide the seam.
Check the weight...I would bet it is off by more than what the normal wear would account for. Also check the edge. This should be a lettered edge coin that says "Fifty cent or half a dollar".
Go to Early United States Coins - to order the New "Early United States Half Dollar Vol. 1 / 1794-1807" book or the 1st new Bust Quarter book!
As Mark has pointed out...the inset seam is visible on the obverse side...
Go to Early United States Coins - to order the New "Early United States Half Dollar Vol. 1 / 1794-1807" book or the 1st new Bust Quarter book!
Thank you for your comments.
I was thinking that it maybe a magic coin. The coin does not seem hollow. Its weight is 13.82 grams. It is not magnetic.
My coin looks to be an off-center strike on the obverse. It looks like the image is shifted right causing this to look like a seem. I put it under a microscope and the line disappears on the other side of the obverse.
I have tried putting it into a shot glass to try to bang it apart with no luck. I was hoping that the sides of the shot glass would hold the coin while I bang out the other side. I have also put it into a glass and shook it around with no luck. Not sure how to get it apart if it is a magic coin.
I noticed some more things about the coin. The front and back seems to line up which I think gives more credence that the coin is not a magic one.
I have looked around the edge of the coin and it has a boxed with a line thru it, stars, circle with a dot and wording *FIFTY CRNTS ** OR ** Half ** A ** OLLAR **
The weight of my 1826 half dollar coin is 13.82 and the coin should weigh 13.48. Also the diameter of my coin is 33mm and it should be 32.5mm.
The more I dig into this coin, the more of a mystery it is. I would think that if it is a magic coin, the diameter should be 32.5mm and not 33. Both coins the 1806 and 1826 are 32.5mm. I think that if someone hollowed out the 1806 front and fit the 1826 front into the 1806 coin, it should be 32.5mm diameter. That is if two coins were put together.
I believe this is a poor (Chinese) counterfeit. Date is wrong, letters and design and mushy.
Collector of Capped Bust Halves, SLQ's, Commems, and random cool stuff! @davidv_numismatics on Instagram
Thanks - I hadn’t paid much attention to the date.
Mark Feld* of Heritage Auctions*Unless otherwise noted, my posts here represent my personal opinions.
The weakness in UNITED makes me believe it is a cast counterfeit altogether, not genuine coins.
"But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33. Young fellow suffering from Bust Half fever.
JRCS #1606
I see what you mean about the date. The numbers look different.
My coin
A real coin.
So a worthless Chinese counterfeit?
I posted the same image
My coin
Real coin
Thank you everyone for solving this mystery for me!
I am curious where you obtained this one? I have documented several different dated CN counterfeits with this same reverse of 1806 but not with this obverse!

? Am I seeing this (yellow arrow) as a common 'feature' on all three?
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yq4KA0mUnC8 - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox
https://youtube.com/watch?v=m3lF2qEA2cw - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox
RLJ 1958 - 2023
My Coin Week article on the previous "family":
My father picked it up at a flea marked about 30 years ago. He recently gave me this coin with others. I was going thru the coins and found that this coin was different.
It does appear that that anomaly pointed out with the yellow arrow is a common feature on these coins. Whoever counterfeited those coins must have done mine as well with that same die.
If it is a rare counterfeit with the different obverse, could it be worth some good money?
My coin also shows the same arrows as your example in your article __"And of course, a twist! There is evidence of re-engraving of the arrows, probably to repair damage to the genuine example."__
No doubt in my mind that the same person made my coin as well.
Hard to understand how yours is that old, as the ones in my article are pretty recent. and yes, there was a damaged source 1806 coin that was repaired to make the dies for these.
These really aren't rare, I honestly never looked for one like yours before now. It is only worth what someone collecting or researching these is willing to pay. Message me if you want to turn it lose!
it's a knockoff counterfeit
it is not collectible
Just out of curiosity, does it "ring" like a solid coin or go "clunk?"
I compared the sound with a Kennedy half dollar and it seems the same. It does have a ring to it.
Another thing I have noticed about the coin verses the article is that my coin seems more circulated wear than the article. Maybe my coin was circulated for awhile and no one knew it was fake?
They artificially "wear" them...
At the top of the US Forum is a Resources thread. In the first post is a list of resources. Down past the denominations is the Counterfeit and it has this pdf link showing some stuff (like how much of it) on them.
Scanning through about half way down I see an 1803 with some of the same 'features' on it.
Link to Resources thread:
https://youtube.com/watch?v=Yq4KA0mUnC8 - Dream On (Aerosmith cover) via Morgan James & Postmodern Jukebox
https://youtube.com/watch?v=m3lF2qEA2cw - Creep (Radiohead cover) via Haley Reinhart & Postmodern Jukebox
RLJ 1958 - 2023
Sorry, didn't happen. This is a modern counterfeit.
I checked with my father again about where he got this coin. He said it was before 1991. Maybe he is wrong but, that is what he remembers.
It is OK, I know that it is a fake no matter when he got it, and it is worthless. Thank you to everyone for your comments.
I am disgusted as I know many of you are about the counterfeits coming out of China. I remember an old song for these people in China that is a wish to them from me "May the bird of paradise fly up their nose, may an elephant caress them with his toes, may their wife be plagued with runners in her hose, May the bird of paradise fly up their nose".
During the 2010 to 2015 time frame I saw several of these fakes on eBay (I was looking everyday for rare varieties), along with the 1806 T-15/O-109 no stem copied reverse paired with several dates that @ burfle23 posted. I believe they were counterfeited around that time, as eBay gave an easy channel for the foreign counterfeiters to sell their fakes without any enforcement of counterfeiting laws.